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北アイルランドのニュースから、"show of strength" (強さ・武力の誇示)というフレーズが消えて久しい。Provisional IRAは停戦していてもUDAやUVFが(特に12thの時期に)活動していたころ(IMCが監視していたころ)は、よくニュースに出てきていた。懐かしいなあ……ではなく、もういいだろうという気分だ。Bel Telさんでもついにdissident republicanではなくdiehard republicanという表現が飛び出しているあたり、いろいろ察してしまう。
何があったかというと、4日の土曜日(グッドフライデー翌日)に、ラーガンのSt Colmans GraveyardでContinuity IRAの「軍事パレード (show of strength)」が行なわれ、ガン・サリュートが行なわれたということだ。
が、"Lurgan" で検索してもBelTel以外は記事が出てこないので(ラーガンの地域メディアでさえ取り上げていない)、要するに「スルー推奨」ということかもしれない。それでも、2015年のイースターにこういうことが行なわれていたということは事実なので、一応書いておこうと思う。
一方ベルファストのベルファスト・テレグラフは、日曜のSunday Lifeの名義で:
Easter terror show of strength as shots fired during Continuity IRA march
いわく、土曜日にラーガンのSt Colmans GraveyardでContinuity IRAがイースターの集会(イースター蜂起記念行事)をパラミリタリー・スタイルで行なった。覆面をしたCIRAメンバー12人ほどが旗を立てて行進を率い、リパブリカンの鼓笛隊が後に続いた。何人かがスピーチを行なったあと、覆面をした若いガンマンが旗の列から現れて、空砲を3発撃った。(昔のPIRAの流儀と同じなので、映画などで見たことがある方は多いと思います。)
Clearly nervous, he initially forgot to take the safety catch off the weapon and twice clicked the trigger without anything happening.
After managing to get the gun to fire he ran off and clambered through a hedge at the side of the cemetery.
この「パラミリタリー・スタイルのパレード」について、記事では、この選挙区(LurganはUpper Bann選挙区)選出じゃないんだけど、ジェフリー・ドナルドソンがコメントしている。いわく、「CIRAのパレードが行なわれることは事前にわかっていたのに、なぜ警察が来ていなかったのか。銃が取り出され、発砲が行なわれたことは非常に重大なことだと思う。警察は、このsinisterな武力の誇示を組織したのは誰で、参加したのは誰かを捜査する必要がある。特に警察が来ていなかったということで、誰がそのような決定を行なったか、またそれはなぜかについて疑問が生じる」。
Although small the Continuity IRA – which has its stronghold in Lurgan’s Kilwilkie estate – can be deadly.
Sunday Life can reveal its leaders planned to murder a top cop during one of his regular visits to his dad’s grave.
It [sic] the attack had been successful it would have been the second time the terror gang has killed a PSNI officer in recent years.
A source with knowledge of the plot, said: “The Continuity IRA is clearly aware that a very senior policeman makes regular visits to his father’s graveside, almost at the same time every week.
“The plan was to attach a booby trap bomb next to the headstone which would be detonated when he laid flowers there.
“Luckily the dissidents involved were recorded talking about the attack and the officer in question was warned.”
The insider explained how Continuity IRA leaders had no regard for the public outcry leaving a bomb in a cemetery would provoke.
“It didn’t bother them if it meant murdering a senior police officer,” added our source.
“Nor did the fact that the bomb could have killed anyone standing near the graveside, including children who often run around cemeteries climbing over graves.”
なお、標的にされた警察幹部について、サンデー・ライフ紙は誰なのかを把握はしているようだが、それを書くことはしないと述べている (This newspaper is not identifying the top cop who was the target of the murder bid)。
Police must investigate Continuity IRA gun salute
It is extremely depressing to discover that there are still people who choose the gun rather than the ballot-box. Sadly, they still look to the sterility of the violent past, rather than to a better future for us all.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...
It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.
In your head, in your head they're still fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are dying...
なお、本エントリ冒頭に埋め込んだBTのトップページのキャプチャ、メインのセクションの右下にある「ベルファストのアードインでアプレンティス・ボーイズ・オヴ・デリーのパレード」という (?_?) というニュースについては、ケリーさんパネェっす。
Meself and the Apprentice Boys of Derry are out enjoying the early sunshine. The long Marching season begins. http://t.co/SnqRWvt2TU
— Gerry Kelly (@GerryKellyMLA) April 6, 2015
Significant police presence on Crumlin Road, Belfast, ahead of Apprentice Boys march pic.twitter.com/aN2xmaIM0i
— Claire Graham (@JournoClaire) April 6, 2015
Police presence by Twaddell camp at Crumlin Road roundabout in Belfast ahead of Apprentice Boys march pic.twitter.com/e4YdciJVlW
— Claire Graham (@JournoClaire) April 6, 2015
To all Apprentice Boys, bandsmen/women, supporters and spectators. Have a great day. #EasterMonday pic.twitter.com/Xb8ofOmdey
— PurpleStar LOL 1189 (@PurpleStar_1189) April 6, 2015
Apprentice Boys passing Ardoyne shops pic.twitter.com/vRGrqC6WpI
— Claire Graham (@JournoClaire) April 6, 2015
The Orange Order should take a good look at the Apprentice Boys. Carrying the flag again for loyalists #Ardoyne #Dignity #Pride
— Smit (@TheBigBlueBear6) April 6, 2015
Today is NOT an orange parade, it's an Apprentice Boys Parade. #justsayin #crimsonnotorange
— Ruth Maxwell (@RMaxx88) April 6, 2015
Start of the Apprentice Boys parade in Coleraine http://t.co/CxNUewG7mD
— Proud Protestant (@ProudProtestant) April 6, 2015
Shankill Protestant Boys at the Diamond Coleraine at todays Apprentice Boys parade http://t.co/vfUXjIiQS5
— Proud Protestant (@ProudProtestant) April 6, 2015
Something a bit different. Throw the "stick in the air", & catch it with one hand, Apprentice Boys ...: https://t.co/xIombSsQGW via @YouTube
— Stephen Smyth (@jackof10) April 6, 2015
Ardoyne: Apprentice Boys of Derry - and Jamie Bryson -march in Belfast #NINews http://t.co/DOlsJxVIZb pic.twitter.com/cYdJbxgM6o
— Belfast Telegraph (@BelTel) April 6, 2015
(・_・) えっ、ジェイミー、パレード参加できるの? (保釈条件クリアできてるの?)
After starting Easter Monday at an AOB march in Ardoyne. I had the pleasure of meeting Fr Murray-a Jesuit priest,... http://t.co/mUwZrqEEAM
— Gerry Kelly (@GerryKellyMLA) April 6, 2015
Attending New Lodge Commemoration. Big turnout. Good family atmosphere. Great weather
— Gerry Kelly (@GerryKellyMLA) April 6, 2015
New lodge Easter commemoration pic.twitter.com/MVs01uvk8N
— Cllr JJ Magee (@jjnorthbelfast) April 6, 2015
ベルファストでのイースター行事の写真集(ほとんどがSinn Fein主催のパレードの様子。少しだけIRSP主催のパレードのがあり、1点RSFのがある):
Meanwhile, Sinn Fein's Gerry Kelly used the Easter commemoration at Milltown Cemetery in west Belfast to criticise dissident republicans involved in terrorism.
"They have no right to carry out armed actions, the vast majority of which are directed against unarmed civilians, in the name of Irish republicanism.
"These small groups are not the IRA. The IRA fought a war against State combatant forces and fought it to a conclusion," said Mr Kelly.
なお、17点目がRSF (CIRA政治部門) のベルファストでのカラー・パレード。「ピースフル」ですね。
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