NYT editorial board on Putin: “Whatever his reasons, he now appears to be showing some sympathy for the terrible plight of ordinary Syrians”
— Tony Badran (@AcrossTheBay) February 13, 2016
@umarkarim89 https://t.co/JM2tUiuotU
— Tony Badran (@AcrossTheBay) February 13, 2016
Hard to tell if they’re being malicious, naive, or plain stupid. (Inexcusable regardless) https://t.co/MWtddodiux https://t.co/rvDKoaXWI3
— مريم (@MaryamSaleh_) February 13, 2016
http://twilog.org/nofrills/date-130912/asc ←抜粋でないのはこちらから。
RT @markmackinnon: A very well-reasoned argument against "the language of force" - from the guy who razed Grozny and invaded Georgia: www.nytimes.com/2013/09/12/opi…
posted at 16:48:16RT @MaryFitzger: HRW's @AnnaNeistat, who has investigated war crimes in Syria, on what Putin didn't say in his NYT oped today www.hrw.org/news/2013/09/1…
posted at 22:01:59RT @KenRoth: Putin's oped doesn't mention Assad's atrocities, #Russia's arming him & blocking Security Council pressure to stop. trib.al/nu5SIxI
posted at 22:06:23RT @KarlreMarks: People seriously complaining that Putin used WORDS to criticize Obama in the NYT. When will this tragedy end? Stop the use of WORDS now.
posted at 22:11:54RT @johnmcquaid: Putin op-ed placed by PR firm that seeds media with pro-Russia pieces by “seemingly independent professionals” bit.ly/1elOKYv
posted at 22:37:37
RT @seansrussiablog: How Russians Read Putin's NYT Op-Ed on Syria globalvoicesonline.org/2013/09/12/how… via @globalvoices
posted at 06:47:45RT @michaeldweiss: How Putin's Original Russian Differs from His English New York Times Op-Ed : 3dblogger.typepad.com/minding_russia…
posted at 16:38:463dblogger.typepad.com/minding_russia… アメリカでの話なんだけど、本題に入る前にまず、圧倒的に環境が違いすぎる。ロシア語翻訳・通訳を生業とするブログ主の娘が学校のロシア語の教材として、NYT op-edの原文(ロシア語)と訳文(英語)の対訳のプリントをもらって帰ってきたと。
posted at 16:46:06RT @PGourevitch: Not a word on UN or Pope or Int'l law: MT @AnupKaphle "Why We Must Act": Vladimir Putin's 1999 NYT op-ed on Chechnya. nyti.ms/1d6Z7LL
posted at 17:09:39
RT @Max_Fisher: 13 Objectively True Statements From The Vladimir Putin Op-Ed read.bi/1gaORBP by @WaltHickey
posted at 02:49:19RT @AlArabiya_Eng: #McCain to write for Russian newspaper Pravda in response to #Putin’s NY Times op-ed ara.tv/j8b8c via @AlArabiya_Eng #Syria
posted at 17:04:04
なんとPR会社の従業員がツイッターで予告してたのか。よくまあペラペラと喋るもんだ。 Ketchum Placed Controversial Putin Op-Ed http://t.co/di852afbIV via @rosiegray
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) September 15, 2013
RT @Max_Fisher: John McCain’s self-defeating Pravda op-ed can only help Putin www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldvie…
posted at 03:19:01RT @MaryFitzger: Last week Putin had an oped in the NYT, this week Iran's new president Rouhani writes for the Washington Post: wapo.st/1bu6sH9
posted at 07:27:06RT @michaeldweiss: Also nicely done by Rouhani to acknowledge use of CW but not attribute blame, a slight improvement on Putin's op-ed.
posted at 07:55:39RT @GregMitch: WashPost tops NYT's Putin piece with op-ed by president of Iran. Expect 5 columnists there to quit in protest. wapo.st/1bu6sH9
posted at 21:34:27
「冷静な」分析である、的な紹介付きで回ってきた。「ヒステリックな反応」云々の文言に「?」と思いつつ読み進め、最後の1パラで椅子から転落。NYT...またこれ系のop-edかよ。> What Putin Really Wants http://t.co/uhi8f1yNq5
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) March 5, 2014
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