Ku Klux Klan to protest removal of Confederate flag on July 18 at Statehouse
The Ku Klux Klan has been approved to hold a protest rally at the Statehouse next month against removing the Confederate battle flag, with the group calling accused mass murderer Dylann Roof a “young warrior.”
The Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan applied for the permit last week to hold a rally for 100 to 200 people on July 18 on the north side of the Statehouse.
That’s where the Confederate battle flag presently flies.
Ku Klux Klan flag erected in east Belfast
Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent
Tuesday 1 July 2014 11.22 BST
I try to put this into my own world and imagine: if six synagogues had been torched the week after a major anti-Semitic terrorist attack, I would be thinking about nothing else. It would be front page, above the fold, in every newspaper in the country. Why, then, is this only now receiving proper coverage?
Charleston shooting: Sister of gunman makes wedding appeal
A page set up in the name of Amber Roof had called for donations to pay for her wedding, which was cancelled after the attack on the church in South Carolina.
Writing on their fundraising page, the couple said their "lives were forever changed" by the event, adding that the media "abused our privacy" by publishing details about their wedding.
They said they had cancelled their wedding "to protect our family and mourn the lives of those lost".
The money would help "to cover lost wedding costs, to pay bills, and to send us on our dream honeymoon", they wrote.
The couple added that they would give 10% of funds raised to the church in Charleston.
people are really giving them money? pic.twitter.com/lN6WoMDwwW
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) July 2, 2015
@bomani_jones wait I'm confused how is this a problem? Were they supposed to have their wedding at that same church?
— Ashley Nicole (@geeksandcleats) July 2, 2015
@geeksandcleats @bomani_jones the girl is the killer's sister. Amber Roof.
— Cesar Davila (@Meinside70) July 2, 2015
@Meinside70 @bomani_jones ahhhh woah
— Ashley Nicole (@geeksandcleats) July 2, 2015
@TrueNkenge @Meinside70 @bomani_jones thanks for clarifying
— Ashley Nicole (@geeksandcleats) July 2, 2015
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