BBC staff arrests in police probe
Last Updated: Sunday, 16 March 2008, 16:20 GMT
・BBCは、逮捕されたジャーナリストたちはBBC NIの時事問題の調査に当たっていた、と述べている
・逮捕された人たちの年齢は30歳から48歳で、レターケニーのバーンフットとミルフォードの警察署に身柄を拘束されている(原文では、The men, who are aged between 30 and 48, と書かれており、この関係代名詞節の先行詞の the men が逮捕された全員のことなのか、BBC記者たちのことなのかも英文からは不明)
・逮捕の根拠は、共和国の対国家犯罪法第30条(Section 30 of the Republic's Offences Against the State Act: 端的にいえば「対テロ法」だろう)
A spokesperson said the other parties present were fully aware that they were with BBC journalists.
the other parties present って何。警察と、逮捕されたグループ(?)と・・・え? っていうかこの spokesperson ってどこのスポークスパーソン? Gardaか? BBCか?
Four BBC journalists held in paramilitary probe
3/16/2008 - 5:09:22 PM
Four BBC journalists were among seven men arrested in Co Donegal in connection with an investigation into paramilitary activity, the BBC said today.
The news organisation said the journalists were working on a current affairs programme when they were arrested by gardaí on Saturday.
Gardaí confirmed that seven men between the ages of 30 and 48 were in custody but declined to offer further details.
Its website said the men had "full editorial authority under the BBC's guidelines" for their work.
A spokeswoman for the service said that meant they had approval for what they were doing.
But she refused to say anything else about the arrests, citing the matter's sensitivity.
Last Updated: Sunday, 16 March 2008, 16:20 GMT
BBC journalists are among eleven men arrested by gardai in County Donegal as part of a probe into paramilitary activity.
The BBC has said the journalists were working on a BBC NI current affairs investigation and had full editorial authority under the BBC's guidelines.
A spokesperson said the other parties present were fully aware that they were with BBC journalists.
The arrests were made on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.
The men, who are aged between 30 and 48, are being held at Burnfoot, Letterkenny and Milford Garda Stations.
They were arrested under Section 30 of the Republic's Offences Against the State Act.
A garda spokesman said the men were being held over "ongoing investigations into paramilitary activity".
In 2001 RIRA members travelled to Slovakia to procure arms, and were caught in a sting operation by the British security agency MI5. The men attempted to purchase 5 tonnes of plastic explosives, 2,000 detonators, 500 handguns, 200 rocket-propelled-grenades, and also wire-guided missiles and sniper rifles, but were arrested and extradited to the UK and subsequently imprisoned for 30 years after pleading guilty to conspiring to cause explosions and other charges. In June 2006 the PSNI made a number of arrests, after the RIRA had attempted to procure arms from France including Semtex and C-4 plastic explosives, SAM7 surface-to-air missiles, AK-47s, rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols with silencers, anti-tank weapons and detonators.
en.wikipediaの記事にはちゃんとソースがついているので、詳細はそれを参照。仮に今回のBBC記者のあれこれが英当局の sting operation だとしたら別の国の領土での活動ということであれれな話だが、そうだったとしても、おそらくほとんど何も公表されないだろう。しかし2006年に押収された武器のリスト、一見したところでは「イラクですか、アフガンですか、ソマリアですか、ナイジェリアですか、スリランカですか、バスクですか」だ、こりゃ。(「いいえ、アイルランドです」なのだが。)
CIRAのほうはよくわからん。分裂した? このへんは、結局「おお、ロミオ、あなたがいかなるお名前で呼ばれようと」状態なのだろうが。RSFで見てもよくわからん。
それと、BBCの潜入取材では過去にいろいろとスゴいものがある。Chelsea FCのサポという名目の極右暴力団体とか(Chelsea Headhunters: YouTubeで検索すれば出てくるはず)、BNPとか。
APらしい、状況が読みやすく整理された記事だが、BBC記事にある謎の一文(A spokesperson said the other parties present were fully aware that they were with BBC journalists)については、やっぱりよくわからないのか、それともそういうことでやっぱりいいのか、という調子。つまり:
The province's dissent rebel groups in have been courting media attention in recent months. In November, the Real IRA, one of the most prominent splinter groups, released a video through a local TV station showing two masked men firing weapons.
It was the first public propaganda exercise by the group, which was responsible for the 1998 Omagh bombing, the single deadliest attack in decades of bloodshed over the British territory.
最後の、オマー爆弾事件についての説明の同格句が、これはあの事件が「NI紛争史上最悪のもの」だったという説明の書き方ですったもんだがあったことを知っている立場としては、涙を誘うほどポリティカリー・コレクト。(つまり、1974年のダブリン・モナハン爆弾事件 presented by the UVF, probably supported by some "elements" in the you-know-what-I-mean との「比較」をしたときに、「最悪」なのはどちらなのか、という。)
【todays news from uk/northern irelandの最新記事】
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- 【訃報】シェイマス・マロン
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で、BBC記事にあった謎のセンテンス、"The other parties present were fully aware that they were with BBC journalists." は、逮捕後にBBCが出したステートメントの一部で、ということは the other parties present はRIRA関係、ということになるかと思います(つまり、相手方の了解を得て取材していた。Chelsea Headhuntersのときとはそこが違う)。
Last Updated: 17/03/2008 10:12
BBC staff released without charge
Four BBC journalists arrested by gardai investigating paramilitary activity have been released without charge, a garda spokeswoman said today.
All (of the arrested 11 people) were questioned by detectives at three garda stations in Co Donegal, close to the border with Northern Ireland.
The journalists were probing Real IRA activity in the area for BBC's Spotlight programme, which also produces material for Panorama.
It was understood the BBC provided legal representation for their journalists. National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Irish Secretary Seamus Dooley confirmed the men were NUJ members.
"We would be confident that the BBC would uphold the right of their journalists to protect confidential sources of information," he said.
たまたまBBC NIが取材に入っていたときに、GardaiがRIRAのセルを一網打尽にする予定だったのかも。しかし何たる偶然。
... They were charged with membership of an unlawful organisation styling itself the Irish Republican Army, otherwise Óglaigh na hÉireann, otherwise the IRA, on Sunday last, March 16th.
……うん、だから「どの」Óglaigh na hÉireann, つまりthe IRAですか、というところが限りなく面倒なのだが(今、この名称で出てくるのはReal IRAだと思うけれど)、RoIの法律ではそれぞれのIRAの区別はしていないのだろうか。