Chelsea fans sought over London station racist chants ロンドンで水曜にあったことを土曜に記事にしているBBC。あの連中がパリで騒ぎを起こし通行人が撮影してなかったら報道されてない。
— nofrills (@nofrills) February 21, 2015
Chelsea fans were today at the centre of a fresh racism storm as police launched an investigation into "disgusting" chanting at London's Eurostar terminal.
Detectives are now investigating claims some of the club's fans were heard singing racist chants in London on Wednesday evening after returning from the French capital following Chelsea's 1-1 draw with Paris St-Germain at Parc des Princes.
Lifelong fan Keith Benson, 36, said the fact that captain John Terry had been accused in 2012 of racially abusing QPR defender Anton Ferdinand had set a bad example to some younger supporters: “They look up to Terry. It might have made racism more acceptable.”
Perhaps mindful of his past, Terry moved to denounce the racists in Paris. Writing in the match programme, the 34-year-old said: “The club stand against all forms of discrimination. What happened on the Paris Métro is unacceptable.”
自分の暮らす町で普通に日常の生活をしているときに、「外国人」の集団によってひどい目にあわされたあの男性(スレイマン・Sさん)は、オランド大統領からもメッセージを受け取っているという。エリゼー宮のツイート(via BBC):
Le président @fhollande s'est entretenu avec Souleymane S. Il lui a apporté tout son soutien après l'odieuse agression raciste qu'il a subie
— Élysée (@Elysee) February 20, 2015
Chelsea racist abuse victim Souleymane has declined the invite from Mourinho's club to attend PSG second leg at Stamford Bridge.
— Bruno Constant (@Bruno_Constant) February 21, 2015
パリの被害者に対して、昨夜のあるシティファン: あんなチンピラはブタ箱にでもいれてお灸を据えないとな。事実、純粋なフットボールファンでもないだろうし。悪かったな、君じゃなければ、俺になっていたかもしれないわけだし。
— Three lions (@1990boys) February 22, 2015
今回の一件は、あの暴言を吐いた集団の中に「昔ながらの人種主義者」の典型である「差別主義のチンピラ racist thugs」に該当しない人物もいた(パブリック・スクールを出て金融の仕事をしている21歳の男がいた)ことでも、どんよりとした気分になる。今21歳というと、欧州でフーリガンが大問題になっていた時代をまったく知らない世代だ。あらかじめ、あのような行為は「過去のもの」であった世代の若者が、あの場にいたということの意味は、どう取ればよいのだろう。
Twenty three Feyenoord fans arrested in Rome before Europa League match 19日、ローマで行なわれた欧州リーグの試合前にフェイエノールトの観客が街中で大暴れの件。
— nofrills (@nofrills) February 21, 2015
Rome fountain damaged by drunken Dutch football fans - officials フェイエのフーリフガン大暴れの件、ロイター。スペイン広場のピエトロ・ベルニーニの噴水の損傷は「永続的」
— nofrills (@nofrills) February 21, 2015
The pads of the fountain Four Rivers in Piazza di Spagna, the day after the devastation by hooligan Feyenoord #rome
— RomeSweetHome (@borisgiulivi) February 20, 2015
ローマ市長コメ: Mayor Ignazio Marino...: "these crooks, these fake fans, hardened hooligans" had "violated, dirtied and damaged" the fountain.
— nofrills (@nofrills) February 21, 2015
フェイエGD: he was ashamed by the "behaviour of a group of brainless people who Feyenoord distances itself from completely ..." 文言がCFCよりさらに徹底してる
— nofrills (@nofrills) February 21, 2015
"@repubblicait: #RomaFeyenoord How Dutch hooligans misbehaved in Rome today... [VIDEO]"
— Hedwig Zeedijk (@hedzed) February 19, 2015
ドイツでは、ドイツ人がISISなどイスラム過激派に加わっているというニュースが報じられる一方で、「反イスラム過激派」を掲げたデモが行なわれているが(ペギーダ: Pegida)、サッカー・フーリガンの統一行動も報告されている。下記は2014年10月のケルンでの5000人に近い規模のデモの報告など。
Demonstrations held by the far-right group Hooligans against Salafists − also known as HoGeSa − have recently gained momentum in Germany, as they organize marches in cities across the country. While the group claims to be protesting against Islamist extremism, the movement is widely accused of harnessing Islamophobia as a means of spreading racism.
VICE News followed the Hooligans against Salafists movement from its first full-blown demonstration-turned-riot in Cologne, which was attended by 4,800 people. We also met with Islamic campaigner Sven Lau, who recently rose to infamy by starting a “Sharia Police,” and has consequently been used as a prominent example of the “Islamic invasion” of Germany by the HoGeSa movement.
フーリガン戦記 ビル ビュフォード Bill Buford by G-Tools |
But while things are undoubtedly better, an ugly element remains affiliated to the club. Supporters on Saturday said that while they are rarely seen at Stamford Bridge, they can be conspicuous on away matches, particularly European ties.
Roy, from Dublin, has followed the team home and away for 30 years. He was in Moscow for the 2008 Champions League final, but had noticed recently a disturbing phenomenon.
The anti-IRA songs were hard to ignore, but part of a nascent nationalism that has been creeping into the repertoire of Chelsea’s away following.
“There’s a lot of English songs and an increasing use of the St George instead of the Chelsea flag,” he said. “They don’t come to home games; they go abroad where they just seem to plumb the deeper depths of behaviour.”
Anti-IRA songsは、2008年にイングランドのクラブがホームを遠く離れた国際大会の試合会場で歌うようなものではなかったはずだ(グラスゴー・ダービーじゃないんだから)。そしてそれを歌うのは、UDAかUVF関連と決まっている。
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