おそらくそのようなことはしょっちゅう起きていて、ニュースにもならないし、それどころか人々の話題にもなることはない(「明日は自分かも」という立場の人々を除いては)。今回「バイロン」の件が話題になったのは、Twitterを見てわかった限りでは、「イミグレに捕まえられた『移民』は南米から来た人々で、そのためスペイン語のメディアで報道があり、そこから英語圏に入って、"No one is illegal" のスローガンに共鳴する人々によって、『どうせ、就労許可がない人々の足元を見て安い賃金で使ってきたのだろうに、イミグレと手を組んで従業員をわなにかけるなど、言語道断』ということで『バイロンをボイコットせよ』というハッシュタグができた」という経緯のようだった。つまり、スペイン語の報道がなければ英語圏に情報は流れていかなかっただろうと思われる。英国内で、英国政府によって行なわれていることであっても。
白い紙/サラム シリン・ネザマフィ 文藝春秋 2009-08-07 by G-Tools |
Most of those arrested at Byron burger chain have been removed from UK
Lisa O'Carroll, Friday 29 July 2016 17.33 BST
Most of those arrested at Byron burger chain have been removed from UK | UK news | The Guardian via kwout
The Home Office confirmed that 25 of those arrested in the operation on 4 July on suspicion of immigration offences “have now left the UK, either voluntarily departed or been removed”. It said the rest were “having their cases progressed by Immigration Enforcement”.
Earlier this week the Home Office revealed that people from Brazil, Nepal, Egypt and Albania were among the 35 rounded up in the raid.
Byron confirmed it facilitated the raid at the Home Office’s request but refused to respond to claims that it set up staff meetings on the false pretence they were for health and safety training.
It said: “We can confirm that several of Byron’s London restaurants were visited by representatives of the Home Office. These visits resulted in the removal of members of staff who are suspected by the Home Office of not having the right to work in the UK, and of possessing fraudulent personal and right to work documentation that is in breach of immigration and employment regulation.”
It said that the Home Office acknowledged that it had complied with its legal responsibilities as an employer but it had been shown “false/counterfeit documentation” by those at the centre of the alleged immigration breaches.
“We have cooperated fully and acted upon the Home Office’s requests throughout the course of the investigations leading to this action, and will continue to do so.”
A Home Office spokesperson said: “Immigration enforcement officers carried out intelligence-led visits to a number of Byron restaurants across London on 4 July, arresting 35 people for immigration offences. The operation was carried out with the full co-operation of the business.”
なお、ビジネス街で配布されているCity AMという媒体では、「偽造書類の横行」を理由に、このような手法を正当化する論説が出ている(雇う側が偽造書類だとわかって雇っていれば違法行為となるが、逆に言えば偽造書類を見抜けなかった場合は違法ではないというのが前提)。
This is why Byron Hamburger's immigration scandal backlash isn't fair
In defence of Byron
Immigration laws are complicated and ugly things. In the case of the UK burger chain Byron, they are very complicated, and very ugly.
It’s unsurprising that people are outraged. At its heart, this is the story of 35 people who were trying to build a life in the UK and have now had that opportunity taken away from them. Their crime of working illegally − and the current prime minister Theresa May did change it into a crime − was driven by understandable motivations.
That said, it is difficult to see any legal course of action Byron could have taken that would have either helped these people, immigrants more generally or, of far less importance, its reputation. ...
The campaign to boycott Byron is a case of misplaced anger – there are better targets for ire over workers' rights
Don’t grill Byron burger for government’s cheap-as-chips immigration tactics
The thinking behind the Byron plan is that most migrants living illegally are discovered not at the border, but after they have crossed it. The government may lack the tools to know where they are living or working when a travel or work visa expires. So the strategy is to find ways to expose them when engaged in everyday tasks.
That means managing immigration on an administrative level. The aim, in part, is to discourage illegal migrants by making it harder for them to work.
This means bringing in checks such as requiring people to show proof they are lawfully permitted to reside in the UK when applying for a job, rent a property, open a bank account or obtain a driver’s licence. The idea was that such everyday tasks as using a bank or driving a car would become too difficult to make life in the UK feasible for illegal migrants. Eventually, they would be found out and subsequently removed.
Byron hamburger worker felt 'used' after immigration arrest https://t.co/HUAVGmeNwj 6日付け。国外退去になったブラジル人にインタビューしている。各報道で書かれていたことの裏づけになる。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) August 6, 2016
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