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BBC News - Best-selling Miffy the rabbit author Dick Bruna dies https://t.co/ctMZyIpyqI (;_;) ディック・ブルーナが亡くなってしまった。 at 02/18 03:41
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2,3年前にユトレヒトの個人ミュージアムにアトリエを移設して、創作活動から引退して……ということを何かで読んで、お別れの準備を進めておられるんだなと思っていたけど、訃報がくると、やっぱりつらい。 (;_;) at 02/18 03:46
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RT @KjeldDuits: #BREAKING
#Miffy's creator Dick Bruna died in his sleep last night, it has just been announced in the Netherlands. He was… at 02/18 03:46
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RT @Miffy_UK: Dick Bruna, Miffy’s creator, died yesterday in his home town of Utrecht, Netherlands, aged 89. https://t.co/hwVCSRbbDO at 02/18 03:46
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UKのMiffyアカウントも泣いてる。オランダ語の「ナインチェ」から、日本では石井桃子さんが「うさこちゃん」という言葉を、英国でもやはり翻訳者が「Miffy」という言葉を発見した。そのこと自体がとても美しい。 https://t.co/bSXAmbccEb at 02/18 03:51
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RT @HWarlow: I'll dedicate my jug of Daffodils to his memory. My Children loved Miffy Dick Bruna. He will be fondly remembered. https://t.c… at 02/18 03:53
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RT @whitbylibrary: Sad to learn of the passing of Dick Bruna, the Danish illustrator and author of the #Miffy books https://t.co/m7Yqcdq9jL at 02/18 03:58
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RT @svkaay: R.I.P. graphic designer + Miffy creator Dick Bruna. Master of simple, expressive forms #dickbruna #Miffy https://t.co/A1OQas5Cb… at 02/18 03:58
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RT @KjeldDuits: 教えてください!
#ミッフィー はあなたにとってどんな存在ですか?
ミッフィーのパパの #ディック・ブルーナ 氏は89歳で死亡 https://t.co/mOCDTVrULJ at 02/18 04:01
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.@KjeldDuits 外国とか日本とか、そんなこと知りもしなかった幼い私が、最初に接した「世界」です。私(40代)が生まれたときには既に、石井桃子さんの翻訳で、ナインチェは「うさこちゃん」となり、日本の児童文学作家松谷みよ子さんの作品と並んで、子供が最初に手にする絵本でした。 at 02/18 04:07
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RT @KjeldDuits: Just finished my piece for tomorrow's @NRC Handelsblad about the Japanese reaction to Dick Bruna's death. Time to hit the s… at 02/18 04:08
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"震災、ミッフィーの目には…ブルーナさんがメッセージ" https://t.co/6VPe5v0Tmx 2011年3月27日
"「…あなたのイラストで子どもたちに希望を与えて下さい」と頼むとすぐに「わかりました。心をこめてかきまし… https://t.co/k1Ktynbet8 at 02/18 04:11
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Never liked Hello Kitty and Sanrio characters. Nor Mickey Mouse and Disney friends. Always liked Nijntje/Miffy. A h… https://t.co/Lz64womDl8 at 02/18 04:22
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RT @nijntjemuseum: Vandaag bereikt ons het droevige bericht dat Dick Bruna is overleden https://t.co/TPsO7wOcOt at 02/18 04:25
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RT @harmenstruiksma: Yesterday the Dutch lost a master of illustration and design; Dick Bruna. Father of Miffy, and master of minimalism an… at 02/18 04:27
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RT @jessicasrcook: This little Miffy mosaic is tucked down a side street in Utrecht right by Dick Bruna's studio https://t.co/BkoVNg9WTM at 02/18 04:28
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RT @colorkitten: Also RIP Dick Bruna, creator of Miffy (without whom Sanrio would barely exist)
https://t.co/UtYUnfCc7p https://t.co/qK6a… at 02/18 04:29
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Japanese postage stamps (about 15 years old) featuring Dick Bruna's art. 15年ほど前に発行された切手。 https://t.co/HE0NiUci8n at 02/18 04:51
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RT @lesoir: Le papa de Miffy est décédé
https://t.co/WwgZM66fme https://t.co/trOCpdYXj8 at 02/18 04:58
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RT @librarianbe: Muere a los 89 años Dick Bruna (1927-2017), el padre de la conejita Miffy (Nijntje). https://t.co/jJM5QYpfvi at 02/18 05:00
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RT @matthewcock: Another scene from Miffy at the Gallery. RIP Dick Bruna. https://t.co/0wsgFhroMY at 02/18 05:01
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RT @theokingma: ‘I create a world that children fill with their own imagination.’ - Dick Bruna #DickBruna, creator of #Miffy passes away in… at 02/18 05:02
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RT @chankodiary: Ich bin Japanerin. Seit dem Kind liebe ich Miffy. Ich habe in Berlin das Bilderbuch "Miffy weint" gekauft. Mein Beileid. h… at 02/18 05:03
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RT @StichtingPrint: Dick Bruna was not only known for #Miffy and other amazing children's book characters, but also for incredibly beautifu… at 02/18 05:04
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RT @WKortleever: 'Rest In Peace Dick Bruna', in Amsterdam railway station. You all knew of course that Nijntje (Miffy) is Dutch... https://… at 02/18 05:05
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RT @nthsidewheelers: Miffy and her bicycle ... loved the way he used colour . RIP Dick Bruna https://t.co/efJ6xBdFmG https://t.co/NSkB1ok… at 02/18 05:06
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RT @Theeboon: Tot later, Dick! #DickBruna #Nijntje #Miffy https://t.co/mi7YMPl6Ms at 02/18 05:06
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RT @helenthornber: It had to be #Miffy for our bedtime story tonight. RIP Dick Bruna. Thank you for all the s… https://t.co/psCT8WjBhH http… at 02/18 05:07
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RT @johan_vogelaar: Niet alleen in Utrecht, maar ook in Den Haag een begrip. RIP #Dickbruna #Nijntje #Miffy. Wie is er niet mee opgegroeid?… at 02/18 05:07
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RT @redactieadun: Wie het spoor volgt dat Dick Bruna heeft nagelaten in Utrecht,stuit op vertedering, sentiment,en liefdevolle woorden http… at 02/18 05:11
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RT @kiminutrecht: RIP Dick Bruna. #Nijntje #Miffy #NijntjePleintje #Utrecht https://t.co/kuRZO1850X at 02/18 05:12
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RT @SemvanderWalNL: Utrecht rouwt om overlijden tekenaar Dick Bruna. #nieuws #nijntje https://t.co/HTGJdEFBAB at 02/18 05:12
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Dick Bruna obituary https://t.co/dimFhnTvOI ガーディアンのオビチュアリ。ナインチェ(英国ではミッフィー)は「日本ではうさこ」ということも書かれている。 at 02/18 06:17
Even Miffy’s face remains apparently constant, with black dots of eyes and a cross of a mouth, although occasionally there is an addition, such as a tear. But, by an infinitesimal tilt of her head, shutting of her eyes or the position of her head in a room or a landscape, Bruna gave Miffy a full range of responses as she did all the things familiar to pre-school children, such as celebrating a birthday, going to the zoo, visiting a playground or going to the seaside.
Miffy’s life is stylised and idealised, and the jaunty tone of the rhyming couplets which map out the story that the illustrations tell so eloquently adds to the upbeat feel of the books, which are reassuring to children and adults alike. ...
Describing how he worked, Bruna said: “For a book of 12 pictures I make at least a hundred.” Each was drawn with a paintbrush specially trimmed by Bruna; as he got older, and despite the success of all his books, he said it got harder and harder to get the image exactly right. Miffy’s eyes and mouth were especially problematic: “That’s all you have. With two dots and a little cross I have to make her happy, or just a little bit happy, a little bit cross or a little bit sad – and I do it over and over again. There is a moment when I think yes, now she is really sad. I must keep her like that.”
I-SPY snow Miffy!
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 7, 2017
Photo by Instagram user l700s_miffy pic.twitter.com/OL5sPxlAd0
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RT @debecca: Dick Bruna died today, but Miffy is forever. My mum died 16 years ago, but I still have this drawing she did <3 https://t.co/D… at 02/18 06:20
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RT @BlikvoerOntwerp: R.I.P. Dick Bruna #dickbruna #dick #bruna #nijntje #overleden #mond #icoon #miffy #kruis #cross #deceased https://t.c… at 02/18 06:20
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RT @roryhyde: My favourite Dick Bruna thing is this book he made comparing his work to pieces in the Rijksmuseum, it's genius https://t.co/… at 02/18 06:21
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RT @tomcquaid: RIP Dick Bruna. Some of my favorite book covers (that Shirley Jackson 👏) https://t.co/E9zQCbPpEg at 02/18 06:21
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RT @presentcorrect: Celebrate the incredible Dick Bruna, this site has over 3000 of his book covers. He was so much more than Miffy.
https:… at 02/18 06:21
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RT @vincebal: RIP Dick Bruna, not only the creator of Miffy, but he made terrific book covers for Simenon and Havank... https://t.co/UB3NoN… at 02/18 06:22
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RT @Wouter_Pieterse: R.I.P Dick Bruna https://t.co/eO3yn59bDu at 02/18 06:24
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RT @tylrtkn: I need to go to bed but I can't stop looking at Dick Bruna's illustrations. They're so beautiful. https://t.co/r2YaDPa0Oq at 02/18 06:24
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RT @bobjinx: more Dick Bruna / https://t.co/yUfhqAhau8 at 02/18 06:25
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RT @AndreGilara: Dick Bruna als Nijntje. #bruna #nijntje #utrecht https://t.co/AR85TerUKd https://t.co/l7it6KDICl at 02/18 06:27
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RT @edwin_koning: R.i.p. Dick Bruna https://t.co/C3yANgGTdt at 02/18 06:28
ディック・ブルーナ ミッフィーと歩いた60年 森本 俊司 by G-Tools |
Miffy first appeared in English in 1964 in a UK edition and the title was published almost simultaneously across Europe and in Japan (where Miffy is Usako). Bruna’s other titles included a series of adventures about a little dog named Snuffy (Snuffie in the Dutch original), retellings of traditional tales and the I Can series of books. All of these retained Bruna’s distinctive style and palette, influenced by the work of Matisse and Picasso, which Bruna had discovered while in Paris, and by the graphic design of the De Stijl movement in Holland. His books had a European flavour, while managing to remain non-specific in terms of either time or place.
Miffy is reading queen Miffy at 1pm today for #Miffysbookclub - come join her! pic.twitter.com/wBuvo1KKEi
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
When Miffy dressed herself for bed
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
as it grew late one night,
she did her nightdress button up
and said – that’s done. All right. pic.twitter.com/lyooXneLcb
She went to bed and pulled the duvet
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
up to meet her chin,
switched off the light and fell asleep,
all tidily tucked in.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/ormg4irAI8
Then Miffy Bunny had a dream
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
which made her feel so grand.
She dreamed she was the Queen of Rabbits
ruling Rabbit land.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/gHSJRkKl16
Her home was now a palace
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
with walls of gleaming white.
A royal flag flew high above.
It was a pretty sight.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/QphjyHAX5C
Her loyal rabbit subjects
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
adored their lovely queen.
They smiled and cheered and waved to her
whenever she was seen.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/oTACWcmLfN
Miffy always waved right back.
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
That’s why it was agreed
that having such a special queen
was great good luck indeed.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/nU6dcOlFKf
On any fine occasion
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
as Queen she would appear
To cut the coloured ribbons.
Then everyone would cheer.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/shl2IHfals
But if some sad thing happened
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
to make a rabbit cry
Queen Miffy would bring comfort
and help their tears to dry.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/Z2QnrTpXSl
Queen Miffy read through all the post
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
she regularly got.
She busily sent letters back
and often wrote a lot.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/t4MrtvRVlY
Every year her people
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
would plant a new young tree.
A birthday present for their queen
that everyone could see.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/go4USMhPlf
The rabbits then would wave their flags
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
and sing, hip, hip, hooray!
Long live our good Queen Miffy.
This is her special day.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/mg0XC10CPG
And then, the dream was over.
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 15, 2017
What a shame it was so short.
But being Queen was thrilling.
That’s what Miffy thought.#Miffysbookclub pic.twitter.com/bU8cuyVdeh
Do you want to play, Miffy?
— Miffy (@Miffy_UK) February 13, 2017
Photos by Instagram user sophielindblom pic.twitter.com/0qu4CgSiyX
Miffy UKのアカウントでの読書会、「びじゅつかん」もあった。
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RT @Miffy_UK: Miffy is reading Miffy at the gallery at 1pm today for #Miffysbookclub - come read with her https://t.co/gwkHG3CLYm at 02/19 01:16
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RT @Miffy_UK: Mrs Bunny asked the others
- will you come with me?
I’m going to the gallery.
There’s lots of art to see.
#Miffysbookclub ht… at 02/19 01:16
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RT @Miffy_UK: Mr Bunny said, I’ll come
but Miffy’s much too small.
Take me too! cried Miffy.
I’m really big and tall.
#Miffysbookclub http… at 02/19 01:16
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RT @Miffy_UK: So off they went together
to view the gallery.
Miffy was excited -
I wonder what we’ll see.
#Miffysbookclub https://t.co/rKek… at 02/19 01:17
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RT @Miffy_UK: First she saw a painting
on the wall above her head.
Said Miffy, it’s an apple.
It looks so real and red!
#Miffysbookclub htt… at 02/19 01:17
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RT @Miffy_UK: Look Miffy, there’s a mobile,
above you in the air.
See how the shapes all balance
as they’re hooked together there.
#Miffysb… at 02/19 01:17
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RT @Miffy_UK: A bear, a real bear, cried Miff.
Oh no, said Mr Bun.
A real bear is nice and soft.
This is a stony one.
#Miffysbookclub https… at 02/19 01:17
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RT @Miffy_UK: That sun is blue, thought Miffy.
I’d paint a yellow one.
And yet a famous painter
painted that blue sun.
#Miffysbookclub h… at 02/19 01:18
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RT @Miffy_UK: I also like these lovely stripes.
To me they seem so good.
But am I looking at it right?
Have I understood?
#Miffysbookclub h… at 02/19 01:18
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RT @Miffy_UK: Look, Miffy, said her father.
That rabbit looks like you.
Don’t be silly, Miffy laughed.
I’m real and I’m not blue.
#Miffysb… at 02/19 01:18
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RT @Miffy_UK: I like that one, cried Miffy.
It’s colourful and bright.
Are those shapes cut with scissors?
I think I could be right.
#Miff… at 02/19 01:19
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RT @Miffy_UK: When it was time to go back home,
said Miffy, what a shame.
But never mind. I’ve seen a lot.
I’m so glad that we came.
#Miffy… at 02/19 01:19
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RT @Miffy_UK: And now, when I’m a grown-up,
in just a year or two,
I’ll draw and paint and make things.
I’ll be an artist too.
#Miffysbook… at 02/19 01:19
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RT @Jontofski: RIP Dick Bruna. Thank you for Miffy and so much more. https://t.co/lxjed55P5D at 02/19 01:42
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RT @Jontofski: Even a partially inked Miffy is a beautiful thing. #RIPDickBruna https://t.co/EZpluR4G0g at 02/19 01:42
More pics from that spread of Dick Bruna drawing Miffy. pic.twitter.com/iDXOb3Ax2n
— Jonathan Edwards (@Jontofski) February 17, 2017
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RT @Cortes: Thx, Dick. #Nijntje #Miffy #DickBruna https://t.co/ahNH0sKA23 at 02/19 01:41
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