
今、ロンドンのオックスフォード・ストリートが大変なことになってる。ロンドン滞在中の方、今日はオックスフォード・ストリートはもちろんSOHOとかシャフツベリー・アヴェニューとかには行かないほうがいいかもしれないです。 #oxfordstreet
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
このツイートは「何が起きていたのか」、つまり「何も起きていなかった nothing was happening」ことが警察によって確認されたことを私がツイートしたあともRTされていたので、いったんは誤情報拡散を阻止するために消そうかなと思ったのだが、混乱があったことの記録は記録だし、当方はこのツイートにぶら下げる形で状況をアップデートしているので、このツイートだけを見てパニくってしまう人がいるとしてもそこまでこちらが面倒を見る必要はないと判断し、消すことはしなかった。
ロンドンのオックスフォード・ストリートのエリアから、何人もが、何かが「起きている」ことを伝えていたとき(そのうちの2件を私は翻訳ツイートしていた。これとこれだ。後者は事態が落ち着いたあと、元のツイート主がツイートを削除している)、ニュースをチェックするために開いている画面では、エジプトのシナイ半島北部で金曜礼拝中のモスクが襲撃された事件の死者数が、どんどん増加していた。私が最初に見たときは「数十人 dozens」だったのが、すぐに「85人」になり、数分で100人を超えた。最終的には300人を超えるというめちゃくちゃな攻撃だ。シナイ半島でのその攻撃は、「今日が金曜日である」ことを改めて思い起こさせるものだった。
そして、クリスマス・ショッピングのシーズンに入り、電飾が灯されて賑わっている英国随一の商業地区は、支配域が地図上から完全に消滅しつつあるイスイス団が、本体からの指示であれ、支持者や共感者の独自の行動であれ、自分たちがまだ存在していることを示すのにうってつけなエリアだと私は思った。つまり、2015年11月13日のパリのようなことが行なわれないとも限らない。ロンドンでは1983年に、クリスマスのための買い物で賑わうデパートが車爆弾で攻撃されるということが実際にあったのだ。私の頭蓋骨の中で、連想は悪いほうへ、悪いほうへとつながっていく。"What if..." が "if..." になり、仮定法は直説法で上書きされる。
Police called at 16:38 to a number of reports of shots fired on #OxfordStreet & underground at Oxford Circus tube station. Police have responded as if the incident is terrorist related. Armed and unarmed officers are on scene and dealing along with colleagues from @BTP
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017
If you are on #OxfordStreet go into a building and stay inside until further direction. Avoid travelling to the Oxford Street area. At this stage police have not located any causalities.
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017
Bond Street Station closed to prevent overcrowding. All trains not stopping and paper tickets will be accepted on local buses
— TfL Travel Alerts (@TfLTravelAlerts) November 24, 2017
Please continue to avoid the Oxford Street and Regent Street area. If you are in the area, go into a building and stay inside until further notice.
— BTP (@BTP) November 24, 2017
Oxford Circus and Bond Street Tube remain shut @metpoliceuk @TfL 英交通警察のツイート。「Oxford StreetとRegent Streetの一帯には引き続き近づかないようにしてください。当該のエリアにいる人は、どこか建物の中に避難し、指示があるまで建物内に留まってください。Oxford Circus駅、Bond Street駅は引き続き閉鎖しています」
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
We were called at 1643 to an incident at Oxford Circus tube. Three fire engines & 15 firefighters are in attendance. Please avoid the area. Follow @BTP & @metpoliceuk for more information #OxfordStreet
— London Fire Brigade (@LondonFire) November 24, 2017 ロンドン消防当局のツイート。「16時43分に地下鉄Oxford Circus駅でインシデント発生とのことで連絡が入りました。消防車3台、消防士15人が現場に出ています。この地域には近づかないようにしてください。詳細は警察のアカウントでご確認を」
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
Reports of shots fired at London's Oxford Circus and police responding "as if terror related" - no casualties seen
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) November 24, 2017
Oxford Circus: armed London police respond to reports of gunfire
— The Guardian (@guardian) November 24, 2017
Press follow now for the latest on the incident in London's Oxford Circus.
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017 場所はこのあたりです。ロンドン#OxfordStreet #carnabystreet Oxford Circus London #London
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
Stay safe, everyone.
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
Police remain on scene in #OxfordStreet Oxford Circus - no evidence of shots...
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017 ロンドン警察(スコットランドヤード)のツイートでプレスリリースにリンク。"To date police have not located any trace of any suspects, evidence of shots fired or casualties." 現状、警察は容疑者の痕跡や発砲があったとの証拠、被害者は一切確認していない。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
LATEST: London police say no evidence of shots fired in Oxford Circus area, have not located any trace of a suspect. Read more:
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) November 24, 2017
Incident at #OxfordStreet Oxford Circus has been stood down
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017
Our response on #OxfordStreet has now been stood down. If you sought shelter in a building please now leave, and follow the direction of police officers on the ground if you need assistance
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017 今から数分前に、警察がロックダウンを解除しました。つまり「異状なし」です。ロンドン、オックスフォード・ストリート #OxfordStreet #oxfordcircus #carnabystreet #London #ロンドン
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
We have not located any trace of suspects, evidence of shots fired or casualties. Officers still on scene. If you are in a building stay there, if you are on the street in #OxfordStreet leave the area. Officers continue to search the area. More updates as soon as we have them
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017 ロンドン警察のツイート「#OxfordStreet での警察の対応は終了しました。建物内に退避している方は、もう外に出てください。必要な場合は現場にいる警官の指示をあおいでください」 #ロンドン #London #OxfordStreet #oxfordcircus #carnabystreet
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
At about 16:38 we started to receive numerous 999 calls reporting shots fired in a number of locations on #OxfordStreet & at Oxford Circus tube station. Given the nature of the info received we responded as if the incident was terrorism, including the deployment of armed officers
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017
Additional officers remain on duty in the West End to reassure the public. We thank the public for their patience and assistance during our response. If you see anything suspicious dial 999 immediately #OxfordStreet
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017
A big thank you for bearing with us whilst we and @metpoliceuk responded to #OxfordCircus.
— BTP (@BTP) November 24, 2017
Armed officers were quickly on scene, no evidence of gunfire found. The area was searched swiftly and we are working to lift cordons and reopen stations.
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
Oxford Circus reopening, with the occassion marked by dozens of smokers trapped in the Argyll Arms pub for an hour rushing outside for a fag.
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) November 24, 2017
Best moment from last night’s incident at Oxford Circus - BBC colleague texted wife to say going for a pint til all clear. Her reply- is that safe? Him- well it’s only two units of alcohol
— Rory Cellan-Jones (@ruskin147) November 25, 2017
Police are investigating circumstances behind the panic at #OxfordCircus
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 24, 2017
"Officers were called to Oxford Circus station following reports of gunfire on the westbound Central Line platform. Passengers at the station then self-evacuated the station"
BBC News - Oxford Circus: Platform 'altercation' caused tube panic 金曜日ロンドンで発生した集団パニック、地下鉄Oxford Circus駅のホームで男2人がケンカになったときの音が原因で引き起こされたという警察の見解。人々が駅から退避する際に16人が負傷している。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 25, 2017
TOTALLY UNCONFIRMED Mail Online report that a lorry crashed in Oxford Circus is based on a tweet from 14 NOVEMBER
— Matthew Champion (@matthewchampion) November 24, 2017
just to reiterate, the Mail Online report saying that a lorry hit people near Oxford Circus is based on a two-week old tweet
— Matthew Champion (@matthewchampion) November 24, 2017
On the front page snippet too
— Aidan Warner (@ncvoaidan) November 24, 2017 デイリー・メイルが古い(2週間前の)ツイートに基づいてデマを流しているっぽいので、気をつけてください。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
the Mail Online have deleted all mention of a lorry from their Oxford Circus story
— Matthew Champion (@matthewchampion) November 24, 2017
This is why social media is not a good tool for new or researching anything.
— Philip Lane (@Re1axinmood) November 24, 2017
Absolutely shameful of the Daily Hate. My only surprise is that they didn't blame a Muslim driver. Note to self: check Trump's tweets to see if he has...
— Christine Deudney (@Pops_Mum) November 24, 2017
Daily Mail reported (and now deleted) false rumours about the ongoing Oxford Circus incident based on a tweet that’s OVER A WEEK OLD
— Tom Phillips (@flashboy) November 24, 2017
As a newspaper the Daily Mail is like the person who screams "fire" in a crowded theatre after seeing the flash of a torchlight. #oxfordstreet
— Harry Leslie Smith (@Harryslaststand) November 24, 2017
I screenshot this as I knew it would be @DailyMailUK reporting false news on Oxford Circus. They’ve already deleted it as the information was unfounded. Absolutely disgusting journalism. Just stop
— Grace ✨ (@gracemilyy) November 24, 2017
— 🅢🅗🅐🅖🅖🅨 (@ShaGGy_Uk) November 24, 2017
The only confirmed news regarding #OxfordStreet #oxfordcircus is that the @DailyMailUK reported FAKE news then deleted it.
#oxfordstreet the @DailyMailUK have already deleted this tweet about a lorry ploughing into pedestrians. Disgraceful scaremongering. @mrjamesob
— Joanne Hall (@pinkbicyclegirl) November 24, 2017
メイルのていたらくを指摘しているひとりのMatthew ChampionさんはBuzzFeed UKのジャーナリストで、BuzzFeed UKでは即座にこの件について記事化していた。
Big shout out to MailOnline suggesting the Oxford Circus incident, of which we know very little, could involve a lorry based on a tweet from last week.
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 24, 2017
Don’t buy hate. Don’t buy lies. Don’t buy The Daily Mail. #OxfordStreet
— Boosejew (@EojSewob) November 24, 2017
それと、私はこのとき、BBC Newsのサイトでエジプトでのテロ攻撃がトップニュースになっていたのをフォローしていたのだが、下記の人はそれとは異なる現実を経験していたようだ。タブロイド(と、たぶんデイリー・テレグラフ)ではこういうことになっていたのだろう。
Right, so lemme get this straight, basically nothing happened in Oxford Circus, but it makes headlines and over 200 Muslims died in a terror attack and no one's taking any notice #oxfordcircus #oxfordstreet #Egypt #EgyptAttack
— Henrietta Alonso (@Henrietta_Alons) November 24, 2017
むろん、「テロだ、テロだ、テロが起きたぞぉぉぉ! 俺は正しかっただろぉぉぉ!」と(密かに)歓喜していたのは、デイリー・メイルだけではない。
It appears that Tommy Robinson has deleted these tweets concerning the incident at Oxford Circus and #oxfordstreet:
— Steve Rose (@steveplrose) November 24, 2017
Tommy Robinson tweeted this (now deleted) when the panic was at its highest at Oxford Circus. Its almost like he is disappointed nobody was hurt
— The Pileus (@thepileus) November 24, 2017
The only terrorism around Oxford Circus today is that of people terrorising by tweeting false reports. Poor little Tommy Robinscum bought a train ticket from Luton to 'report' on it and everything
— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) November 24, 2017
I'm watching live scenes of calm + control at Oxford Circus but several online news outlets are trying their darnedest to paint a picture of carnage. It's unhelpful +, frankly, disgusting. Thanks goodness for those on scene who're safe + delivering accurate coverage.#OxfordStreet
— Chimurenga (@KeloidKrown) November 24, 2017
#oxfordstreet there's an incident taking place. However, there are conflicting reports. This person says there was a gang fight involving 20 or so people. Whereas others have mentioned a bomb or someone with a gun. #WaitForTheFacts
— AntoineSpeaks blog (@AntoineSpeaksOn) November 24, 2017
Police just briefed us that there has been a fight / incident on the tube and it’s not safe to be allowed outside yet #oxfordstreet
— Chris Jackson (@ChrisJack_Getty) November 24, 2017
If you are on #OxfordStreet go into a building and stay inside until further direction. Avoid travelling to the Oxford Street area. At this stage police have not located any causalities.
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) November 24, 2017
the platform i was on at oxford circus was evacuated because of a fight that broke out involving lots of crying & screaming so police had to get involved & do an emergency evacuation which caused major panic & due to 1000's of people evacuating it caused more fear above ground(1)
— Annabel👼 (@TheGirlAnnabel) November 24, 2017
which then turned into a stampede in rush hour on black friday leaving oxford circus therefore terrifying the street and then rumours as usual spread and caused even more fear. avoid the area to be safe but it wasn't bombs or guns at all (2)
— Annabel👼 (@TheGirlAnnabel) November 24, 2017
I was on central line platform at #OxfordCircus at 4:35pm when a man 5ft from me bumped into another man on the overcrowded platform. They exchanged words then a punch to the gut. Then a full out fight. People were trying to break it up. Cont. next tweet.
— Regan Warner (@reganwarner) November 24, 2017
#oxfordcircus story cont. Lots of yelling. People were running away, a woman fainted, children were scared and crying. The emergency button was pressed. The fight was broken up and the parties walked in opposite directions. Announcement to evacuate the station. I jumped on train.
— Regan Warner (@reganwarner) November 24, 2017
Apparently reports of gunshots were a false alarm and rumours of a gunman active was believed to have spread panic and evacuation, police still yet to find evidence of terror related acts in Oxford Circus, Twitter has a serious problem with spreading misinformation #OxfordStreet
— Jack Walker (@JackTheFact29) November 24, 2017
If there was no attack in Oxford Circus. What does this say about our current climate? Are we living in constant fear? #oxfordstreet
— Human Skeptic (@Skeptic_Human) November 24, 2017
確かにJack Walkerさんの言う通り、「Twitterには誤情報を拡散するという点で深刻な問題がある」。第一に、下記の通り、実際に現場で言われていることが「誤情報」である場合、TwitterのようなSNSであれ、テキストメッセージのような個と個のやり取りであれ、その「誤情報」が拡散されることは止めようがない。とりわけ「テロ攻撃」のような深刻な事態に際している(と思い込んでいる)場合、携帯電話を持っている人はその場で家族に連絡して、自分が把握している範囲での現実を伝えるだろう……その「現実」が「事実」なのかどうかは問える状況にはない。混乱の現場のただなかで私たちにできるのは「みんながそう言っている/そう思っている」ことを確認することくらいで、それが正しいのかどうかは確認のしようがない。ましてや警察が(説明のための単純化という過程を経ているにせよ)そう言っていた場合は。
Having missed calls from my mum and then seeing this text 😩 never felt a feeling like it can’t imagine how scared everyone must be #OxfordStreet
— Casey-Rae (@CaseyRaeSmith) November 24, 2017
I have an inbox full of journalists asking for phone interviews. I can’t take calls right now. I think it’s a bit off key to be doing media in the middle of a packed shop full of scared people. I’ll continue to tweet. #OxfordCircus #OxfordStreet #shooting
— GrEG Owen (@Greg0wen) November 24, 2017
Latest update from the police “we can’t give you specifics. But there’s been shots fired and explosives. So please stay in the shop and move to the back” #oxfordcircus #oxfordstreet #london
— GrEG Owen (@Greg0wen) November 24, 2017
Just as an idea, guys, unless you know something for sure, how about keeping quiet. #oxfordstreet
— Andrew Mueller (@andrew_mueller) November 24, 2017
Don’t know what’s going on in #oxfordstreet but stay inside and safe everyone :(
— quisha (@quisharose) November 24, 2017
There are a lot of people in Oxford Circus right now, please don't retweet any rumours from unofficial sources #oxfordstreet
— Megan Townsend (@mmtowns) November 24, 2017
There seems to be an incident at #oxfordstreet. Please do not jump to any kind of conclusion regarding motivation or identity until it is confirmed by an official source.
— Oliver Burke (@ol1burke) November 24, 2017
Thank You
#OxfordStreet incident according to twitter so far is a shooting, smoke in station, fight on platform, a customer incident and a terrorist attack. Shut up Twitter.
— barbara (@thatgeordiegirl) November 24, 2017
This is modern Britain now. “Never mind my kids running off in a potential terror scene at Oxford Circus, I just need to film anything without even looking, this could get me some followers and retweets”. #oxfordstreet
— Moody Gooner (@MoodyGooner) November 24, 2017
I’d bet any money that the incident at Oxford Circus is nothing, but it just goes to show how terrorism has actually effected us. Stop saying ‘we are not scared’. Incidents over the last couple of months have proved that people are! #oxfordstreet
— MaxC 🇬🇧 (@MGOUFC) November 24, 2017
Please, please no one ever try and tell me ‘we won’t let terrorism change us’ ever again. Hundreds of people just evacuated Oxford Circus screaming for no reason. It has influenced us, it has changed us. #oxfordstreet
— MaxC 🇬🇧 (@MGOUFC) November 24, 2017
さて、このパニックが発生している間、TwitterのTrendsにOlly Mursという名前が入っていた。全然興味のない分野なので私は名前しか知らないが、テレビのオーディション番組出身の男性歌手だ(→日本語ウィキペディア)。


BBCのRadio 4でも「オリー・マーズのパニクったツイート」のことを取り上げていたようだ(その一方で、初期段階にデマを拡散しまくったデイリー・メイルのことはスルー。Radio 4までこれとは、BBCの終わりっぷりがほんとにハンパない)。私の目に入った範囲で(つまり私のフィルターバブルの中で)「銃撃があった」と大騒ぎしていた認証マークつきのアカウントはデイリー・メイルだ。オリー・マーズじゃない。
#r4today blames @ollyofficial for "causing panic" in Oxford Circus but not @dailymailUK.
— derry (@DERCONOMY) November 25, 2017
Bit rich from @DailyMailUK having a pop at @ollyofficial despite their own premature reporting during last night's events.
— Stephen James Clark (@JustSteveUK) November 25, 2017
On the left, the @DailyMailUK are throwing Olly Murs under the bus for the #oxfordstreet confusion.
— Andrew Raeburn (@andrew_raeburn) November 24, 2017
On the right is how the Mail chose originally to "inform" people.
I’ve never heard of Olly Murs but it strikes me he was just scared,as many of us wld be if told there was an attack.Mocking him is a bit odd
— Brendan Cox (@MrBrendanCox) November 25, 2017
It's disgusting the amount of abuse Olly Murs is receiving, many people, including my brother, also heard what sounded something very similar to gunfire at Oxford Circus. The hysteria was caused prior his tweet, he simply said what he was witnessing like others
— Jay Carrington (@PookiepopBlog) November 24, 2017
The situation at Oxford Circus should teach us all a lesson that Tommy Robinson, Olly Murs and the Daily Mail are not reliable sources to get our Breaking News from!
— The Pileus (@thepileus) November 24, 2017
Panic - The Smiths from Larry Darrell on Vimeo.
Could life ever be sane again?
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