John Bradbury of the Specials dies aged 62
The chaos of @berniekatzsoho spontaneously joined by the legend John Bradbury sticks man of the @thespecials pic.twitter.com/Bp0lXEYbNt
— Soho Radio (@sohoradio) December 23, 2015
It is with deep regret that we say goodbye to our great friend, the world's greatest drummer, our beloved Brad. RIP pic.twitter.com/yYBFyQmuLy
— thespecials (@thespecials) December 29, 2015
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @guardian: John Bradbury of the Specials dies aged 62 https://t.co/PfiPOQvGaI at 12/30 01:11
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @billybragg: A bad day for good music. First we lose Lemmy, now news that Brad from the Specials has passed away. RIP https://t.co/05ULh… at 12/30 01:12
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @timlovejoy: We'll all miss you John Bradbury. Great drummer and a true friend.
#RIPBrad https://t.co/F8CAcesXyS at 12/30 01:12
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @BBCNews: Specials drummer Bradbury dies https://t.co/GeIrnN9qPO at 12/30 01:12
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @TheFarm_Peter: Terrible day for music 1st #Lemmy now John Bradbury @thespecials drummer - they will be toasted tonight by us all https:… at 12/30 01:12
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @johnrobb77: John Bradbury (the Specials) RIP - Louder Than War |https://t.co/89nw2hDgJy at 12/30 01:13
どの記事でも言及されてるのでこの曲で。(The SpecialsではなくSpecial AKAなのだけど)
The Specialsというとこの曲だよなあ。。。この曲でSkaの踊り方を見よう見まねで覚えた。
The Specialsは今年、リコ・ロドリゲスも亡くなってますよね。。。
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