https://t.co/Z8kxYygk2Z 来たか……しかしこのタイミングで来るかね。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 2, 2019
TELEGRAPH: Bloody Sunday veterans set to be charged with murder #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/3aOcrtly5c
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) March 1, 2019
posted at 16:13:32
posted at 16:16:45
サヴィル報告書は全部で数千ページもあるし、 (see www.gov.uk/government/pub… )、ウィキペディアでは簡略化されすぎている (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Su… ) が、ウィキペディアでソースになっている報告書公表当時(2010年)の報道記事を読めば報告書の重要なポイントはわかる。
posted at 16:29:30
posted at 16:29:31
Judge orders extradition of John Downey over double murder charges www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-… "Downey, 67, whose trial for the IRA’s London bombing collapsed in controversy five years ago, is wanted by prosecutors in NI over the 1972 murder of two UDR soldiers in Enniskillen."
posted at 17:07:25
RT @ColmDore: 'Veterans' is a word with remarkably benign connotations. It is notable that @Telegraph used it in this headline (rather than, for example, 'troops', 'Paras', 'soldiers', etc.). twitter.com/DarranMarshall…
posted at 20:54:42
RT @IrishTimes: Bloody Sunday: Ex-soldiers reportedly set to be charged with murder www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/i…
posted at 20:57:01
そしてこのタイミングで、「北アイルランドでレガシー(過去)という問題を扱うには、被害者と加害者の区別が必要」という、この10年ちょっとの間に行なわれた交渉や提言をいちいちストップさせ膠着状態に追い込んできた点について、DUPのアーリーン・フォスターが発言。この人は自分が乗っていたスクールバスがIRAのボムの被害にあいかけるなどしていて「被害者」の側にいるし、実際彼女が被害者の立場だったことに異論を持つ人はいないだろうと思うのだが(「だがDUPは憎悪煽動の加害者だろう」という反論というかつけたしはありうるだろうが、「被害者」「加害者」はゼロサム・ゲームではない)、北アイルランド紛争全体を見る場合、誰が「加害者」で誰が「被害者」ということはそんなにスッキリ割り切れるものではない。フォスターとは逆の側で、英軍兵士に撃たれた市民は「被害者」であり、英軍を襲撃しようとして撃たれたIRAのメンバーは「加害者」(英軍は自衛)であるとして、攻撃を仕掛けている最中ではないときに、あるいは/および非武装の状態で英軍兵士に問答無用で撃ち殺されたIRAのメンバーは「被害者」なのか? イングランドでIRAがボムったパブで飲んでいた英軍兵士を「被害者」と位置づけるなら、非武装の状態で撃ち殺されたIRAも「被害者」だろう。むろん、フォスターはそういった議論がなされてきたことを知っている。知っていて、この発言だ。
Foster calls for distinction between 'victim and terrorist' in new legacy proposals https://t.co/WeF8XwwaYb 'It was announced this week that the Department of Justice (DoJ) would release £55m to fund a unit to speed up the process of hearing inquests into 93 Troubles deaths.'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 3, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 3, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 3, 2019
'"The Victims Strategy published in 2001 by the then OFMDFM used a victim definition that made no distinction between innocent victim and terrorist. This definition was then placed in law in the Victims and Survivors (NI) Order 2006. The *DUP opposed this*," Mrs Foster said.'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 3, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 3, 2019
そして「誰が加害者だったのか」という問題に深くかかわっているロイヤリストと警察の関係に関する調査報道をすると、ジャーナリストが警察に逮捕・尋問されるっていうのが北アイルランドの現実。 https://t.co/PeRMGdphEN しかも口封じしようともしてる。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 3, 2019
この話になるとまたどんどん膨らんでいってしまうが、このジャーナリストたちのドキュメンタリー映画、No Stone UnturnedはAmazon Primeで見られるので、そちらをご覧いただきたい。
ノー・ストーン・アンターンド (字幕版)
Let me tell you about a country where press freedom is under threat. It’s a place where journalists have been arrested after embarrassing the establishment by obtaining documents which suggest police collusion in the cover-up of six murders. It’s the UK. https://t.co/2Vewpvr30R
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) March 2, 2019
Before last summer’s arrests I hadn’t heard about No Stone Unturned and the claims about Northern Irish police in the film. But since the police raids I’ve learned it’s easily available to buy on YouTube/iTunes and Amazon Prime members can watch for free: https://t.co/cnO5InxPfC
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) March 2, 2019
Stand for press freedom
— Amnesty Int'l NI (@AmnestyNI) March 2, 2019
Stand for freedom of expression
Stand with arrested journalists @Barry_TheDetail & @trevorbirney
Send them a message of solidarity now: https://t.co/93xxSZVX2d
I drove up to Belfast to record a podcast with Trevor and Barry last December. Well worth a listen. #JournalismIsNotACrime#NoStoneUnturnedhttps://t.co/iZdvomgkBEhttps://t.co/h6VJfLQDeL pic.twitter.com/hVmdXvkgnK
— Tony Groves (@Trickstersworld) March 2, 2019
Today in NI Politics:
— Brendan Harkin (@brendanjharkin) March 4, 2019
The people who've been telling you that women should go to prison for terminating pregnancies have decided shooting an unarmed person in the back with a rifle should not carry with it a custodial sentence.
"Welcome to post-conflict justice and reconciliation, where the rules are made up and the victims don't matter." pic.twitter.com/3iEsfgltfG
— Brendan Harkin (@brendanjharkin) March 4, 2019
It says, "if you murder 14 unarmed civil rights marchers you should expect to be prosecuted". pic.twitter.com/0E7FEWHNwu
— Colum Eastwood (@columeastwood) March 3, 2019
Don't shoot innocent civilians, just a thought. https://t.co/2g9vv9i5Uf
— David McCann (@dmcbfs) March 3, 2019
There is a vast chasam between Nationalist Ireland and Middle England on the issue of prosecuting soldiers. On Bloody Sunday Boris Johnson is merely articulating popular opinion. Remember the Lee Clegg case.
— Brian Williams (@BriW74) March 4, 2019
Yes but as UK is apart of the world order, regardless of Brexit, the world is watching and regimes around the world can point to sh*t like this as UK politicians saying one thing and saying another - killing your own people because 'security' and 'terrorism'
— Bo Diddley Dobbin (@DaddyPobbin) March 4, 2019
Boris Johnson's column on Bloody Sunday stands up very badly against David Cameron's 2010 statement to the Commons. (Cameron against prosecuting too) Johnson notes thorough inquiries held, but he demonstrates no knowledge of nor interest in what they found https://t.co/v7F70K56hw
— Sunder Katwala (@sundersays) March 3, 2019
Good summary of key findings in Cameron's speechhttps://t.co/IB5yNFNpIz
— Sunder Katwala (@sundersays) March 3, 2019
Also herehttps://t.co/5SKY0tmSQh
But the case against these prosecutions from 1972 in 2019, not passage of time, but that peace in NI has involved many trade-offs of peace/justice, does seem persuasive.
そしてジョンソンのこういう発言と同じタイミングで始まっていたのが、デリーの「ブラッディ・サンデー」の約半年前にベルファスト西部のバリーマーフィーで起きた、ほぼ同種の「英軍による非武装の民間人の殺害」についてのインクェストである。ちなみに1972年1月30日のデリーも、1971年8月9〜11日のベルファストも、銃撃を行なったのは同じ部隊 (1 Para) だ。
A priest called the British Army to plead for help to protect Catholics in Ballymurphy from attacks from their Protestant neighbours, just half an hour before he was shot dead, the inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre has heard. https://t.co/6HGgA83cTC
— Irish Republican News (@repnews) March 4, 2019
Bloody Sunday: Tense wait for soldier prosecution decision https://t.co/c898YH1xV1 By Peter Taylor. 'John Kelly, whose brother Michael was shot dead at a barricade in Rossville Street, told me: "Murder is murder, no matter how long ago it is. Justice has to be seen to be done."'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
'All those years ago, I also interviewed a soldier known as Sergeant O... "We were under fire. We started looking for targets and started dropping them. Shooting them. The mood between the blokes was not elation but a job well done."' ずっと繰り返されてきた嘘。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
'Meeting him again as the decision on prosecutions grew ever nearer, he remained consistent with what he had told me before" 13人は全員無辜の市民と結論したサヴィル報告書が出たあと、テイラーは「兵士O」と再び対面した。兵士Oは「*一部*無辜の市民が死んだとのことで考えが変わった」と
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
テイラーが、サヴィル卿は犠牲者全員が無辜の市民だったと結論したと指摘すると、兵士Oは「サヴィル卿の言ったことなんかどうでもいいんですよ。あのときあの場にいなかった人なんだから」と応じた。(これが「否定」#denial と呼ばれるもの。対極にあるのは「肯定」ではなく「事実」)
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
("対極にあるのは「肯定」ではなく「事実」" なんてうっかり書くと、ポストモダーンな相対主義者から突撃されそうだな。まあいいや)
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
'I asked if in the light of the inquiry's findings, it was still his view that it was a job well done.
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
"Yes," he said.
Does he feel any guilt at what happened?
"No," he replied and said he would do exactly the same again.'
これが「否定 #denial」と呼ばれるもの。
ボリス・ジョンソンなどは明確にこちらの側(「否定」者の側)に立ってるわけですよ(ジョンソンにはいつものことだけど、無知ゆえうっかりやらかしているわけでなく、しっかり計算して考えてやってる)。そのために、誰にも反論できない「IRAの暴力」を持ち出して。 pic.twitter.com/Fg0WMxThor
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
https://t.co/HSolci6Xbg しかもこういう感じで。つまり「テンプレ対応」、「ポジショントーク」の類。中身なんかない。でも現実を決定付ける。ボリス・ジョンソンのやってきたことはいつもそうだった。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
https://t.co/c898YH1xV1 Gen Sir David Richardsの発言。"Bloody Sunday was part of a war." IRAが求めてきた「戦争」という認定を英軍が与えるとでもいうのだろうか。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
Bloody Sunday: Ex-para's comments condemned as 'cold and brutal' https://t.co/YYTPiFl9Mc 匿名でいる権利に守られて「O」としか呼ばれない銃撃者の #denial の言葉に対する反応。'Kate Nash, whose 19yo brother William was shot dead described the soldier's comments as cold and as a lie.'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
'Lord Saville's official inquiry into the killings concluded that all victims were innocent and posed no threat. The paratroopers, he said, lost their self-control and fired without discipline.' だから英国政府トップが "unjustified and unjustifiable. It was wrong" と明確に認めた。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
Not using the military for domestic policing is pretty much the first principle of both policing and the military.
— James Ball (@jamesrbuk) March 6, 2019
Gavin Williamson‘s ambition is only matched by his imbecility. https://t.co/eyEJHLfRXO
With what? Tanks? If the descent of British politics has a face, it is Gavin Williamson's. https://t.co/3N9ae5Tu8x
— John Harris (@johnharris1969) March 6, 2019
https://t.co/kFlEhVJoPH 英国の政治(というか政治家の質)は、うちらの想像を軽く超えてすごいことになってるね。そのうちに軍事政権賞賛の宣伝工作がなされるんじゃないだろうか。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
NI Secretary of State Karen Bradley tells Commons she supports equal marriage legislation for Northern Ireland, but won’t deliver equal marriage legislation for Northern Ireland.
— Patrick Corrigan (@PatrickCorrigan) March 5, 2019
She wants the non-existent Stormont Assembly to deliver the legislation.
Very helpful. pic.twitter.com/yo2jLqtkp3
Karen Bradley comments on security force killings during Troubles "not crimes" ex https://t.co/aowDiyG3zy https://t.co/fecRaxqaFR
— Mark Devenport (@markdevenport) March 6, 2019
The Northern Ireland secretary Karen Bradley has said security force killings during the Troubles in Northern Ireland were "not crimes" https://t.co/CgH90KVwaQ pic.twitter.com/vzuhXt6WPP
— BBC News NI (@BBCNewsNI) March 6, 2019
SoS Karen Bradley in the Commons today; "The fewer than 10% [of killings during the Troubles] that were at the hands of the military & police were not crimes, they were people acting under orders and fulfilling their duties in a dignified & appropriate way.
— David McFadden (@dmc_fadden) March 6, 2019
Disgusting comments. pic.twitter.com/q2pTcJi3fU
Crimes against humanity are crimes of the gravest nature . A military unit opening fire with live rounds on civilians is by definition a crime against humanity . To suggest it’s not criminal is a political attempt to pervert and influence the course of justice. She should resign
— skelper (@gloriouslytic) March 6, 2019
Karen is saying this is above the lawhttps://t.co/bSrmqPrjZw
— ronan #FBPE Obdurate Irish (@suffolkvillage) March 6, 2019
This is unreal, Boris Johnson-level ignorance. She'll be digging herself out of this for a while, unless she's actually trying to get replaced. Bloody Sunday findings and ongoing Ballymurphy investigations obviously not on her radar...
— Ciaran Andy Anderson (@libidoswitch) March 6, 2019
北アイルランドでの当局とロイヤリスト武装組織との結託・癒着 (collusion) を調査し報道してきたアン・カドウォラダーは次のように述べている。
Oh well, that's OK then. The coroners, the judges, the Police Ombudsman, the Public Prosecution Service, the families seeking justice for their dead loved-ones can pack up and go home because Karen Bradley says their relatives were all killed in a "dignified and appropriate way",
— Anne Cadwallader (@AnneCadwallader) March 6, 2019
https://t.co/U2sYJHJJMs 今の保守党は「法治国家、なにそれくえるのおいしいの」状態だということは、もう確定的と見ていいんじゃないかと思う。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
そんなに時間が経たないうちに、「最高裁の判断? 何それ」って言い出すんじゃないかな。(パット・フィヌケン殺害事件に関連して……そういえばフィヌケン事件についての最高裁判断についての奇妙な「誤報」の背景も気になる。UKとROIの複数のメディアが同じ誤報という……)
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
In 2010, prime minister David Cameron described Bloody Sunday as ‘unjustified and unjustifiable’. Today it’s ‘dignified and 'appropriate'. You’ll have had your peace process https://t.co/yekfrvkr1f
— Peter Geoghegan (@PeterKGeoghegan) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley's unorthodox understanding of democratic accountability: Her unfettered confidence in NI civil servants suggests that she has not even spent five minutes following evidence to the RHI Inquiry. https://t.co/7FOHrMsWNR
— Sam McBride (@SJAMcBride) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley yesterday suggested civil servants don't need scrutiny. Today Northern Ireland Office minister John Penrose seems to disagree & says of Sterling letter: "I think that people will have raised their eyebrows at such politically charged comments from a civil servant". https://t.co/soEk048fJr
— Sam McBride (@SJAMcBride) March 6, 2019
Having yesterday told the Commons "may I begin by offering a small prediction that, sadly, there will be very little coverage of this debate in the Northern Ireland media or beyond", @tony4rochdale will have been more thrilled than usual when reading this morning's News Letter. pic.twitter.com/f96jmZTNmR
— Sam McBride (@SJAMcBride) March 6, 2019
Just four minutes into her time at the despatch box today, Karen Bradley made another gaffe. Asked by @OwenSmith_MP to backdate publication of NI political donations, she said the main five NI parties backed her stance. But...Alliance very publicly did not:https://t.co/ULdQRmiLE5
— Sam McBride (@SJAMcBride) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley's exact words: "The measures that were taken in this house regarding the transparency of donations were done with the support of the five main political parties in Northern Ireland and broad support across those parties." How could she not know that is inaccurate?
— Sam McBride (@SJAMcBride) March 6, 2019
Today @OwenSmith_MP called for all N Irish political donations to be published from 2014 on. Which would include DUP Brexit dark money. NI Elec Comm has long called for this. Karen Bradley said all NI parties backed status quo. Which is just not true. https://t.co/Vh0Krc4ecp
— Peter Geoghegan (@PeterKGeoghegan) March 6, 2019
Has any former Secretary of State in Northern Ireland ever dropped a clanger comparable to Karen Bradley’s remarks about killings involving members of the security services in NI declaring these not to be ‘crimes’ - usurping the role of the DPP? pic.twitter.com/mGer7V0rJf
— Eamonn Mallie (@EamonnMallie) March 6, 2019
No crime was ever committed by a British soldier in Ireland? Even by those already convicted? Given the horrors which are emerging from the Ballymurphy inquest every day, this is an insanely inhuman statement to make. How are those bereaved supposed to feel?
— Irish Republican News (@repnews) March 6, 2019
SoS Bradley 'The fewer than 10% that were at the hands of the military and police were not crimes. They were people acting under orders and under instruction and fulfilling their duty in a dignified and appropriate way". Acting under orders? So prosecute the officers? @NIOgov
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) March 6, 2019
Legally, politically and morally these comments are indefensible, yet is it really surprising to hear a SoS publicly express the contempt we know the British govt. had for lives here? https://t.co/U6nYH6JWBJ
— John Finucane (@johnfinucane) March 6, 2019
Karen BRADLEY your security forces murdered 3 innocent boys in the sanctity of their own living room.I I intend to persue u through the courts. The Reavey brothers name will be remembered.
— Eugene Reavey (@EugeneReavey1) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley was RUC Constable Galway acting 'under orders' in a 'dignified and appropriate manner' when he shot 15yr Paul Whitters in the head without warning under the legal minimum range? @NIOgov @simoncoveney
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) March 6, 2019
with a plastic bullet
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) March 6, 2019
To say I am livid with Karen Bradley is an understatement. The security forces she just referred to as not having committed any crimes supplied the weapons that killed my husband and parents. She has no understanding what Catholic’s went through in the north at their hands
— Bernie Mckearney (@BernieMckearney) March 6, 2019
Nora McCabe shot at point blank range as she left a shop carrying bread and milk by a policeman who claimed she was rioting, when there was no riot, he got decorated by the queen for his "bravery"
— Patrick J Dorrian (@soundabuse) March 6, 2019
A film crew was filming in the area and caught it all, no riot, no disturbance, just a point blank murder of an innocent mother and wife.
— celtsno1 (@celtsno1) March 6, 2019
Yes, the Canadian film crew didn't show it until back in Canada as it would have been confiscated
— Patrick J Dorrian (@soundabuse) March 6, 2019
And all those other children who were shot in the head with plastic bullets, and so many witnesses who have made statements about the army murdering civilians in cold blood. Are they all lying, I don’t think so. How dare you.
— Cathy McCafferty (@CathyMcCafferty) March 6, 2019
Most days, I drop my work friend off close to the Julie Livingstone mural in Lenadoon. Every day I look at the mural of that beautiful child wondering when will her murderer be held to account.
— Caitlín Uí Ceallaigh (@sanepolitico) March 6, 2019
Following today’s comments from Karen Bradley I know the answer is, probably never. pic.twitter.com/HL5RCVnhyt
Eastwood: Karen Bradley needs to read a history book on Ireland
— SDLP (@SDLPlive) March 6, 2019
“Once again Karen Bradley has exhibited her stunning ignorance and insensitivity about the past."
Read more: https://t.co/8hbUMx6ndW pic.twitter.com/6XyE448Y7c
These are appalling comments from the SoS, and will bedamaging to her credibility. Her job is stand up for the rule of law and the independence of the police, PPS and judicial system. An urgent clarification and apology is essential. @NIOgov https://t.co/Ys0Ln6WL0f
— Stephen Farry (@StephenFarryMLA) March 6, 2019
My cousin Thomas Reilly was shot dead by a British soldier who was later convicted of his murder, a criminal act that devastated his family and was certainly not carried out in a "dignified and appropriate way" maybe whoever was briefing Karen Bradley should have considered that
— Allison Morris (@AllisonMorris1) March 6, 2019
Bogside today with one view - NI Secretary Karen Bradley causes a storm saying British military who killed people in NI commited no crime - as possible charges loom over Bloody Sunday pic.twitter.com/cd4MePlWXw
— alex thomson (@alextomo) March 6, 2019
さすがにカレン・ブラッドリーの「(紛争期、英軍が北アイルランドでなした殺人は)犯罪ではない」発言は、大炎上している。 https://t.co/xAaJG27qlA 基本的にあれは「それはお前が決めることではない」である以上、炎上は当然。 pic.twitter.com/a0LkI6B6Ql
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley clarifies her comments - says she wanted to say overwhelming majority of those who served carried out their duties properly and wherever there is evidence of wrongdoing it should be investigated
— Mark Devenport (@markdevenport) March 6, 2019
https://t.co/mn8gsSz6nH で、労働党議員につっこまれて、カレン・ブラッドリーは発言の「明確化」を行なったと。質問主の労働党議員もthank youで引き取ったようだが、"wherever there is evidence of wrongdoing it should be investigated" っておかしくない? 証拠があるところでinvestigated?
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley is publically interfering with the rule of law. No-one has the right to deliberately pressure or intervene with due process. She should resign.
— Colum Eastwood (@columeastwood) March 6, 2019
#SOSNI ...glorification of anyone who kills, whether republican, loyalist, police officer or soldier offends most right thinking people. Is Karen Bradley in her unambiguous exculpation of the security services saying, the rule of law is redundant in such cases?
— Eamonn Mallie (@EamonnMallie) March 6, 2019
1/2 Spoke to Karen Bradley. Told her in the strongest possible terms that her comments today are beyond unacceptable. Told her it is a resignation matter. However, that does not deal with the issue, as this goes right to the heart of British Government Policy.
— Michelle O’Neill (@moneillsf) March 6, 2019
2/2 The British Government must immediately clarify their position on legacy. They must also honour their obligations agreed at Stormont House in 2014
— Michelle O’Neill (@moneillsf) March 6, 2019
One way or another I have had dealings with the last 13 Secretaries of State for NI. Karen Bradley consistently demonstrates she isn’t up to the job
— Mike Nesbitt (@mikenesbittni) March 6, 2019
Remarkable (unprecedented?) cross party opposition to Karen Bradley in Northern Ireland today. In a normal political time she’d be struggling to keep her job. As it is.... https://t.co/Qk2dgu5HE6
— Peter Geoghegan (@PeterKGeoghegan) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley's statement was not open to misinterpretation: it was clear and wrong.
— Naomi Long MLA (@naomi_long) March 6, 2019
She should withdraw, not clarify, her remarks and apologise to families, many of whom still await full investigation & due process in respect of their loved ones' deaths.@NIOgov @allianceparty https://t.co/1F4Tx20Gh4
.@naomi_long tells @BBCevex that Karen Bradley has “undermined the rule of law” by making comments about security force killings not being crimes.. the SoS later clarified her remarks but is facing calls to resign tonight
— Jayne McCormack (@BBCJayneMcC) March 6, 2019
Some Secretaries of State do little; some even stand still. A few have progressed forward. Karen Bradley is the first I recall to go massively backwards. https://t.co/eqe7WJw6ZF
— Prof John D Brewer (@Prof_johnbrewer) March 6, 2019
The Secretary of State’s comments solve little: the UN determined at Nuremberg that acting under orders is no defence; and she now opens up pressure on those who gave the orders. From the frying pan into the fire as my dear mother used to say
— Prof John D Brewer (@Prof_johnbrewer) March 6, 2019
First Boris, then Karen Bradley. It’s not like this attack on the people of Derry and those at Bloody Sunday is coordinated or anything like. Absolutely despicable from the British Establishment
— Gerry Carroll (@GerryCarrollPBP) March 6, 2019
#New Tánaiste Simon Covene is to meet Karen Bradley in London tonight and seek a clarification of her claim security forces killings during the Troubles were "not crimes".
— Kevin Doyle (@KevDoyle_Indo) March 6, 2019
He’ll remind her there are “no amnesties from prosecution” provided for in the Good Friday Agreement.
Congratulations to Karen Bradley on her new role as the British judicial system.
— James Ball (@jamesrbuk) March 6, 2019
We’ll save a fortune on judges, juries, due process etc now that she just decides what is and isn’t a crime.
Why are people shocked that Karen Bradley, the current Northern Ireland secretary, is saying offensively ignorant things about Northern Ireland. That's practically a requirement of the job. Look at the last one!! https://t.co/SSya4vNuXW
— Femi (@Femi_Sorry) March 6, 2019
Karen Bradley’s dog whistling in Westminster today is without doubt the most irresponsible thing a British Secretary of State has done in a long, long time!
— Chris Hazzard (@ChrisHazzardSF) March 6, 2019
NI Secretary Karen Bradley is facing calls to resign for saying Army killings during the Troubles were "not crimes" - https://t.co/ADVhQXk6lO pic.twitter.com/GJaBlrPort
— BBC News NI (@BBCNewsNI) March 6, 2019
Just as well this clown was not SOS during the conflict how many more civilians would have been murdered . Karen Bradley needs to resign immediately.we have just heard in detail that a soldier execute a civilian 1971 in court todayhttps://t.co/ntPmLVJ1mG
— ballymurphy11 (@ballymurphy11) March 6, 2019
Eddie butler 11yr old in 1971 has just described an execution in Ballymurphy Inquest soldier says before setting victim on the ground F..k up you C..t then fire with a hand gun.
— ballymurphy11 (@ballymurphy11) March 6, 2019
#Ballymurphymassacre Sitting here with my family Who are holding back tears. Listening in fine detail of how people heard my Grandmother shout “I’m shot in the face I can’t see HELP ME” Everyone says she was shot several more times and left In a field for 5hrs to bleed to death
— David Voyle (@david_voyle) March 5, 2019
84yr old Stan McGuire stated clearly "the only shooting was from the soldiers in Henry Taggart , that's a fact". Even with the heavy bombardment by counsel for MOD Stan stood firm to what he had seen. Easy to remember the truth. pic.twitter.com/RzLll3oRBZ
— ballymurphy11 (@ballymurphy11) March 4, 2019
#Ballymurphymassacre IS F***ING BRUTAL COURT ON SHORT BREAK I Am sitting here watching My mother and Aunts the daughters of Joan Connolly Have a massive breakdown Burst out crying when girl tells the Court MY GRANNYS BRAIN MATTER was found on Gable Wall YES the MoD are Asking!!
— David Voyle (@david_voyle) March 6, 2019
Barney McGuigan, aged 41, was shot in the back of the head while he went to the aid of the fatally wounded Patrick Doherty, 31. Mr McGuigan was waving a white handkerchief, Mr Doherty was crawling to safety.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
Their deaths were "Dignified and appropriate" says Karen Bradley.
Seventeen year old Jackie Duddy was killed with a single bullet wound, while he was unarmed and running from the army.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
"Dignified and appropriate" is how Karen Bradley describes the action of the soldier who shot him.
Hugh Gilmour, also 17, was killed by a single bullet as he ran from the army.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
Kevin McElhinney, 17, was killed as he ran from the army.
Michael Kelly, 17, was shot in the abdomen. He was unarmed.
John Young, 17, shot in the head. He was unarmed.
"dignified and appropriate"
William Nash, 19, was going to the aid of one of the injured when he was felled by a shot to the chest. He was unarmed.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
Michael McDaid, 20, was shot in the face. Photos taken moments before his death showed him walking away from soldiers.
"dignified and appropriate".
James Wray, 22, shot twice in Glenfada Park was unarmed. He died at the scene.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
Gerald Donaghy, 17, was shot & people at the scene tried to get him to hospital. Their car was stopped & a soldier took him to battalion post, where he was pronounced dead.
"dignified and appropriate"
Gerald McKinney, 35, was seen shouting "Don't shoot! Don't Shoot!" before he was fatally wounded.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
William McKinney, 27, went to Gerald's aid. He was shot dead as he crouched over Gerald's body trying to help him.
"dignified and appropriate"
John Johnston was not on the ill-fated Civil Rights March on Bloody Sunday. He was on his way to visit a friend when he was shot twice.
— Claire Allan 🍎 (@ClaireAllan) March 6, 2019
He died four and a half months later.
Oh Karen Bradley, you are either very stupid, very blind or very cruel.
ブラッドリー大臣の発言への批判に対し、「戦争だからそういうこともある」と言い張る人物も出現し、即座に相当数の反論を寄せられているが、英軍の民間人殺戮を正当化するような人々は、おそらく聞く耳など持っていないだろう。「原爆投下は正しかった」論みたいなもので、何をどう言っても「民間人の殺戮」であることはスルーされる。これもまた「否定 denial」の一形態だ。
If you ask any republican they would say they at war with the British. These things happen in war... Every war! So she is correct.
— Dirty Sanchez (@mrmu5t4rd) March 6, 2019
Even in war there are supposed to be rules for engagement, one of the main ones is not opening fire on a civilian crowd. This isn’t just a U.K. law, it’s called the Geneva Convention.
— James Samuel McKay (@JSamuelWrites) March 6, 2019
These were unarmed civilians who were marching to protest against the internment without trial of their fellow citizens. They were British subjects covered by the rule of law. And not combatants in a declared war.
— IrishBlue (@IrishBlue8) March 7, 2019
Northern Ireland Secretary of State Karen Bradley 'profoundly sorry' for Troubles killing 'no crime' remarks https://t.co/kAjuFsF5ei 謝罪? これで?→ 'people acting "under orders and under instruction and fulfilling their duties in a dignified and appropriate way".'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
'people acting "under orders and under instruction"', だから何? というのはニュルンベルク諸原則を参照。北アイルランド紛争が「国際」紛争だったかどうかという問題はあるが、少なくとも「国内」紛争ではない(リパブリカンの統一アイルランド主義=「アイルランドの未完の完全独立達成」の理念)
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
いずれにせよ北アイルランドでの英軍による民間人殺害については、1972年1月30日デリーのブラディ・サンデー事件についてという文脈ではあっても、2010年に英国首相が「正当化の余地なし unjustifiable」と明言し、謝罪を行なっている。そこからより広範な「真実と和解」に向かうべきところで……
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
The Guardian view on Karen Bradley and Northern Ireland: out of her depth | Editorial https://t.co/c0nU0xNsAU 'Both sides still play a tit-for-tat game w/ the past that entrenches sectarian suspicion. But so do MPs and newspapers who leap reflexively to the defence of “our boys”'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 7, 2019
“It is completely one-sided to pursue army veterans while alleged IRA terrorists get off scott free. That’s my problem with the process. I support Karen Bradley” – Mark Francois MP tells #newsnight pic.twitter.com/nB4HuQnOy6
— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) March 7, 2019
https://t.co/gWfHyVCEPO 「ドイツが攻めてくる」論(大意)の議員がカレン・ブラッドリーの発言を支持、と。そろそろデイヴィッド・キャメロンが発言するのではないかと(サヴィル報告書が出たときの謝罪を行なった当人なので)。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 8, 2019
https://t.co/A8qVJ4ZwiW ここでウィル・セルフが出てくるなんて誰が予想しただろうか(単にTVの朝の番組のコメンテーターなのだろうけど)。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 8, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 8, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 8, 2019
BBC News - Karen Bradley: NI secretary's position is 'untenable' https://t.co/lMLpHJWQEi 'Frances Meehan, whose brother Michael Donnelly was shot with a plastic bullet in 1981, said Mrs Bradley's position is "untenable".' (このニュース追うのめっちゃつらい。)
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) March 8, 2019
Karen Bradley’s words came in the immediate wake of Boris Johnson’s Telegraph column and were chosen very carefully indeed. They are red meat for the Tory right in these Brexit end-times. That they mollify the DUP will not have been an accident either. #todaysor
— Donal O'Keeffe (@Donal_OKeeffe) March 8, 2019
Calls mount for Northern Secretary Karen Bradley to resign despite efforts to downplay remarks via @IrishTimes https://t.co/ZPb7Ur6CK6
— The Irish Times (@IrishTimes) March 9, 2019
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