現在、「英国の産業振興」のために用いられているスローガンは、"Britain is Great" というものだ。これは「大ブリテン島(グレート・ブリテン)」という、単に「大」という意味のgreat(フランスから見たときの用語法で、フランス語のgrandが元)と、「偉大である、すばらしい」という意味をかけたスローガンだが、まあよくこんなのを真顔で……と個人的には思っている。
実際には、"Culture is Great (Britain)" というような形のスローガンとなる。
が、ウィリアム王子訪日中には、そこに "and Northern Ireland" が加わっていたと小菅信子先生が教えてくださった(私はこの写真は見ていなかった)。
The Duke joins Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi in a sake barrel ceremony to launch a campaign for UK Japan trade pic.twitter.com/FyVjtPEcDq
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) February 27, 2015
あれ、ほんとですね。アジアの投資呼び込みが北アイルランドの最大の課題ということかもしれません。RT @nobuko_kosuge: @nofrills ねいさん、このプロジェクターの表現、ブリテンと北アイルランドになってますね。 https://t.co/Je5xv0sMlG
— nofrills (@nofrills) March 1, 2015
@mickfealty @SluggerOToole They added "and N Ireland" to the "Britain is Great" slogan during Prince's visit to Japan pic.twitter.com/x4LrUUIsfd
— nofrills (@nofrills) March 1, 2015
"and Northern Ireland" がくっついたスローガンが用いられたのは、27日午後、東京都港区の六本木ヒルズでの「英国紹介イベント」でのことで、王子が着ているはっぴには「英国大使館」の文字がある。このイベントについては:
なのでたぶん、Technology is Great (Britain and Northern Ireland) という標語だったのだろう(ケンジントン・パレスのツイートした写真には全部は写っていない)。裏取れないことは書かないけど、「テクノロジー」ね……2013年以降、いろいろありますよね。【→これ、TechnologyじゃなくてInnovationですね。後述】
たぶん必読→ RT @Reuters: Exclusive: Pentagon's chief weapons buyer builds Japan ties as it eyes arms exports http://t.co/hZxQD6nXGq
— nofrills (@nofrills) July 31, 2013
今年4月1日のロイターの記事だけど、「武器がぁぁぁ〜」とか言うんなら、こういうの読もうね。読める場所にあるんだから。→ Japan relaxes arms export regime to fortify defense http://t.co/OlzyoeEP5T
— nofrills (@nofrills) May 31, 2014
Exclusive: Japan seeks to sell sub-hunting jet to UK as Abe pushes arms exports http://t.co/8mJiHIM5s1
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) January 7, 2015
Feb 04, 2014
First Minister Peter Robinson and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness are pictured with Ryobi, Chairman Hirsoshi Urakami and Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster. Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK), Limited is investing £32 million in its Carrickfergus plant, creating 100 new jobs.
... Ryobi Limited’s Chairman Hiroshi Urakami, who travelled from Japan for the investment announcement, said: “Ryobi Group is a global leader in specialist die casting technology and we are confident our workforce at Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK), Limited can help us maintain that position in Europe.
“Over the years we have received excellent support from Invest NI and we consider them to be an important partner in our ongoing development and growth in Northern Ireland.”
Afterwards I visited the five Japanese companies operating in Northern Ireland - Fujitsu, Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK) Ltd, Terumo, Japan Tobacco and Canyon Europe Ltd. Covering a variety of sectors, these companies, which together employ more than 3,000 local people, are very happy with their highly educated workforces, the favourable infrastructure and the very welcoming attitude of the government agencies involved and of the communities in which they are based. What the visiting Japanese businessmen and I observed augurs well for future Japanese investment in the province.
アップデート。Slugger O'Tooleのミック・フィールティさんにお知らせしたら、Innovationと。
@nofrills Innovation is Great? Shurely Shome Mishtake?
— Mick Fealty (@mickfealty) March 1, 2015
@mickfealty Tried to read "what" is great but couldn't, thank you. Shurely it's something to do w/ Aston Martin Japan, established recently.
— nofrills (@nofrills) March 1, 2015
@mickfealty Aston Martin's CEO tweeted this: https://t.co/CyF9sk07C3 With Northern Ireland in it, it must b "Months-long Talks are Great" :D
— nofrills (@nofrills) March 1, 2015
@mickfealty Jokes aside, the slogan is explained here: https://t.co/rpnJKI8Ngz "It is a campaign that will introduce British technology..."
— nofrills (@nofrills) March 1, 2015
See also:
(2015/1/7 17:07)
日英Big Data Workshop
「Innovation is GREAT」
This event, is part of an “Innovation is GREAT campaign,” to be launched during Prince William’s first visit to Japan. (It is a campaign that will introduce British technology to the world spanning a wide range of fields from robotics to big data. Its aim is to further cooperation between British and Japanese in business, education, and research and will run throughout 2015.)
英国にbig data語られるのって、ちょっと微妙ですよねー
Above the law? Spy agency GCHQ 'stole confidential codes to hack phones around the world': http://t.co/xAtSVxOuuR pic.twitter.com/wYbr9te6sd
— Patrick Corrigan (@PatrickCorrigan) February 21, 2015
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