Monty Python star Terry Jones reveals dementia diagnosis
Friday 23 September 2016 12.05 BST
The news about Jones’s health came as Bafta Cymru announced he has been given a special award for outstanding contribution to film and television.
A spokesman for the Welsh-born comedian said: “Terry has been diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia, a variant of frontotemporal dementia. This illness affects his ability to communicate and he is no longer able to give interviews. Terry is proud and honoured to be recognised in this way and is looking forward to the celebrations.”
難しい病名が並んでいるが、aphasia (アフェイジア)は「失語症」、 frontotemporal dementiaは「前頭側頭型認知症」である。ジョーンズがどのような病気だと診断されたかについては、英語ウィキペディアのprimary progressive aphasiaの項や、日本語ウィキペディアの「原発性進行性失語」を参照。記述が専門的すぎるので、私には、読むのに努力が必要だが。
テリー・ジョーンズは、「モンティ・パイソンの一員」であるばかりでなく、TVシリーズ後の映画(The Holy Grail, Life of Brian, The Meaning of Life) の監督もつとめた。The Holy GrailとThe Meaning of Lifeはテリー・ギリアムとの共同監督だが、Life of Brianはジョーンズ単独での監督作である。その映画についてのジョーンズの発言が、上記のPA記事でたっぷり紹介されている。
In 2011, he said he would be reluctant to make the Life Of Brian today because of a resurgence in religious belief. The 1979 film, starring John Cleese, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle and Gilliam, sparked a religious storm and accusations of blasphemy.
Opponents of the comedy, which was a worldwide box-office success, claimed it made fun of Jesus. Jones told the Radio Times: “I never thought it would be as controversial as it turned out, although I remember saying when we were writing it that some religious nutcase may take pot shots at us, and everyone replied: ‘No.’
“I took the view it wasn’t blasphemous. It was heretical because it criticised the structure of the church and the way it interpreted the gospels. At the time, religion seemed to be on the back-burner and it felt like kicking a dead donkey. It has come back with a vengeance and we’d think twice about making it now.”
Impact of dementia on Terry Jones is 'painful to watch' says Michael Palin
Saturday 24 September 2016 19.59 BST
In a moving post on Facebook, Palin said the impact on Jones’ ability to speak is “the cruellest thing that could befall someone to whom words, ideas, arguments, jokes and stories were once the stuff of life.
“Terry J has been my close friend and workmate for over 50 years. The progress of his dementia has been painful to watch.”
Palin said he had met up with Jones earlier this week and the Welsh-born actor had been smiling and laughing. He wrote: “Not that Terry is out of circulation. He spends time with his family and only two days ago I met up with him for one of our regular meals at his local pub.
“Terry doesn’t say very much but he smiles, laughs, recognises and responds, and I’m always pleased to see him. Long may that last.”
Hello - I'm crowd-funding 'The Tyrant and the Squire', the last book in my trilogy, on Unbound. Fancy helping out? https://t.co/9r2kdyvOxD
— Terry Jones (@PythonJones) July 19, 2016
It's safe to say that when Unbound launched, five years ago, we could not have done it without Terry Jones.
He launched his collection of stories, Evil Machines, and went on every form of media to help us launch the business, brilliantly communicating what was new and exciting about Unbound. Here was one of the country’s best loved comic writers and performers - a Python! - entrusting us with a brand new book and pushing our start-up for all it was worth.
First and foremost, though, Terry has been a friend, not 'just' a driving force and collaborator. So the news of his illness has hit us hard.
We launched this book in the hope that we could get it to him for his 75th birthday in February but the announcement of illness gives us all pause for thought. We have considered whether we should remove the project but after speaking to the family we have decided we still very much want to publish this book because it completes the trilogy and because it meant a great deal to Terry that we should. So we hope you’ll agree that we should continue to fund and publish the final fictional work from an old and dear friend.
Justin, Dan & John
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @TerryJones_Bot: 卵にベーコン、卵・ソーセージ・ベーコン、卵・スパム、卵・ベーコン・スパム、卵・ベーコン・ソーセージ・スパムスパム・ベーコン・ソーセージ・スパム、スパム・卵・スパム・スパム・ベーコン・スパム、スパム・スパム・スパム・卵・スパム、スパム・スパ… at 09/26 00:09
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @ericidle_bot: @TerryJones_Bot 落ち着け、俺が食ってやる、好きなんだ。スパム・スパム・スパム… at 09/26 00:09
♪スパムスパムスパムスパム ラヴリ〜〜スパァァァム
Thank you for all your kind responses about Terry J. Of course this has been no secret to us for some years but he did manage to make O2!
— Eric Idle (@EricIdle) September 23, 2016
エリック・アイドルのツイートでは「数年前から知っていたけど、テリーは頑張ってた」とのこと。となると、この映像はみんなが病気を知ってた上でのパイソンズらしい毒の効いたギャグスケッチじゃないか! 心が震えるような黒いジョークと勇気。https://t.co/4smX3z7mT1
— いとうせいこう (@seikoito) September 23, 2016
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