Anita Roddick, pioneer whose dreams turned the high street green, dies at 64
Lee Glendinning
Tuesday September 11, 2007,,2166630,00.html
Dame Anita Roddick dies aged 64
Last Updated: Monday, 10 September 2007, 22:00 GMT 23:00 UK
Anita Roddick, Social Activist, Body Shop Founder, Dies at 64
By Mark Schoifet
AFP BBにも記事が出ている。
彼女がいなかったら、彼女がThe Body Shopを始めていなかったら、現在の ethical shopping の概念は存在していなかったかもしれない。
She was the first to introduce socially and environmentally responsible business onto the High Street and she was talking about fair trade long before it became a buzz word.
ちょうど、先週買い求めたBig Issue日本語版に、Bonoのインタビューやソーシャル・アントレプレナーの特集が掲載されていて、まあBonoはちょっと別として(インタビューおもしろかったけどね、アイルランドの音楽の旋律は北アフリカの音楽と似ているのだそうで)、UKでのソーシャル・アントレプレナーという存在はブレア政権でその足元を固めたのだが、そもそもの始まりはサッチャー政権下でのボディ・ショップの創業と社会的キャンペーンの成功のあたりにあったのだよなぁ、と思ってみたり。アニタ・ロディックの「理想主義」は「現実」に働きかけ、彼女は「英国で最も成功した女性企業家」となった。「理想論じゃ世の中動かないんだよ」的な訳知り顔をした冷笑は、彼女の「成功」という一例で、論理上は、論破可能になった。この功績はとても大きい。
Body Shopの日本法人のサイトから、「創業者アニータ・ロディックについて」:
"I was able to go into this huge organisation like a Trojan horse." For Dame Anita Roddick, selling The Body Shop last year for £652m was a chance to infiltrate the French cosmetic giant L'Oreal, a company that tests on animals.
Animal rights campaigners were horrified, accusing Roddick of "selling-out" as she picked up a cool £118m for her stake and handed The Body Shop over to the enemy.
But they should have given her more credit. The move was just the latest battle in Roddick's war, and today she's "absolutely bloody thrilled with it".
"People were measuring me as the founder of The Body Shop, but I'm an activist," she explains. Certainly, Roddick oozes activism. She sits right on the edge of her seat as we talk, leaning in to conspire, pushing her unruly hair from her face. A youthful 65, she is as forthright as her reputation suggests, and yet a surprisingly petite 5ft 2in.
Getting under the skin of L'Oreal was a huge risk, she admits. "I couldn't have controlled them if they'd wanted to ruin The Body Shop."
Roddick famously pledged to give away her Body Shop windfall to charity last year. "I come from a very socialist background, and wealth preserving wasn't part of my thinking," she says.
So, what has Roddick done with her millions? She's having a "joyful" time giving away around £3m a year. Roddick says allocating the money is easy. There are the things she rules out ("conferences and sports"), and there the things she seeks out: leaders in the community - in human rights, social and environmental justice, trading in the community, and the arts.
In pursing these, she has little faith in the Government and complains that companies aren't good at auditing themselves.
"I think it's coming to this vigilante consumer who is now getting a voice, who's being supported by NGOs. The answer isn't always boycotting, the answer is often shaming. Getting into their annual general meetings."
A mention of The Body Shop's AGMs and Roddick admits that her greatest regret is floating The Body Shop on the stock market, tying her to the "language of the City" - the bottom line.
"We would have got everywhere we'd wanted but at a slower rate. We'd have been as political as we wanted, and I don't mean that party politically. We would have been more ferocious in our campaigns," she said.
Party politics aside, Roddick would have our new Prime Minister reduce the military budget and plough the money into health, security, education and looking after the elderly.
As for the "green" agenda, Roddick says: "I'm just going to hold fire and hope to God that Brown is going to do a better job [than Tony Blair]."
She was fascinated by Mr Brown's recent meeting with President George W Bush. "He wasn't doing that dandy thing on that bloody golf cart. He was pissed off. And his wife didn't come, so he wasn't doing this genial scene that Bush can control. I think he's more serious than Blair."
「ブラウンはブレアみたいにチャラくない」―― He wasn't doing that dandy thing on that bloody golf cart. この英語のフレーズは覚えておこう。dandyの用例として、また、ロディックのコメントとして。
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