「キラー・ホエール」は日本語にすれば「シャチ」で、何ということもない動物の名称(俗称)なのだが、独特の語感がある(いかにも「小学生が大喜び」しそうな感じ)。しかもそのシャチにつけられている名前が、Dopey Dick。ひどい名前だ。 「キラー・ホエール(人殺しクジラ)」→メルヴィルのMoby Dick……という連想だろうか。
ウェブ検索してみると、1957年にDopey Dick the Pink Whaleという作品がテレビ漫画でおなじみの「ウッドペッカー」シリーズで製作されているが、それは関係なさそうだ(ちなみに「ウッドペッカー」のこのエピソードは、題名のとおり、メルヴィルの『白鯨』のパロディのようだ)。また、1930年代から70年代初めにかけて活躍していたアメリカのお笑いトリオ、「三ばか大将 the Three Stooges」にもDopey Dicksという短編作品(1950年)があるそうだが、これもスコットランドのシャチとは無関係だろう(こちらもメルヴィルの『白鯨』のパロディ)。
クリップはまず、スコットランド沖での「ホエール・ウォッチング」の映像で始まる。海の表面に、泳いでいくシャチの背中や背びれが見える。スコットランドの西海岸で行なわれている観光ツアーだろう。小さな港町を訪れているデイヴィッド・ミラー記者は、その埠頭で台本どおりの「ニュースの導入」をまじめな顔をしてカメラに向かって語る。次のカットでは港に浮かぶ一隻の船。"Scotland's unique population of killer whales" についてより詳しいことを調べている鯨類保護の活動をしている団体の調査船だ。乗っているのは赤毛(ジンジャー)のひげがすてきなコナー・ライアン博士。パソコンの画面をBBC記者に見せて何かを説明している。
もっともらしい。 (・_・)
今回のBBCの映像の中ではコナー・ライアン博士が記者に説明している。「最近になってFacebookにアップされた写真が、背びれの形からDopey Dick(現在はCometと呼ばれている)と思われるのです」。ライアン博士は実に嬉しそうな顔をして「少なくとも50歳にはなっているということですよね」。
BBCのカメラはここで博士のかぶっているニットキャップの縫い取りを大きく写す。"Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust." 「ヘブリディーズ諸島鯨・イルカ類トラスト」。
The so-called West Coast Community – an isolated population of killer whales, whose members are slightly bigger than other orcas thanks to hundreds of thousands of years of evolution – is now down to eight members; Nicola, Moneypenny, Floppy Fin, John Coe, Comet, Aquarius, Puffin and Occasus.
... The pod has been in long-term decline, producing not a single calf since monitoring began – although whether this is because the females are too old to reproduce, their food supplies are dwindling or pollution is taking its toll, is unclear said Dr Ryan.
If you were around in 1978 and wondered what happened to the whale Derry called Dopey Dick then catch GMU and Newsline as He's still alive!
— michael cairns (@Cairnspolitics) March 31, 2016
Remember Dopey Dick - the whale that came up the River Foyle in the 70s? He's alive! Story @BBCRadioFoyle 7am. pic.twitter.com/f0WcALfwPG
— Dean McLaughlin (@Dean_Journalist) April 1, 2016
マイケルさんもディーンさんもBBCの記者である。GMUはGood Morning Ulsterという朝のラジオ番組。
Dopey Dick, the whale that came up the River Foyle in the 70s, has been found..in SCOTLAND! Hear his story next.. pic.twitter.com/dnXrSw7X1m
— BBC Radio Foyle (@BBCRadioFoyle) April 1, 2016
The killer whale who swam up the river Foyle in the 70s might have been spotted in Scotland. Remember Dopey Dick? pic.twitter.com/IEmqoXg82Z
— Good Morning Ulster (@BBCgmu) April 1, 2016
The story about Dopey Dick the whale being alive and well is not part of #Aprilfoolsday. He has been tracked down in #Scotland
— Dean McLaughlin (@Dean_Journalist) April 1, 2016
— The Derry Journal (@derryjournal) April 1, 2016
He's alive! Derry's 'Dopey Dick' having a whale of a time in Skye 39 years on https://t.co/K1idK9oXqI pic.twitter.com/OeV9TKrOBu
— Belfast Telegraph (@BelTel) April 1, 2016
We went on a school trip to see him: 'Dopey Dick, killer whale that swam into #Derry in 1977, still alive and well' https://t.co/ic6gbxStm2
— Neil Hegarty (@nphegarty) April 1, 2016
Killer whale expert Andy Foote and Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust Science Officer Dr Conor Ryan in Scotland have compared old photographs and footage uploaded onto Facebook to confirm the match, and have said he is now at least 58 years old- almost twice the 30-year life expectancy for a killer whale.
Sightings Officer of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group Pádraig Whooley said: “This match places Comet very much at the upper limits of the typical life expectancy of male killer whales.”
Dr Foote said: “When I saw the photos on Facebook, I noticed that the white eye patch of Dopey Dick sloped backwards in a really distinctive fashion. This is a trait we see in all the West Coast Community whales, but it’s not that common in other killer whale populations. The photographs were all quite grainy, but it was still possible to see some of the distinctive features unique to Comet. I couldn’t believe it – he was already a full grown male back in 1977, when I was just five-years old!”
Dopey Dick is believed to have been chasing a dinner of fish up the Foyle and the army was brought in along with officials who tried to lure him back out using a side of beef and whale whistles.
1977年。シャチがデリーに来たのは11月のことだとウィキペディアに、何年も前のBBC Radio Foyleのページをソースとして記載されている (The city was visited by a killer whale in November 1977 at the height of the Troubles; it was dubbed Dopey Dick by the thousands who came from miles around to see him)。この個体に変な名前をつけたのはデリーの人々だ。きっと「キラー・ホエール」の「ホエール」からMody Dickを連想したのだろうが、フォイル川を泳ぐばかりで外海に出て行けない様子がdopeyだということで、Dopey Dickなんていう名前にされてしまったそうだ。
‘Huge Whale in the Foyle’, the front page of the ‘Journal’ of November 8, 1977, exclaimed.
“Golfers at City of Derry Golf Club couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw what seemed to be a whale swimming in the Foyle, the ‘Journal’ report continued before adding that officials from the Foyle Fisheries Commission “confirmed yesterday that it was, in fact, a whale of over 20 feet in length.”
Little at this stage was known about the strange visitor to the Foyle. “What type the whale is is not yet known,” the ‘Journal’ story continued. “How the whale arrived in the River Foyle so far upstream is baffling marine experts,” it reports.
Dr Richard Briggs, of the Fisheries’ research lab in Coleraine, said he had never heard of such an incident in the Foyle. By the following Friday, November 11, the ‘Journal’ front page included the headline: ‘Operation Rescue launched but Dopey Dick stays put in the Foyle’.
By now, the city had taken to the strange visitor - identified as a killer whale - and bestowed upon him the moniker, ‘Dopey Dick’.
BBC Radio Foyleのページに、視聴者の思い出が掲載されている。ざっと数えて18人分。
Name: Chris
Location: Aberdeen
Memories: Although I was only born 6 months earlier and obviously have no recollection of the event itself, I remember the stories and everytime we crossed the Craigavon Bridge, looking to see if Dopey had returned (Not knowing he had died). My wife looks at me like I'm Dopey when I tell her of Dopey Dick so I'm glad others are remembering the tale.
Name: Louise
Location: Belfast
My Memories: I was a pupil at the Nazareth House Primary School on Bishop Street and was about 8 at the time. I remember our class was taken to a balcony at the back of the school where we had a fantastic clear view of the river. I saw the whale very clearly and it's huge dorsal fin sticking out of the water. There was an army boat close to it with what I think was a big lump of meat. They were obviously trying to coax it back up the river and out to sea. The Craigavon bridge was packed with buses and people cheering every time they saw it. I also remember crying when I heard it had died a couple of days later.
Name: Mary Josephine Devlin
Location: Co. Donegal
My Memories: Thank you for reviving the memory of Dopey Dick. He certainly was the talk of the town and many people from Co.Donegal made the pilgrimage to see this great star, in November 1977.
It may be silly to say now, we were on talking terms with Dopey Dick but he responded to voices, twisting now and again, and then finally swimming off in triumph. It was a lovely memory. ...
Name: Kevin
Location: Dublin
My Memories: I was at St Columbs and we had a great view from the huts. If we got bored during class, someone would shout, there he is and the whole class would jump up and spend 10 minutes waiting to see dopey Dick again. I remember the day he left there was a boat race on and he swam away himself, not so dopey after all.
Name: Niall Gormley
Location: New York
My Memories: how could i ever forget, it was one of the highlights of my time at rosemount primary school. I was in primary 6 and Mr Martin, who was always trying differant ways to educate us by doing things outside the classroom decided he would take us all down to the foyle for a look at Dopey Dick. So of we all went, heading down to the foyle in a single file from rosemount and were delighted to see him surface from the water as if he was doing it especially for us. Of course after a while when we got bored looking at him, we all decided that in good derry fashion that we would start throwing stones at him and a few days later when he left we claimed the glory for getting him to leave because he was afraid of the stones. Then , when we found out he was dead we were all very sad and wondered if it was our fault. A very fond memory indeed.
Name: William
Location: Londonderry
Memories: The killer whale was fist spotted above Craigavon Bridge on Sunday 6th November 1977, and was soon became known as Dopy Dick. Foyle Fisheries Commission staff monitored his movements (from the size and shape of its tail it was a male). He remained in the River until the 14th November and was last seen in Lough Foyle by a fisherman near the Coal Pier at Moville the following day.
The whale disappeared as mysteriously as it arrived. No carcase was every found so it is assumed it made its way safely back into the North Atlantic. He was nicknamed Dopey Dick because of his initial inability to find his way back to sea.
キラー・ホエールのドーピー・ディックは、約40年のときを超えて、そういうことを語る機会をまたもたらしているのではないかと思う。当時デリーにいた人々が、今もデリーにいるとは限らないということが、先に参照したBBC Radio Foyleのページからも明らかだ。今頃はきっと、世界のいろいろなところで「元・子供たち」が「あのシャチ」のことを思い出して、家族や友人たちに語っていることだろう。
Real or fake? They are film students, so you've got the answer....
I couldn't understand 90% of what was said in this video. God damn it, I really was interested in this.
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