McCain's links to Scottish king shot down by experts
The McCain link to Scotland was first mooted several years ago, but resurfaced this week on the eve of his trip to the UK, when Gibson Square, the publishers behind the senator's book, Hard Call, announced that "John McCain's family is of Scottish-Irish descent and related to the Scottish king, Robert the Bruce, on his mother's side"
出版社がGibson Square(笑)。なんで「(笑)」なのかは過去記事参照。ま、私の中では、ということですが。
The firm said the claim was sourced from the US presidential candidate's official website. But the ancestral link appears to originate from a 1999 family memoir, Faith of My Fathers.
ぶわはははははは。1999年! これなら「実はアルスターマンだったんだよ!」ってことになってたほうがまだ、ある意味での真実味というか、神話としての正統性があったと思います(実際、Scots-Irishだそうだし、ということはウッドロウ・ウィルソンとかセオドア・ロウズベルトとかの「米大統領といえばアルスターマン」という神話にぴったりはまりこむ)。マケインのはあまりに話がでかすぎる。こういう具合なんだよね:
In it the senator said his great-grandparents "gave life to two renowned fighters, my great-uncle Wild Bill and my grandfather Sid McCain."
Wild Bill, he wrote, "joined the McCain name to an even more distinguished warrior family. His wife, Mary Louise Earle, was descended from royalty.
She claimed as ancestors Scottish kings back to Robert the Bruce." The passage goes on to mention that Mary Louise Earle was also "in direct descent" from Emperor Charlemagne.
シャルルマーニュ大帝!!! で何、シャルルマーニュ大帝とロバート・ザ・ブルースにつながりがあるとでも? これは映画『ブレイブハート』のトンデモ(イザベルとウィリアム・ウォレスとの恋愛関係)を軽く超えるトンデモというか、ある意味の修正主義ではないのか?(笑)・・・ということはガーディアン記事で専門家がさんざんツッコミを入れているので、ガーディアン記事をお読みください。
Dr Bruce Durie, academic manager, genealogical studies at the University of Strathclyde, said after initial research into Mary Louise Earle's ancestry, that there was "no existing documented link" to Robert the Bruce in terms of traced lineage. "If you're going to track the direct lineage of Robert the Bruce, he is Andrew Bruce, Earl of Elgin and Kincardine."
Durie pointed out that Robert I was believed to have had up to a dozen children ― several illegitimately. Basic calculations suggested there could be as many as 200 million people distantly related to him. "In that sense McCain probably is descended from Bruce. So am I. So are you. So is everyone."
Durie also found other inaccuracies in extracts from the McCain memoir. For example, the suggestion that McCain's grandparents on his mother's side were descendants of Scots Presbyterians who "suffered the privations that were the fate of those who had remained loyal to the Scottish crown" in the aftermath of the death of Queen Mary.
"Mary Queen of Scots was Catholic. She was executed in 1587 by which time the Presbyterians were well in charge, so why would there be 'privations'? This is a mangling of history, or at best a misapprehension of it," Durie said.
"A lot of Scots of Irish descent tend to say 'we're related to so and so' ― people say Robert the Bruce quite often," he added. "William Wallace is another one, as you can imagine."
Durie added that despite his romantic reputation, Robert the Bruce was "an absolute scoundrel".
"He changed sides five times and would have ended up making Scotland a vassal nation to the English if Edward I had supported his claim to the throne. The first thing he did after taking power was destroy Stirling castle and he was a self-serving, vainglorious opportunist who was determined to be king at any cost."
マケインもchanged his sideはしているから(「CIAの拷問」の件とかで)、まあ、それはそれでいいのかもしれません。
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DNA testing reveals US ancestry
Page last updated at 06:03 GMT, Friday, 27 June 2008 07:03 UK
An international symposium taking place in County Tyrone is focusing on how families can trace relatives going back hundreds of years.
One of the speakers has used DNA testing to make a connection with US Presidential nominee, Republican John McCain.
Genealogist Barry McCain also used the scientific method to connect many McCain families in Ireland and America.