そのときのBBC News記事が下記。よくまとまっている。
France fuel unrest: 'Shame' on violent protesters, says Macron
25 November 2018
BBC News - France fuel unrest: 'Shame' on violent protesters, says Macron https://t.co/iR2kk5vGhz いちいちTwitterに食わせてないけどこういう記事も読んでます。17日の週のほうが24日の週よりひどかったということは日本では伝えられてるんすかね。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 26, 2018
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 26, 2018
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) November 26, 2018
BBC News - France fuel protests: 'Yellow vests' pull out of PM meeting https://t.co/YkcAXr2STi 'Some members of the group said they had received death threats from hardline protesters warning them not to enter into negotiations with the government.'
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 4, 2018
どうでもいいけどフランスのこのデモについて日本語圏で「イエローベスト」と表記しているのは何なのだろう。英語圏でYellow vestsと表記してるのは元のフランス語の英語訳なのだから、日本語圏で報じるときは日本語訳して「黄色いベスト」とすればよいのに。あるいは原語カナ表記で「ジレ・ジョーヌ」
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 4, 2018
France fuel protests: PM Philippe 'to halt fuel tax rise' https://t.co/q6jXV4DbWl そもそもマクロンが当選したのは「痛みを伴う構造改革」路線が支持されたからではなくて、既存大政党が自滅したあと極左と極右とマクロンの「究極の選択」になったからだという事実が消されたナラティヴに戦慄。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 4, 2018
Je voteのハッシュタグより。最近のフランスのパトリオットは英語を使うんだね! (・_・) pic.twitter.com/ohDgK4Af72
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) April 23, 2017
So the Russian Minstry of Defense's TV Channel just tweeted the hashtag that supports Marine Le Pen https://t.co/k1xibjuTIa
— Dusty (@DustinGiebel) April 23, 2017
Le Pen's ties and finances to Russia have been widely reported on since atleast 2014. The French are well aware of it.
— Dusty (@DustinGiebel) April 23, 2017
Friday's #Ligue1 football match between Thierry Henry's Monaco and rivals Nice has been postponed amid fears of more "#yellowvest" protests in France over rising living costs https://t.co/TjTWaQZt1p #GiletsJaunes
— AFP news agency (@AFP) December 6, 2018
フランス、ジレジョーヌのデモが激化するとの懸念で、金曜日に行なわれる予定だったサッカー1部リーグ(リーグ・アン)の試合が延期に。ええ、アンリのモナコ対ヴィエイラのニースの試合が。 https://t.co/Eyic6SAwTq
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
French authorities are worried that another wave of "great violence" and rioting will be unleashed in Paris this weekend by a hard core of several thousand 'yellow vest' protesters. #GiletsJaunes
— euronews (@euronews) December 6, 2018
Read more: https://t.co/ZVbEY5bpcL pic.twitter.com/BCBUiJLXo4
#France government fears major escalation of #GiletsJaunes violence in the days ahead. https://t.co/neinjvRp3j
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) December 6, 2018
For 2 days, I'm capturing the English tweets with the hashtag #GiletsJaunes. I started to analyse the 23K tweets and found something interesting 🔽 pic.twitter.com/LavAPq7WeJ
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
In the following graph, a node is a Twitter profile and an edge is an interaction between 2 profiles (RT, ...).
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
Ladies and gentleman, let me present you @abrahamekris (the big yellow node) pic.twitter.com/qRbroOhXRl
This guy is a combo of everything. His profile picture is a yellow vest with a big Q and the hashtag #WWG1WGA. pic.twitter.com/Ztr5Pjm3cP
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
(・_・) 盆と正月が一緒に来たようなプロフィールだ(違
WWG1WGAはそのQAnonの人々が掲げる標語で、Where We Go One We Go Allの頭文字略語。「全員で向かうところは1つ」みたいな意味。この言葉を「Q」の形に配置したプラカードが、下記BBC記事についてる写真で確認できる。
This big Q and this hashtag is related to the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory https://t.co/QzlEO3ymbR
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
QAnonについての解説はここまでで、エリオットさんは「ジレ・ジョーヌ」のハッシュタグの英語ツイートの拡散源となっている @abrahamekris について、さらに調査を進めている。
He added his Gab profile twice in his screen name and in his bio. For info, Gab is an English-language social media website, known for its far-right user base... https://t.co/YlxqduVsBX
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
He is covering the yellow vest protests a lot... Of course, none of this is true... pic.twitter.com/pAWQhpe8oa
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
Worth to say, he is tweeting in English and Dutch. I saw some tweets in French too.
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
Studying the interactions of this account will be interesting. He also created a telegram group https://t.co/GTzR6v6gHl
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
My new friend blocked me few minutes after my tweets. Be ready my friend, this is only the beginning 😋 pic.twitter.com/ASKCBw5Zwy
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
My new friend has been used as a source in a recent article published by @BreibartNews https://t.co/mhlbKUPhSR pic.twitter.com/1uxCUfWYQw
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
The same tweet has been used by @CNNgreece https://t.co/qQyquTSfzf pic.twitter.com/quqBJq4gTu
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
This is the tweet schedule plots of @abrahamekris. You see this regular little blue points? This guy is publishing tweets automatically. pic.twitter.com/gPEkl8v7iL
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
Worth saying that this account is really active since Monday 11/26/18.
— Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) December 6, 2018
💬 Did the "yellow vests" protesters in France demonstrate with a guillotine?
— AFPFactCheck 🔎 (@AFPFactCheck) December 3, 2018
❌ No, the photo is actually from a January 2018 union protesthttps://t.co/ZCwHEVECuv
「元は7月のルーマニアでの写真」ではなく「1月のフランス・パリで行われた、文化予算削減に反対する労働組合の抗議行動のために設置されたギロチンの写真じゃないんですかね。ちなみに左の建物は"The Louvre des Antiquaires"だと思います。https://t.co/89EfOeGcgahttps://t.co/FymO3dnb5n
— mold (@lautream) December 4, 2018
なおどちらもパリではないが、ギロチンを作った人がいるのは本当。 https://t.co/5hawwSPeYR https://t.co/MgyZe5djKr
— ネット上の情報検証まとめ (@jishin_dema) December 4, 2018
▼The elusive face of the Paris rioters(パリ暴動の謎の顔)https://t.co/w5zZk7ZRyB
— Ken Sugar🌏 (@ken_sugar) December 4, 2018
https://t.co/FcvxBvtPKr Thread (今全部R/Tしたけど)
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
日本にはフランスのデモについても英語圏経由で情報を入れて発言している声の大きな人がいるようなので、日本語情報に知らず知らずのうちに反映されているであろう英語圏のバイアス(右巻き)には要注意だと思います。そしてさらに、 https://t.co/P6BoLZ18dN にあるような事実にも要注意。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
その上で、ジレ・ジョーヌについての英語圏記事で読んでよかったと思ったのは、まず、BBC - France protests: Will the environment be the true victim of the fuel-tax riots? https://t.co/6GLkXHsQAi 見出しはタブロイド調で記事の中身とイマイチ合っていない。極右のナラティヴに乗せられず…
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
…こういうのを読むといいと思う。でもこの解説記事、BBCの報道記事の新しいもの(例えばこれ: https://t.co/u2EhmpHmLe )から直結したリンクがないので、記事の存在を知らない人はたどり着けない。なぜすぐ読めるようにリンクしてないのかわからない。BBCのわりには投げやりじゃないいい記事なのに
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
France protests: Will the environment be the true victim of the fuel-tax riots?
The protests are, in some ways, surprising. The French, in overwhelming numbers, believe in man-made climate change.
According to a study released earlier this year by the European Social Survey, almost 94% of French citizens believe climate change is at least partly caused by human activity, with 73.7% believing the impacts will be bad.
In comparison, 91% of British people believe climate change is partially caused by human activity, and just 66% believe the impact will be negative. Meanwhile, a report by the University of Michigan's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy notes only 60% of Americans believe climate change is happening and humans are playing a part.
France's fuel tax aims to encourage motorists to use their cars less or switch to electric versions.
The tax would also raise €34bn ($39bn; £30bn), although according to news agency Reuters, just €7.2bn will go towards the environment.
So why fight against a policy designed to combat carbon emissions?
Many argue the people out on the streets are not protesting against the ecological aim of the tax. It has become much more than that in the weeks since it began.
"Clearly the reason the yellow vests began to demonstrate was the so-called carbon or fuel tax," François Gemenne, a lecturer in environmental geopolitics at Paris's SciencesPo university, explained.
"But I'm not sure this [postponing the tax] will calm them down - most of them are just against tax."
Indeed, one of the leading members of the yellow vests - or "gilet jaunes" - appeared to almost echo these words.
"The measures announced today do not satisfy us at all - for the simple reason they don't go far enough," Benjamin Cauchy told the BBC's Chris Bockman in Toulouse.
"The French people want a complete political transformation. They want to change the way things have been for the last 30 years. We're sick and tired of taxes being raised and the quality of public services going down."
But, environmentalists warn, this wider campaign against tax could end up harming the advances made towards a greener society.
"It is not by turning our backs on ecology that we will emerge from the political crisis we are experiencing," French political party Europe Ecologie Les Verts warned in a statement.
"Ecology must not become the atoning victim of this government's bad choices."
In fact, the protests are widely believed to be a result of how the tax was created, not why.
"The decision of the French prime minister... shows the government has done things upside down, and put the cart before the horse," the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) Pierre Cannet told people gathered for the COP 24 talks.
"The carbon tax must be accompanied by a process, a process that is more consensual and as inclusive as possible."
Mr Gemenne agrees, pointing to the way the Paris accord was reached three years ago: with everyone's co-operation.
"It really kind of triggered this anger because it was [perceived as being] unfair, rather than being discussed collectively," he said.
"Macron needs to apply the same ideas as COP 21 in 2015, the same bottom-up recipe. But he is a very top-down president."
France protests: Will the environment be the true victim of the fuel-tax riots? https://t.co/o1s3yH6mfz 「気候変動は問題だ。だが私の生活は危機に瀕している」という問題を解決するのが政治であるはずなのに。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 5, 2018
https://t.co/8cnRuLvOKn で一言述べたが、マクロンはstatesmanというよりはpoliticianなのだろう。フランスの人々は環境意識が低いわけではない。けれどもCO2を出すディーゼルを使い続けている。その問題をどうすれば……というときに「私のリーダーシップ」で乗り切れると考えたのなら、それは傲慢だ
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
もうひとつはガーディアンの論説記事。Macron’s politics look to Blair and Clinton. The backlash was inevitable | Larry Elliott https://t.co/7489Gp1xXO 「そうそう、これこれ、これがいいたかった」が満載。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
2017年の大統領選挙の際、最初(第1回投票)からマクロンを支持したのは、有権者の24%ほどに過ぎない(キャプチャ画像はvia https://t.co/JRijGFBPeo )。この第1回投票の結果、決選投票でマクロン対ルペンになり、大まかに66%対33%という結果になった。(ルペンの第1回投票での得票率は21%くらい)
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
https://t.co/7489Gp1xXO この記事がよいのは、ドイツに関して「女帝メルケルがぁぁ」で語ろうとせず、英ブレア、米クリントンの時代(ネオリベの時代)のシュレーダーについて書いている点。マクロンは若いけど、基本的にその時代の政治家で、しかも「自分には国民の支持がある」と誤認してた。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) December 6, 2018
Macron’s politics look to Blair and Clinton. The backlash was inevitable
Larry Elliott, Thu 6 Dec 2018 06.00 GMT
There is no little irony in the fact that the man who was seen as the answer to populism has provoked the most high-profile demonstration of populist rage Europe has yet seen. When he arrived at the Elysée Palace, Macron was hailed as a new breed of politician but he was really the past, not the future: the last technocratic centrist in the tradition of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder.
Angela Merkel’s predecessor as German chancellor was the real role model for Macron, because it was Schröder who pushed through tough labour market and welfare reforms in the early 2000s designed to make Europe’s biggest economy more competitive. The reforms worked, but only after a fashion. Germany has low unemployment and runs a huge trade surplus, but does because German workers have accepted wage cuts and reduced spending power.
Macron thought the same recipe would work in France, but although he saw off Marine Le Pen easily enough in the presidential runoff, his underlying support was always weak. France chooses its leader in a two-stage process: a first round with multiple candidates and a second round when the two candidates with the highest number of votes go head to head. There is a saying that France chooses in the first round and eliminates in the second, and barely more than one in four of those who voted in round one wanted Macron.
Nonetheless, the new president thought he had a powerful mandate for structural reform. He cut taxes for the rich, made it easier for companies to hire and fire, and took on the rail unions. It was only a matter of time before the backlash began.
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) April 23, 2017
Far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon says he will not endorse any candidate for the second round of the French presidential election
— Sky News Breaking (@SkyNewsBreak) April 23, 2017
あと、個人的には、マクロンの頭には "It is feasible – indeed, desirable – to use the tax system to tackle climate change, but only if the hit to living standards is fully offset by cuts in other taxes." というシンプルなことさえなかったのかなあという疑問がある。そういうことが頭にないと、政治家は務まらないのではないかと。
追記: 「ネオリベ」、「格差社会」を問題視するという視点から書かれているに違いない記事のご紹介(私はまだ読めていない)。Verso Booksは左派出版社 (New Left Reviewの人たちが立ち上げた出版社)。
"Like [M5S], it is neither right nor left, and is currently taking a heterogeneous and anti-political form. It is a rejection of everything to do with political parties and representing the establishment" https://t.co/2zEkSlI7Z7
— aris roussinos (@arisroussinos) December 6, 2018
Verso Booksは年末恒例全部半額セール中(紙の本も電子書籍も)。紙の本を買うと電子書籍がタダでDLできるから、紙の本は人に貸したり譲ったりして、自分は電子書籍を常に参照可能、ということもできる。
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