The court has heard how, in a delinquent pattern that echoes the online radicalisation of would-be jihadists, his hateful white supremacism was fuelled by an internet search for “black on White crime”. He seems to have completed his own deranged manifesto, in which he described African-Americans as “stupid and violent”, on the afternoon of the atrocity. The jury watched the cold, even flippant confession he made the following day. “Well, I killed them, I guess,” he said.
事件発生当時、どのような「否定論 denialism」が横行したかといったことは、別個、ブログに書き留めてある。それを書き留めておいてよかったと思う。それから1年半の歳月の間に、書き留めていたことすら忘れていたが。
One by one, those who chose to speak at a bond hearing did not turn to anger. Instead, while he remained impassive, they offered him forgiveness and said they were praying for his soul, even as they described the pain of their losses.
“I forgive you,” Nadine Collier, the daughter of 70-year-old Ethel Lance, said at the hearing, her voice breaking with emotion. “You took something very precious from me. I will never talk to her again. I will never, ever hold her again. But I forgive you. And have mercy on your soul.”
殺害された牧師さんの葬儀には、「アメリカの黒人で初めて大統領となった」バラク・オバマ大統領も参列し、非常にパワフルな言葉をささげ、Amazing Graceを歌い、黒人教会のあの調子で、殺された人々の名を高らかに唱えた。
Dylann Roof found guilty on all counts in Charleston church massacre trial
By Dustin Waters and Mark Berman December 15