UFF given the order to stand down
Last Updated: Monday, 12 November 2007, 00:22 GMT ← midnight後の更新
The Ulster Defence Association formally stood down part of its organisation, the Ulster Freedom Fighters, at midnight.
で、更新された記事では、右側のVIDEO AND AUDIO NEWSのところに映像が加わっている。ベルファストのSandy Rowでのポピー・デイの追悼集会で声明を読み上げるColin Halliday (UPRG) の生映像。音声が反響しちゃってもわんもわんしているのと(ライン録りではない)、背後でヘリコプターの音がかなりうるさいのと、ベルファスト訛りの相乗効果で、ほとんど聞き取れない。(^^;) (→でも大体の内容は各メディアが文字で報じている。1つ前の記事を参照。)
また、解隊についてのBBC記事の右肩にあるVIDEOで出てくるポップアップウィンドウでRelatedとして表示されているThe UDA military wing that is being stood downという1分半ほどの映像が:
・その次が今年のポピー・デイ(戦没者慰霊)のパレード@Sandy Row
・35秒からジャッキー・マクドナルドのスピーチで、"Ninety per cent of people in the loyalist community don't want decommissioning. They're not the UDA's guns. They're the people's guns." という部分
・59秒、英国政府のウッドウォードNI大臣のコメントで、「active unitだけでなく犯罪も即時活動停止というのは非常に大きなことです」というような話。
「言葉ではなく行動で」は、IRAの武装闘争停止宣言のとき(2005年7月29日)もinitial reactionとして出てきていたものであり、IRAはこの宣言から2ヵ月後の9月27日には武装解除の完了を宣言していて、ここで「行動で」という要件が半ば満たされた(当時は「どうせまだ隠し持っているはずだ」といった声もあったが、「IRAの秘密の武器庫」の話はそれから2年経過しても出てきていない)。IRAのこの動きがpeace processの推進に大きく貢献したことは間違いないが、ジェリー・アダムズとイアン・ペイズリーの直接会談(3月)をはさんで、5月8日のpeace processの完了(つまり、北アイルランド自治議会・政府の再起動)を決定づけたのは、2007年1月のシン・フェインの党大会での「警察支持」決議の可決という「行動」だった。
なお、5月の自治議会・政府再起動の数日前には、ロイヤリスト武装組織でUDAの次に大きな規模を持つUVFが活動停止の宣言を出している。UVFは「武器は手の届かないところに (beyond reach)」という妙な宣言をして、「はぁ?」という反応を買ったが、そのUVFの武器の破棄もそう遠い話ではないらしいということを、ガーディアン/オブザーヴァーのヘンリー・マクドナルドが伝えている。
The Ulster Volunteer Force, the oldest loyalist paramilitary movement, is to use Remembrance Sunday to announce that it is putting its terrorist arsenal beyond use.
The group will say today that it has agreed to seal the weapons in secure dumps. However, UVF sources told The Observer there was no question of any arms being handed over to a third party.
Moves to place the UVF's guns and explosives into a permanently sealed dump come as the other main loyalist terrorist group, the Ulster Defence Association, prepares to issue a major statement on its future.
The other main loyalist terror group, the Ulster Volunteer Force, has said it will seal arms away. Senior UVF sources have told the Guardian there would be no question of arms being destroyed or handed over to a third party.
・Provisional IRA(リパブリカン)
次は、IRAの動きに注目が集まるだろう。ボールはIRA側にある。当面は、先月ボーダー地帯で発生したポール・クインさん殺害事件の犯人の特定と逮捕という件。この事件はボーダーの南で発生しているので、直接的には共和国警察の管轄になる。下記は共和国の新聞(the Irish Independent)での最新のニュース。
Peer to name IRA killers under Lords privilege
By Chris Anderson
Monday November 12 2007
A Northern Ireland peer says he intends to name the IRA men behind the brutal murder of Paul Quinn.
Lord Laird of Artigarvan says he will use parliamentary privilege in the British House of Lords to name the individuals he believes were responsible for the killing of the 21-year-old south Armagh man.
Lord Laird will claim that although Paul Quinn's attackers were senior members of the IRA, the murder was not officially sanctioned by the terror group's army council.
However, the Northern Ireland peer will also claim the republican movement is currently actively attempting to cover-up the circumstances surrounding the Cullyhanna man's murder.
Lord Laird is to challenge the gardai and the PSNI to prove that south Armagh-based terrorists are not above the law as, he has claimed, they had been during the Troubles.
It is believed the south Armagh victims organisation Families Acting For Innocent Relatives (FAIR) has provided Lord Laird with detailed information on the Quinn murder.
Director of FAIR William Frazer, said he met the PSNI and gardai in Newry on November 1 to pass on sensitive information he had received about Paul Quinn's murder from known republicans and members of south Armagh's nationalist community.
He said that the subsequent lack of definitive action by police on both sides of the border in relation to the Quinn killing was a matter of grave concern to himself and many others."Attempts are being made by police and government ministers on both sides of the border as well as on mainland Britain to have the inquiry kept 'low-key' to prevent any backlash at Stormont similar to the 'Stormontgate affair'," he said.
November 12, 2007
Loyalist terror group to be 'stood down with all weapons out of use'
David Sharrock, Ireland Correspondent
The Ulster Defence Association, which has some 3,000 members, had in 1994 declared a ceasefire but pursued violence and crime on a lesser scale. At its peak it had had 50,000 members and the muscle to enforce the 1974 strike that brought down the Sunningdale power-sharing accord. Its speciality was revenge murders of innocent Catholics after IRA attacks. It killed hundreds of people and extorted vast sums from its own community.
36 years of violence
- The UDA was founded in 1971 and was designed to be an umbrella organisation for a variety of loyalist groups
- It has been blamed for the deaths of more than 400 people, using the cover name of the Ulster Freedom Fighters in the majority of cases
- At one point it favoured an independent Northern Ireland and maintained links with far-Right groups including Combat 18
- Its most infamous attacks included the killing of eight people at Greysteel, Co Derry, and the murder of the lawyer Pat Finucane
- A ceasefire was called by the group in 1994, after the IRA's cessation, but crumbled amid internal feuding
UDA orders military wing to stand down
Last Updated: 6:31am GMT 12/11/2007
Jackie McDonald, brigadier of the South Belfast UDA, said the community now had to get involved in politics even though 50 per cent were not registered to vote.
"We will work with the community to wake the sleeping giant, and work together to have our own voice," he said.
"We are the red, white and blue; we are the people who paid the price; we have to represent ourselves."
Last night it appeared that while it was stated that weapons were being "put beyond use", they were not being formally de-commissioned as IRA weapons eventually were.
Mr McDonald said: "Ninety per cent of people in the loyalist community don't want de-commissioning of weapons. They are the people's guns. The people don't want to give them up because they don't trust people yet."
いずれにせよ、2007年11月11日のUDA/UFFのステートメントをめぐって、"historic" という言葉がまったく見られないことは非常に印象的だ。IRAのときは、まあ英国政府直轄統治で派手好きのブレア政権だったということもあるだろうが、ネコも杓子も "historic" と言っていた。
だが、治安当局とべったり貼りついて、パット・フィヌケン弁護士殺害やらなにやらいろいろやってきたUDA/UFFの「活動停止」に際しては、誰も "historic" とまで言い切ることはできないらしい。「ドラッグ密売」など、現在進行形の犯罪の側面があまりに重要であるせいかもしれないが。
「UDAの犠牲者」として最もhigh-profileな人物である弁護士パット・フィヌケンの友人や遺族らが運営するthe pat finucane centre for human rights and social changeのサイトを見てみたが、最終更新が11月8日で、UDAの解隊についてはまだ何も書かれていない。
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