私が読んだのは、英国の通信社Press Association(日本で言えば「共同通信」のようなところ)の記事である。これをただの「芸能人の問題発言」とはとらえていなさそうな媒体だからという理由でベルファスト・テレグラフを見に行ったのだが、中身はPAだった。
Liam Neeson: I walked streets hoping to kill black person after friend was raped
The actor has said he wanted revenge for the attack.
February 4 2019
「以前のことですが、自分が遠方に行っている間に、友人がレイプされまして。旅から戻ってきてからそういうことがあったのを知ったのです。レイプという状況に、本人は見事に、それは見事に対処していたのですが、私はといえば……まずは彼女に、犯人は誰なのかわかるかと訊いたのですが、わからないと。そこで何色だったのかと (What colour were they?)。彼女の答えでは黒人だと」
「恐ろしいことでした。今思い返せば、自分がそんなことをしたとは、実に恐ろしい。今まで誰にも明かしたことのない話ですよ。それを(よりによって)ジャーナリストにこうして語っている。実にとんでもないことです (God forbid.)」
https://t.co/p7I1zVhavj ←この問題発言で現在炎上中のリーアム・ニーソン。"I grew up in NI in the Troubles... and I understand that need for revenge, but it just leads to more revenge, to more killing and more killing, and NI’s proof of that.' そんなことより復讐劇の映画やめれば。
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) February 4, 2019
“But my immediate reaction was... I asked, did she know who it was? No. What colour were they? She said it was a black person.
“I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody – I’m ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some black bastard would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him.
つまり、ニーソンは人を「色」でくくり、その初期衝動において、大切な友人をレイプした加害者本人への「復讐」を望んだのではなく、加害者と同じグループに属する不特定の人(some black bastard)を「殺してやろう」とまで考えていた。2019年にそんなことを聞かされれば、「マジありえない」って反応になるのも当然だろう。
Liam Neeson interview: Rape, race and how I learnt revenge doesn’t work
“But my immediate reaction was...” There’s a pause. “I asked, did she know who it was? No. What colour were they? She said it was a black person.
“I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody – I’m ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could,” another pause, “kill him.”
Neeson clearly knows what he’s saying, and how shocking it is, how appalling. ...
Neeson shared the personal story after being asked to give more insight into his Cold Pursuit character Nels Coxman’s need for revenge after his son is killed by a drug gang.
“I think audience members live to see that,” Neeson said of onscreen violence. “They can kind of live vicariously through it. People say, ‘Yeah but violence in films makes people want to go out and kill people.’ I don’t believe that at all.
「復讐したい」云々も問題発言ではあるが、「人は誰も復讐心というものを抱くのだ。しかしそれはより多くの死をもたらすだけで無益だ」という《物語》の一部で、そのコンテクストでは問題にはならないだろう。しかし、「炎上」した発言に含まれるもうひとつの問題点は、どういうコンテクストに置いてみたところで、ダメである。だって特定の人が特定の加害者にレイプされたからといって、「誰でもいいから偶然、店から出てきた黒人」を殴り殺そうとするのだとしたら、それは「復讐」ですらないのだから。Twitterで炎上していたのは、その点だった。たとえばロンドンの小説家、Sunny Singhさんは次のように連投している。
Who the FUCK asks a woman who has been raped the race of their rapist?
— Sunny Singh (@sunnysingh_n6) February 4, 2019
A racist. That’s who.
Oh also a sexist, nasty fuck who doesn’t care about the raped friend. #LiamNeeson
彼女のいう "(he) doesn’t care about the raped friend" というのは、テクストから読み取れないと私は思う(そこまで読み取ってしまうこと自体に問題があると私は思うが、私はネイティヴ英語話者ではないので、そういう感覚が「正しい」のかどうかはわからない)。ここではニーソンは、「しばらく前に起きたこと」での「自分の心理」について一人称で語っているわけで、「自分の心理」以外のことはテクストに現れていない。
Adding to this because SO many of you are so happy to flash your racism and sexism.
— Sunny Singh (@sunnysingh_n6) February 5, 2019
Yes he is racist because he asked the race and then walked around hoping to attack just ANY INNOCENT BLACK MAN.
You think he’d do that for white men? Just want to attack ALL white men?
Two, he is sexist because instead of focussing on his friend’s trauma, he chose to focus on his hurt manly feelings of not ‘protecting’ her.
— Sunny Singh (@sunnysingh_n6) February 5, 2019
He’s also a shitty friend for making her trauma about his own masculinity.
Four: all you folk showing up to tell me cops would ask for a description of the rapist.
— Sunny Singh (@sunnysingh_n6) February 5, 2019
1. Neeson is not a fucking cop!
2. He didn’t ask for any OTHER identifier, did he?
3. What he described is intent to commit assault on innocent men for simply being a certain race.
"Neeson is not a fucking cop!" という問題点はその通り(ただしそこを突っ込んでいたらニーソンの「復讐もの」の類型である "I'm gonna find you, and kill you" の世界観にも突っ込みを入れざるをえないのだが……仮に「友人がレイプされたので武器を持って街をうろつく」ということがずっと昔の、若気の至り的な時代のことで、ニーソンはそれを恥ずかしく思っているとして、その後、今になって「復讐もの」をやり続けているのは何なのだろう)。ニーソンが「復讐心」ゆえにやろうとしたこと、武器を持って街をうろつき回るということは、かの「自警団」と同じだろう。
Finally, he’s told the story of his friend’s rape and his own intent to lynch innocent black men, made it about his own redemption and growth, simoly to SELL A FUCKING MOVIE.
— Sunny Singh (@sunnysingh_n6) February 5, 2019
Y’all are utterly devoid of reason and moral compass to want to justify and rationalise that!
A more productive way of talking about the Liam Neeson story is instead of sermonising about how evil he is & why he needs to be cancelled is to ask more fundamental questions about where do the racist ideas & sentiments that he once felt come from and what produces them.
— Ralph Leonard (@buffsoldier_96) February 4, 2019
Also, before you react to the Liam Neeson story with whatever hot take you have lined up, actually read past the clickbait headlines and read the interview in context. He clearly is recounting his story self-critically & with regret and disgust at what he once felt and thought...
— Ralph Leonard (@buffsoldier_96) February 4, 2019
But of course for some this context doesn't matter. It's not about trying to have a thoughtful conversation about race & stereotypes & how we can address it. It's about sanctimonious moralising, mixed in with the horror that a celebrity is a human being who thinks fucked up shit.
— Ralph Leonard (@buffsoldier_96) February 4, 2019
My simple point is racism doesn't exist in a vacuum and can't simply be limited to "evil" people. This is why we should ask more fundamental questions. Where do people who feel these racist sentiments get these ideas from? And what makes them have a degree of currency among some?
— Ralph Leonard (@buffsoldier_96) February 4, 2019
さて、リーアム・ニーソンの発言がこのように炎上して、見物人がどんどん増えたところで、さらに議論の材料を提供してくれたのが、元プロ・サッカー選手のジョン・バーンズである(彼は歌というかラップでも有名。例えば、"Catch me if you can, cause I'm the England man, and what you're looking at is the master plan" って)。80年代から90年代の、白人がほとんどだったころのイングランド代表で長くプレイしていた黒人プレイヤーだ。彼の名前はUKでのTrendsの一番上に、何時間も載っていた。キャプチャ取っておけばよかったかも。
リーアム・ニーソンの炎上後に、Sky Newsでコメンテーターとしてインタビューを受けたバーンズは、「本題に入る前に、ちょっといいですか」と前置きして、「リーアム・ニーソンは表彰されてしかるべき」と語り始める。この内容が、すごかったのでおおいに話題になった。Sky Newsが自身のチャンネルにクリップをアップしているので、7分ほど時間がある方は見てみていただきたい。
バーンズの話が佳境に入るのは2分35秒くらいからだ。ここがすばらしい。"We are all unconscious racists" (3分20秒ごろ)というのがバーンズの議論の核で、「人種差別的な考えをしてしまっている自分がいる」ことを認めた人を「差別主義者だ」と叩いていては、「すべての人が差別をしている」という重要な事実が認められず、「差別は悪いことです」という綺麗事だけの世界になってしまう。そこでは「差別」はますます、埋もれていく。そういう問題意識をバーンズは抱いていて、それゆえに「自分は差別的な発想に基づいて行動していたことを認め、恥じ入っていると告白したリーアム・ニーソンは、表彰されてしかるべき」と主張している。
"So let's take down that statue of Winston Churchill, who is a white supremacist and a mass murderer."
John Barnes giving a full on jaw-dropping defence of Liam Neeson on Sky News right now. Calling it a media witch hunt. Calling Churchill a white supremacist mass murderer too. Absolute scenes.
— Tom Peck (@tompeck) February 5, 2019
バーンズの発言は次のように続く。「チャーチルは英雄だと言いますが、少数民族に毒ガスを使うべきと考えていた人物ですよ(注: クルド人やアフガニスタン人に使おうと考えていたし、ボルシェヴィキにも使おうとしてたんですな)。そういう人物が英雄で、リーアム・ニーソンが過去の自分の行為の間違いを認めるといっせいに叩きが始まる」
"How is Churchill a hero when he spoke about... he believes in gassing the lesser races. But he's a hero. And when Liam Neeson comes out and he admits that he was wrong in what he did, whereas Winston Churchill would never admit he was wrong, never, and if he was alive now he would still believe in the superiority of the Aryan race.
"But Liam Neeson - someone who admits that, after a week and a half of thinking what he thought, that he was wrong, which is fine as far as I'm concerned - we're now pillorying him."
John Barnes getting a lot of praise for his comments on Sky News. On calls to boycott Liam Neeson’s films and strip him of his OBE: “Let’s take down that statue of Wintson Churchill, who is a white supremacist and a mass murderer” pic.twitter.com/0SaKeCCUHo
— Darren Cleary (@RadioCleary) February 5, 2019
John Barnes pretty angry just now on #skynews; giving big support to Liam Neeson saying he was right to admit he was wrong when he wanted to kill a black man when a friend was raped.
— Joel Taylor (@JoelTaylorhack) February 5, 2019
He also said Winston Churchill was a white supremacist for good measure too.
John Barnes with the best take. Liam Neeson's old views were abhorrent and he admits they were wrong, and clumsy as it was, showed remorse. Why are we going to boycott him when our society worships racists like Churchill anyways? https://t.co/ubE1qhiiHp
— Gren Begory (@BabysGotTheBens) February 5, 2019
I think the John Barnes Sky News interview on Liam Neeson, race and Winston Churchill may genuinely be the greatest ever 7 minutes of a footballer speaking. https://t.co/qEuVMGHR5W
— Paul Mitchell Fraud Unit (@bankruptspurs) February 5, 2019
https://t.co/H9Eorpfwju #JohnBarnes absolutely bang on the button here. fair play to the man 👏👏 #LiamNeeson #Churchill #Racist
— Danny Corbinzolu (@fedayn14) February 5, 2019
John Barnes discussing Liam Neeson and Winston Churchill on the news now. His points are spot-on, but fuck me it’s weird all the same, isn’t it. https://t.co/AjsVpHUAOE
— Messer Best (@MesserBest) February 5, 2019
I am very much here for John Barnes shredding to pieces the mass cover-up of the truth about Winston Churchill on national television. pic.twitter.com/XfD6E3wUdC
— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) February 6, 2019
Former Celtic manager John Barnes causing panic live on Sky News by calling out the racist Winston Churchill- way off script as they discuss Liam Neeson! Slaughtering the media, go on Barnes!
— Joe McHugh (@videocelts) February 5, 2019
John will always be my hero. Sky were expecting him to participate in the hysteria but it backfired on them.
— The Anfield Truth (@AnfieldTruth) February 5, 2019
Also calling out Winston Churchill for what he was, a racist evil bastard who is portrayed as a hero in our history books.
Love you John Barnes. https://t.co/6L97aaFubD
I applaud John Barnes, and I do so despite being an Everton supporter. Barnes is a cultural asset; this man should air his views as often as he can. Thank you, John, for calling out that war criminal pig, Winston Churchill. @Everton @officialbarnesy https://t.co/nqn0CqflFP
— Mr Dominic (@DominicXIV) February 6, 2019
You’ve obviously never read what Churchill had to say about India and Indian people. Or Irish people and Ireland.
— John O'Brennan (@JohnOBrennan2) February 5, 2019
Unlike you John Barnes evidently reads books.
John Barnes is right about #Churchill but WRONG about #LiamNeeson. Neeson NEVER acknowledged or apologised for his racial prejudice. There are plenty of white people who will admit they have to check and fight the #bias society as instilled in them. Neeson deserves NOTHING
— Monday's Child (@MondaysChildx) February 5, 2019
The way England is going, things could get very messy for John Barnes after his comments about Winston Churchill.
— Kieran Cunningham (@KCsixtyseven) February 5, 2019
John Barnes is well out of line what he's saying about Winston Churchill. What we do know is the Nazis did gas people and I very much doubt from Hitler's reaction to Jesse Owens winning the 1936 Olympics he admired non whites. Barnes wants to remember the debt we owe Churchill.
— Terry Taglioni (@TerryTaglioni) February 5, 2019
Liam Neeson: red carpet event cancelled following race attack remarks https://t.co/QAW70KcRKQ
— The Guardian (@guardian) February 6, 2019
Liam Neeson film's red carpet event cancelled amid racism row https://t.co/6QyUabcWrN
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) February 5, 2019
Liam Neeson said the uproar over his remarks taught him that "we all pretend we’re politically correct" but "sometimes you just scratch the surface and you discover this racism and bigotry." https://t.co/GW0KWx9VBd
— The New York Times (@nytimes) February 6, 2019
'I was trying to show honour in this terrible medieval fashion' - Liam Neeson denies being racist https://t.co/pUNzn8NveS pic.twitter.com/CCIOQ7THOT
— Independent.ie (@Independent_ie) February 6, 2019
米ABCの番組のクリップ。スタジオの観客がニーソンを見る目はとても冷たいが、コメント欄にさまざまな意見が寄せられている。"This isn't racism. It's an overreaction and a loss of self control" と言う黒人青年、「自分も奴隷ものの映画を見た帰りに白人を見るとぶちのめしたくなる。人間とはそういうものでは」と言う黒人の人、「そもそもあの発言に差別は無関係」、「メディアが話題づくりをしただけ」、などなど……
ジョン・バーンズは翌日もさらにニーソンの発言の意図は「復讐は何も生まない」ということにあると述べている。(でもそれなら、あんな「実話」を持ち出す必要はなかったんじゃないかと私は思っている。そもそもそういいながら「復讐の鬼」の映画に次々と主演し、「復讐」の物語化を促進しているのは何なのか、と。それに、ニーソンにはFive Minutes Of Heavenという「復讐もの」の作品もある。ただし復讐する側ではなくされる側としての出演だが。)
'It's not about race, he was talking about revenge'@officialbarnesy speaks out about Liam Neeson's controversial interview pic.twitter.com/4HLlrLcoip
— This Morning (@thismorning) February 6, 2019
"It is a monstrous leap to say, actually I'm not looking for justice...anyone who looks like this person, who happens to be black, will do."
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) February 6, 2019
Simon Woolley and John Barnes discuss the Liam Neeson racism row. pic.twitter.com/S3XMZFOr4p
'There's a very dark side to humans when they suffer from depression, when they suffer from revenge.'
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) February 6, 2019
Niall Boylan believes Liam Neeson's thoughts on wanting to kill a 'black man' for revenge were irrational, but not intentionally racist. pic.twitter.com/nTvfhSs5kk
The premiere of Liam Neeson's film was cancelled last night, amid backlash for speaking about wanting to kill a 'black man' for the revenge of a friend's rape.
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) February 6, 2019
Kevin Maguire says it was the right thing to do, and his comments shouldn't be swept under the rug.@Kevin_Maguire pic.twitter.com/WP8ageT25k
ジョン・バンヴィルも出てきた(バンヴィルの作品がニーソン主演で映画化される)。ほかで見られる「魔女狩り witch hunt」という言葉遣い(バーンズも使っていた)よりも、バンヴィルの使っている「ピューリタニズム」のほうが私にはしっくり来る。
John Banville defends Liam Neeson against ‘frightening new puritanism’
The Irish novelist John Banville has defended Liam Neeson following criticism of the actor for comments relating to the rape of a friend 40 years ago.
“I can’t see what the fuss is about frankly,” the Man Booker-winning author told The Irish Times.
Speaking to the London Independent, Neeson explained that, following his friend’s rape, he took a cosh and walked out hoping that any random “black b**tard” would engage with him so that he could “kill him” in revenge. The Independent subsequently published audio of the interview online.
The comments have generated front-page news stories throughout the world. Neeson is due to star as Philip Marlowe in an upcoming film of Banville’s The Black-Eyed Blonde, a variation on Raymond Chandler written under the pseudonym Benjamin Black.
“I listened to the recording of the interview he gave to the journalist, who shouldn’t of course have made her tape public. I thought that was a bit of a betrayal,” Banville said. “I cannot see what the fuss was about. It seems to me people are not reading what the man said: ‘I had this urge. I shouldn’t have done it. I am ashamed of it. I shouldn’t even be saying this to a journalist.’ He was indiscrete to say the least.”
... “We all have primitive urges,” said Banville, a former literary editor of The Irish Times who won the Booker Prize in 2005 for his novel The Sea.
“He was foolish. He should have known better. He is a public man. He shouldn’t be using language like that. But he said he was ashamed. Nobody seems to have picked up on that. He was ashamed to have the urge to kill somebody at random. Frankly, I have often had the urge to kill somebody at random. We all have. I have no doubts we all have. This new puritanism that is stalking the world I find very frightening.”
Liam Neeson admits to racial profiling in resurfaced interview from 2014 https://t.co/Z9FvGT7zSt
— The Independent (@Independent) February 6, 2019
Black People Die Every Year From a Liam Neeson ‘Impulse’ https://t.co/S05dSFBw6T pic.twitter.com/8qymnASTpi
— VICE UK (@VICEUK) February 6, 2019
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