
Killing Finucane: Murder in Defence of the Realm
書いてると長くなって書き終わらないのではしょるが、この暗殺事件は警察(当時の北アイルランド警察、つまりRUC)とロイヤリスト武装組織との結託 (collusion) が背景にあった。1998年の和平合意(ベルファスト合意/グッドフライデー合意)のあとで紛争を「過去」として扱い始めたころ、英国政府とアイルランド共和国政府が「まったくの部外者」である引退したカナダの判事ピーター・コーリー氏を責任者とし、フィヌケン事件をはじめとする殺人事件について、警察と武装組織との結託に関する調査を開始した。コーリー氏は2004年に調査の結果を報告書にまとめ、フィヌケン事件など4件の殺人事件について、パブリック・インクワイアリーの実施による真相究明を勧告した。
BBC News - Full facts Finucane inquiry 'not yet held' https://t.co/yGIfAAv6xK
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Pat Finucane murder inquiry fell below human rights standards, judges rule https://t.co/Dirj5aMWma 最高裁。'In a unanimous judgment, five justices said the investigation carried out by Sir Desmond de Silva in 2011 was frustrated by his inability to compel witnesses to testify...
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
'... about the killing. The court did not, however, order a public inquiry'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
フィヌケン事件を含む北アイルランド紛争期の殺人事件4件 https://t.co/zgoBBxourp についてパブリック・インクワイアリが阻止されているのは、デイヴィッド・キャメロンの置き土産(怒)ほんっとにろくでもない。
'Kerr added, investigations had “not uncovered the identity of those members of the security services who engaged in the collusion nor the precise nature of the assistance they gave to the murderers.”' おお。これが最高裁判事の言葉。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
'Outside the court, Geraldine Finucane said the ruling was a victory for the family. Although the judges had not ordered the government to hold a public inquiry, she added, their conclusions pointed to the inevitable necessity of holding one.'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
'Peter Madden said: “The decision taken by David Cameron to hold a review [rather than a public inquiry] has been overturned by the supreme court. “So it’s back to the British gov't to decide what they are going to do instead to comply with the article 2 requirements”'
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
“The govt, who in 2012 accepted shocking levels of collusion btwn the govt & paramilitaries in relation to Finucane’s murder, is now required to establish an inquiry that is genuinely effective and independent that can lead to the identification & punishment of those responsible”
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
PAT FINUCANE CASE: UK SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT https://t.co/wKnSpjIpAz pic.twitter.com/AeBPCXrKmp
— Madden & Finucane (@madden_finucane) February 27, 2019
WATCH NOW: Pat Finucane Case - Video footage of UK Supreme Court Judgment Summary being delivered https://t.co/snfaQmrh13
— Madden & Finucane (@madden_finucane) February 27, 2019
https://t.co/9HrGKAHcjn "Pat Finucane" is trending in the UK. pic.twitter.com/MZHO40QSDU
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
Supreme Court - upholds the fight by Geraldine Finucane to get to the truth of British state/ Loualist paramilitary collision in the murder of her husband, solicitor Pat Finucane...
— alex thomson (@alextomo) February 27, 2019
The decision by Supreme Court is binding that previous inquiries were flawed by failing to force witnesses to testify and opens the way to a Public Inquiry....
— alex thomson (@alextomo) February 27, 2019
Finucane family solicitor says:
— alex thomson (@alextomo) February 27, 2019
“Only a public examination of the relevant documentation and the questioning of the relevant witnesses by the interested parties in a judicial Public Inquiry can deliver the objective, which is to uncover the truth of what actually happened.”
30 years ago this year, Pat Finucane was shot fourteen times.
— Sinn Féin (@sinnfeinireland) February 27, 2019
The people who killed Pat were agents of the RUC. @MaryLouMcDonald has called on the Irish Government to press the British Govt to fulfil its obligations and hold a public inquiry into the killing of Pat Finucane. pic.twitter.com/4zr03wGW1z
The UK Supreme Court decision today in the Pat Finucane case is probably the most significant legal ruling in conflict-related killings of the last 30 years. All credit to Geraldine Finucane @michaelfinucane @johnfinucane @catherinefinuca @FinucaneDermot
— Patricia Mac Bride (@IRLPatricia) February 27, 2019
Supreme Court rules Pat Finucane murder probe was 'not effective' but family lose challenge over public inquiryhttps://t.co/Kt16Vwwa7Y pic.twitter.com/KtseQst8YJ
— Belfast Telegraph (@BelTel) February 27, 2019
Pat Finucane's family have lost a UK Supreme Court challenge for a public inquiry into his murder: https://t.co/Ox4TJ5e2rC pic.twitter.com/43I1fH2Y7M
— Newstalk (@NewstalkFM) February 27, 2019
Family of murdered solicitor Pat Finucane lose Supreme Court case in London https://t.co/APw36LELJu
— The Irish Times (@IrishTimes) February 27, 2019
We have won!
— John Finucane (@johnfinucane) February 27, 2019
The British Govt. now knows that it cannot conceal the truth any longer. Today they have been told this by the highest court in the land.
It is time for the murder of Pat Finucane to be properly & publicly investigated in a public inquiry.
Nothing less will suffice
'We have won' - Pat Finucane's family welcomes Supreme Court ruling that murder probe was 'not effective'https://t.co/I81RFON9SV pic.twitter.com/0V5vwQlAUS
— Belfast Telegraph (@BelTel) February 27, 2019
Geraldine Finucane, wife of Pat Finucane, tells media outside @UKSupremeCourt that today’s decision is a victory and a ‘validation’ @rtenews pic.twitter.com/IMjfzdh2GK
— Fiona Mitchell (@mitchefi) February 27, 2019
'We have won': Finucane family push for inquiry after court ruling https://t.co/OITn07QsUZ pic.twitter.com/vMGO38tjo6
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) February 27, 2019
最高裁で遺族が求めているような「パブリック・インクワイアリを行なう」という判断にならなかったので「敗訴」と報じられているが(アイリッシュ・タイムズ https://t.co/OigXrjHvhD やBelTelなど)、最高裁判事は「その判断は裁判所の職能ではない」としており、遺族は「実質勝訴」という立場。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
OK, just to be clear, we did NOT ask the UKSC to order a full State/public inquiry. We argued that (a) the Govt was obliged to investigate the murder & (b) that their efforts to date were inadequate. Unanimous agreement on both counts. 100%, not 50%.
— Michael Finucane (@michaelfinucane) February 27, 2019
Finucane judgement at UK Supreme Court at 9.45 this morning Wed. Possibly huge implications given the failure by UK Gov to hold promised Inquiry...watch live at https://t.co/MJgAYOAaMv
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
An Art 2 compliant inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane has not been held-UK Supreme Court. None of the previous inquiries have satisfied Art 2 procedural obligations. Watch this space. #patfinucane
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
The UK Supreme Court, found that the previous inquiries into the murder of Pat Finucane, “did not have the capability to establish salient facts into Patrick Finucane’s death.” #patfinucane
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Judgement is resounding vindication of the years of fearless and dignified campaigning by Finucane family and carries huge implications for the British political, legal and military establishment given the overwhelming evidence of official complicity in the murder. #patfinucane
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Supreme Court Judgement In Pat’s case delivered 27 February 2019 #PatFinucane https://t.co/scYsXbRyAy
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Pat Finucane, was murdered at the instigation and in collusion with elements of RUC Special Branch, the Force Research Unit and the Security Service MI5. Pat’s murder was the tip of the iceberg and many other families will this morning feel encouraged not to give up#patfinucane
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Press statement from @madden_finucane on behalf of the #PatFinucane family pic.twitter.com/sj3vVj9roC
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Bottom line -Supreme Ct judgement-before 9.45 this morning the official Brit Gov view was that they had no further obligations in respect of Pat Finucane. As of 10am Supreme Ct held this was not the case-Art 2 investigation has still not taken place. Onus on @10DowningStreet
— Pat Finucane Centre (@FinucaneCentre) February 27, 2019
Irish Govts position remains that an independent public inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane should be established, in line with commitments made by British & Irish Govts at Weston Park, 2001. We have made this position clear to the British Govt and will continue to do so.
— Simon Coveney (@simoncoveney) February 27, 2019
I support a public enquiry in to the death of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane as recommended by Canadian Judge Peter Cory. https://t.co/3n12CEYMfO
— Charlie Flanagan (@CharlieFlanagan) February 27, 2019
In the light of the judgment in the UK Supreme Court and the British Government’s political commitments made in 2001, a Public Inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane must be established
— Leo Varadkar (@campaignforleo) February 27, 2019
The journey to finding out the truth about what happened in the targeting and murder of Pat Finucane has been a very long one. Hopefully this morning’s UKSC ruling brings the truth a step closer for a family whose tenacity has been an example to all.
— Micheál Martin (@MichealMartinTD) February 27, 2019
"The collusion of state actors in the assassination of a lawyer is a threat to justice and the democratic system and remains so as long as an investigation is pending".
— ICCLtweet (@ICCLtweet) February 27, 2019
We are calling on the UK govt to hold a public inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane:https://t.co/7eb90RXKmy
Our Chief Commissioner has welcomed today's judgment on Pat Finucane by the @UKSupremeCourt. pic.twitter.com/iCSWMguIpW
— NIHRC (@NIHRC) February 27, 2019
(この件はTwitterで自分のフィルターバブルの外に出ると、見ただけで病気になるようなひどい言葉が飛び交っていることは確認するまでもない。「国家の犯罪」は「殺された奴に問題があった」という言い訳をともなう。そしてそれはジブラルタルなどでのShoot to killの問題と隣接している)
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 27, 2019
Birmingham pub bombings inquest: tributes paid to victims
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