しかしジョンソンは、4月5日(日)になっても症状がおさまらないとの理由で、ロンドンの病院(後にセント・トーマス病院であることがわかる)に搬送された。このときは "routine tests" を受けるためだと説明されていた。そういった言葉をネットで見ながら私は、「まだ治療法が見つかってもいない病気について、"routine" とは何なのだろう」と思っていたが、BBCの記事に出ていた医療の専門家の説明では、肺炎の検査(たぶんCTを取るとかそういうの)のことをそう呼んでいるらしかった。まあ、それはroutineといえばroutineなのだろう。医者も検査技師も看護師もみながっちがちの防護服姿であれ何であれ。ジョンソンの入院は、女王のTVメッセージが終わった直後だったという。
So... Raab just repeating again and again briefed line that Johnson is in 'good spirits' and in touch and getting regular updates on what's happening
— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) April 6, 2020
Boris Johnson tells us he's keeping in touch with his team, but he hasn't spoken to his 2nd in command, Dominic Raab, since Saturday. #PressBriefing #Covid_19 pic.twitter.com/CVE1YnbtZO
— Haggis_UK 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 (@Haggis_UK) April 6, 2020
So Raab chaired today’s COBRA meeting without any reference or deferral to the PM at all. He’s therefore in charge. https://t.co/4sH9AiApPj
— Tim Walker (@ThatTimWalker) April 6, 2020
So Raab last spoke to Johnson on Saturday. If he meant not in person, that feels like a while ago given he is apparently running govt from hospital. But did he say in person? That seems really odd given Johnson isolating. Am genuinely confused.
— Jess Brammar (@jessbrammar) April 6, 2020
ラアブはdesignated survivor https://t.co/RHDc0g5Hdr (@yunod さん、解説助かります)だから、感染者とは接触していないのは当然として、ジョンソンがin good spiritでin chargeなら、安全な回線の電話でつなげて話くらいはしていそうなものだが、入院前の土曜日に話したっきりと。Confusingですよね
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
— 優 n o D (@yunod) April 6, 2020
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
— yoko aoki (@yokoaoki) April 6, 2020
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has coronavirus, has been taken to intensive care https://t.co/hQClxR7lRt
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) April 6, 2020
https://t.co/H81kOwrvPx BBC速報。英首相ボリス・ジョンソンが集中治療室入り。 h/t @yokoaoki
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
— Machadaynu (@musicyear2000) April 6, 2020
そうだそうだ! 生きて帰ってこい、無残にクビにしてやるから。
— yoko aoki (@yokoaoki) April 6, 2020
TwitterでUnited Kingdomを見ていると、見る見るうちにTrendsのハッシュタグとワードに、この驚きの(だが多くの人がラーブの言動から感じ取っていたに違いない)展開に関する言葉が上がってきた。
https://t.co/BWyq3eP95T #PrayForBorishttps://t.co/NBoHUWD6YB #GetWellBoris pic.twitter.com/nz6hKeQEOH
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, @BorisJohnson is the leader of our United Kingdom. This is absolutely awful news for the country. Here’s hoping he pulls through & makes a full recovery. 🙏#PrayForBoris pic.twitter.com/5EpslbT38m
— Liam Calland (@yorkshireguy) April 6, 2020
Praying tonight for the Prime Minister − and for everyone in hospital facing this virus at the moment 🙏🙏🙏 #PrayForBoris
— Stephen Foster (@SteveFosterldn) April 6, 2020
Not overly keen on Boris Johnson, but I hope he pulls through. Same goes for all of those who've got this horrible disease. #getwellsoonboris #PrayForBoris
— TashaLouLou's Tears 🇬🇧🇳🇿 | 🇨🇭🇮🇹 (@eurotasha) April 6, 2020
It *is* possible to wish Boris well for his recovery without having to #BackBoris politically. I completely disagree with his politics and the circumstances around testing but ill health is something that nobody deserves to experience or have wished upon them. #GetWellBoris
— Conor O'Brien (@ClinPsyCon) April 6, 2020
Opponents of Johnson are accused of using his illness for political capital, but #BackBoris is is doing exactly that.#GetWellBoris, then acknowledge that your failures to prepare for coronavirus and act in time are killing thousands. So do the decent thing and resign.
— Nick Reeves #FBPE #RuleOfLaw (@nickreeves9876) April 6, 2020
BBC News - Coronavirus: Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as symptoms 'worsen' https://t.co/2RtSXBWZIn しばらく "in good spirit", "still in charge", "will be out of hospital soon" と言い張っていたが、やはり。 pic.twitter.com/xhI0z2XVJs
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
Coronavirus: Boris Johnson taken into intensive care – live updates https://t.co/lLjiAwcvWn 病院はセント・トーマス。 pic.twitter.com/i0A5S6Bk46
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
https://t.co/w1ZzQYFpr4 'A No 10 spokesman said: Since Sunday evening, the prime minister has been under the care of doctors at St Thomas’ Hospital, in London... Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the prime minister has worsened and, on the advice of his...
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
'... medical team, he has been moved to the intensive care unit at the hospital. The PM has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab... to deputise for him where necessary. The PM is receiving excellent care, and thanks all NHS staff for their hard work and dedication.'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
Terribly sad news. All the country’s thoughts are with the Prime Minister and his family during this incredibly difficult time. https://t.co/9Eh4ktiqTw
— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) April 6, 2020
Praying for the Prime Minister’s swift recovery tonight. @GSTTNHS has some of the finest medical staff in the world, and he couldn't be in safer hands.
— Mayor of London (gov.uk/coronavirus) (@MayorofLondon) April 6, 2020
So sorry to hear that @BorisJohnson is now in intensive care. This is very worrying news. Thoughts and prayers with Boris, @carriesymonds and all their family. This is such a terrible virus that we all must take seriously. Get well soon Boris, look forward to you being back.
— Ian Blackford (@Ianblackford_MP) April 6, 2020
Thank you Ian. X https://t.co/xHDTGawVsL
— Andrea Leadsom MP #StayHomeSaveLives (@andrealeadsom) April 6, 2020
Just heard that Boris Johnson has gone into intensive care. I send him and his family my best wishes and wish him a speedy recovery.
— John McDonnell MP (@johnmcdonnellMP) April 6, 2020
My thoughts and prayers are with @BorisJohnson and his family as he continues to receive treatment in hospital.
— Theresa May (@theresa_may) April 6, 2020
This horrific virus does not discriminate. Anyone can get it. Anyone can spread it. Please #StayHomeSaveLives
So sorry to hear this. Very very best wishes for a full and strong recovery @BorisJohnson https://t.co/HcOBrncpdG
— Rory Stewart (@RoryStewartUK) April 6, 2020
労組Unite the Unionの事務総長(ジョンソン保守党とは犬猿の仲)も。
My very best wises to @BorisJohnson tonight, and to all his loved ones. This is an agony that so many families across the country are going through and we send them all our thoughts and solidarity.#Solidarityhttps://t.co/fN4oguKolz
— Len McCluskey (@LenMcCluskey) April 6, 2020
Sending all possible best wishes to @BorisJohnson and his loved ones. I know he will receive the best possible care from our amazing NHS.
— Matt Hancock (@MattHancock) April 6, 2020
Boris Johnson is taken into intensive care. Please, let him be OK. Let every single person in these wards be OK. This is not politics. This is human life.
— Dr. Jennifer Cassidy (@OxfordDiplomat) April 6, 2020
This virus is taking anyone and everyone. No life deserves to be taken from this. Not one. https://t.co/YY5ecKYYzT
Everyone in Ireland is tonight wishing @BorisJohnson well. This is a difficult time for the UK and it’s Govt. We in #Ireland wish the PM a speedy recovery. 🇮🇪 🇬🇧
— Simon Coveney (@simoncoveney) April 6, 2020
The UK govt's claim yesterday that Johnson was going to hospital as a "precautionary" measure was obvious BS. But this is the absolute worst time for credibility destroying stunts.
— Dan Murphy (@bungdan) April 6, 2020
Some "routine checks" on Sunday night.
— Peter R. Neumann (@PeterRNeumann) April 6, 2020
! They're putting out that he's been put in an intensive care unit as a "precaution." Nuts AND political malpractice. https://t.co/O9e8sLZT7d
— Dan Murphy (@bungdan) April 6, 2020
Boris Johnson has been moved to an ICU after his condition worsened, Downing Street has said.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) April 6, 2020
It is understood that he remains conscious, and that the move is a precaution in case he requires a ventilator.
Sky's @BethRigby reports.#COVID19 latest: https://t.co/6fmNzMNH1J pic.twitter.com/NsnQZGoXiD
It's nuts. It's Soviet Union style comms.
— Peter R. Neumann (@PeterRNeumann) April 6, 2020
Watching coverage of Boris being moved to ICU can’t help to think about @Aiannucci Death of Stalin. Wish Boris speedy recovery and all but, man, these #covid18 lies won’t be easy to recover from...
— natalia antelava (@antelava) April 6, 2020
— natalia antelava (@antelava) April 6, 2020
I was going to watch Death of Stalin but that might be in bad taste now
— Stephen Porter (@644Steve) April 6, 2020
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) April 6, 2020
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