nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @BrianPJRowan: Sad news - the passing of Liam Clarke. @EamonnMallie @derichenderson at 12/27 22:15
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @Prof_johnbrewer: Very sad news about Liam Clarke. One of Northern Ireland's fairest and best journalists. RIP. at 12/27 22:16
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @KenReid_utv: Liam Clarke has passed away suddenly and peacefully. He was a remarkable man. A brilliant journalist with a distinguished… at 12/27 22:16
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @SluggerOToole: Our thoughts are with Liam Clarke's family and his colleagues at the @BelTel. One of our best journalists and always a g… at 12/27 22:17
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
突然の訃報。ベルファスト・テレグラフの政治記者、リーアム・クラークさんが亡くなった。日曜日だからというのもあるんだけど、BTにはまだ記事が来てもいない。 at 12/27 22:20
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @Chrisryder47: Liam Clarke was a fearless journalist in hard times. His courage and insights were exceptional. An enduring role model fo… at 12/27 22:22
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @NUJBelfast: The branch wishes to offer deepest sympathy to the family of journalist Liam Clarke who passed away peacefully today. at 12/27 22:22
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
リーアム・クラークさんの最後のRTが「宇宙飛行士の間違い電話」で、その前が「日本での原発再稼動」だ。 at 12/27 22:31
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
全景はこちら: at 12/27 22:36
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @LIAMCLARKECJ: Not just Syria at 12/27 22:38
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @LIAMCLARKECJ: Dangers of promoting prayer as a miracle cure for cancer. It hurts those who are prayed for and don't survive. https://t.… at 12/27 22:38
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @BelTel: Tributes paid to Liam Clarke, following his sudden death at 12/27 22:51
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @NIOPressOffice: SofS: 'I am saddened to hear of the death of Liam Clarke earlier today. He was a very talented journalist who will be… at 12/27 22:52
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @AlexKane221b: Very sorry to hear that Liam Clarke has died. A very generous man and a superb journalist. I'll miss our chats and his ge… at 12/27 22:53
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
RT @JimAllister: Sad to hear of the passing of Liam Clarke. His biography of McGuinness "From Guns to Government" was a tour de force of jo… at 12/27 22:53
nofrills / nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ
One of Liam Clarke's last RTs ws abt us (Japan & nuclear). He indeed watched the whole world. Will be greatly missed at 12/27 23:02

Martin McGuinness: From Guns to Government (English Edition) -
I'm sorry to hear Liam Clarke has died,my sympathy & condolences to his family.
— Martin McGuinness (@M_McGuinness_SF) December 27, 2015
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