バンクシー?の「『バンクシー?のネズミの絵』見物客の絵」に見物客殺到 東京
- [Banksy]
- [humour]
2019/05/10 11:46
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Another 'possibly a Banksy' artwork spotted in Tokyo
via http://kyoko-np.net/2019051001.html (10 May 2019)
【更新情報】バンクシー?の「『バンクシー?のネズミの絵』見物客の絵」に見物客殺到 東京 https://t.co/LKC22SIeNC pic.twitter.com/9725SFoIQX
— 虚構新聞速報/編集部便り (@kyoko_np) May 9, 2019
TOKYO, JAPAN --- The Kyoko Shimbun (make sure that Kyoko means Kyoko --- not to be confused with a very common name, Kyoko), Japan's own answer to The Onion, America's Finest News Source, reports that another quite-possibly-done-by-that-world-famous-elusive-graffiti-artist mural has been found in Tokyo and that it has already attracted an unusual crowd of art lovers.
"The must-be-a-Banksy piece of art (MBABPOA) is painted on the concrete wall of a public building in Minato City, owned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government," the renowned news site says. "It depicts the large crowd rushing to have a glimpse of the MBABPOA, which depicts a rat with an umbrella and a suitcase. It was found a short while ago on a tide gate not very far from the newly discovered MBABPOA." It was at first called a 'could-be-a-Banksy' piece until an identical stencil art was spotted as one of his fairly early works in an official Banksy book, though the artist himself hasn't responded yet. BTW you're unbelievably foolishly tone-deaf if you really think he would respond.
Wall and Piece
The first discovered MBABPOA caused a bit of craze back in January. Tokyo's governor, Yuriko Koike, seemed to be very fond of it as she tweeted a picture of herself squatting beside the rat graffiti, saying "There's a painting of a cute rat[sic] in Tokyo, possibly done by Banksy! His gift to Tokyo?". Despite the fact that pieces of street art in Tokyo are usually labeled as "eyesore" and deemed to be simply erased as "dirty graffiti", and if it's a political-ish slogan such as "Free the Refugees" or "La société du spectacle", you would be persecuted after upsetting the political and bureaucratic elites, the MBABPOA rat art made it to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's office, with the tide gate being removed. Put on display for free for two weeks, it attracted tens of thousands of must-be-genuine art fans (MBGAF), who must be feeling honoured to be spray-painted in the newly found MBABPOA.
"As the second MBABPOA was found just after the public display of the first one finished, people swinging their smartphones started to flock to see the artwork," reports Kyoko Shimbun, adding that "even though it was not immediately clear if the piece of art was indeed done by Banksy himself."
According to the detailed report, one expert has pointed out that it looks like a genuine Banksy. "The second MBABPOA deals with the weirdness of the fact that astonishingly 35 thousand people came to see the artwork and nobody knew if it was genuine," he or she told to the news site. "If you ask me, it's plain bizarre and marvelous at the same time, and to choose such a subject, well, you could possibly sense that it's a real Banksy."
It is believed that Tokyo Metropolitan Government is going to preserve the second MBABPOA, that is a MBABPOA (of the crowd) of a MBABPOA (of the rat), and put it on display (again). Surely it will attract tens of thousands of MBGAF(again).
The quintessentially Kyoko Shimbun regular Professor Gidayu Sakamoto, who specialises in life, the universe, and everything, predicts a meta-level of success for the MBABPOA of the MBABPOA.
以上、うっかりするとどっかの感じ悪い弁護士に「無断翻訳」というネタとしてつかまれそうだが、虚構新聞社の社主UKさんならきっと笑って許してくれる……。バンクシーさんももちろんのこと……。ていうかMassive Attackはかなり買ってるから許して……。
Heligoland - Massive Attack | Mezzanine - Massive Attack |
なお、Massive Attackの3DことRobert Del Najaは1965年生まれ。一方Banksyは、先日ネットにアップしたビデオで、サザビーズのオークション前の内覧会で壁にかけられた「風船少女」の横に貼られた作品情報をじっくり画面に映し、 "b. 1974" をはっきり見せている。 pic.twitter.com/WJj8KH82WX
— nofrills/共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社 (@nofrills) January 18, 2019
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