現役時代にガールフレンドを殴るという問題を起こしており、また引退後も変な問題を起こしてBBC Radioの解説の仕事をクビになっている。Twitterはかなり早い時期から積極的に使っているが、過去の問題だけでなく、新たに問題にされるような政治的な発言もよくしていて、しょっちゅう「炎上」している。一度は「Twitterをやめる」ところまで行っていた(一度ではないかもしれない)。観客としては、彼の名前がtrendsに出てると「今度は何の《お騒がせ》ですか」とポップコーンを持ってモニターの前に座りたくなるような「キャラ」だと言ってよいだろう。本人はまじめにやっているのだと思うが。
Chelsea fans. Save your spite for those on the train, I’m sure you’ll want to see them banned from holding season tickets at your club.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 18, 2015
Chelsea FC confirm banning orders and criminal action against those on the video.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 18, 2015
Stan Collymore reveals BT Sport has dropped him as a football pundit http://t.co/L82HLZIHXn
— The Guardian (@guardian) February 20, 2015
BT Sport(衛星&ケーブルTVのスポーツ専門チャンネル)でのサッカー解説から下ろされたって? o_O
On @btsportfootball I’ll be asking Rangers fans who want me sacked for expressing perfectly legal views find the following acceptable.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
(・_・) 説明されなくてもわかるわー
2008年09月17日 グラスゴー、Old Firmの「お歌」の応酬について――背景は北アイルランド紛争です。
1200 Ramgers fans want me sacked via petition. Good luck. I want the world to know you still sing sectarian songs at games. It’s illegal.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
I’ll ask Rangers supporters groups and fans at Hampden.
When Billy Boys rang out, did YOU sing “Fenian Blood” or was it “a small minority”?
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Collymore tells the truth about racists,fascists, alliances= gets threatened with sack.
Rangers fans sing illegal songs en mass=Nothing
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
‘We’re up to our knees in n****r/muslim/p**i blood”.
If that was sung in the UK, there would be arrests, so why not Fenian?
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
There’s many of you Rangers fans, there’s only one of me but I’ll take your hypocrisy head on, all of you.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Please sign my petition asking all sponsors and broadcasters to boycott #RFC games as “Up to our knees in Fenian Blood” isn’t acceptable.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
I’ve yet to hear or see one Rangers fan condemn the “We’re up to our knees in Fenian Blood” that was sung wholesale at Hampden.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
ESPN embarrassed by it. Trust me, broadcasters/sponsors don’t want “Fenian blood” intermission to their Weetabix..
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Rangers fans calling me wifebeating scum yet Gazza is their hero.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Rangers fans wanting a man sacked for perfectly legal speech, yet sing sectarian songs still, en mass.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Rangers fans fiercely support traditional British values of freedom of speech.
Until its their hypocrisy exposed.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
When you're so stupid you do a rather dubious salute whilst waving an Israeli flag.
Bright as buttons. pic.twitter.com/ypKDfptY3e
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
So @RangersFCTrust feel it appropriate to drag up my past but won't comment on Rangers fans present. No wonder you're a shambles.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Just had a call from @btsportfootball . I’m taken off tomorrow’s show.
Absolutely fine. Better to be right than bury my head.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Stan Collymore reveals BT Sport has dropped him as a football pundit
The outspoken broadcaster had called for Rangers to be pulled off the television if their fans continue to sing sectarian songs.
After announcing the news on Twitter, Collymore became locked in a fiery online exchange with some sports fans, many of whom brought up his violent past and domestic violence.
It had been triggered after Collymore backed a petition which said: “Boycott sponsors Sectarian chanting is illegal. Demeaning.”
He urged his Twitter followers to show their support and said if they signed the petition, he would “take it to every sponsor and tv/radio station i know.”
「ヘイトスピーチ」を指摘すると「これは文化だ、部外者が口出しする問題ではない」とキレられるということはあまりにありふれたことである。フランスの下劣な、「風刺画」を自称する《他者 les autres》への偏見の垂れ流しをめぐる態度、「スンニ派」による「シーア派」差別(あるいはその逆)のようなこと、"not all men" 的な現象、などなど。
I can hold my head high and say i did the right thing to challenge hypocrisy amongst Rangers fans.
BT show #RFC games, so inevitable.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Maybe it's real politik in action.@btsportfootball would rather this man's subs, than some honesty . pic.twitter.com/86g0imTBVd
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
I hope @btsportfootball enjoy the subscription money from Rangers fans like this man. pic.twitter.com/pK1okfYPvG
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
コリモアは、彼の発言が気に食わないといって彼を番組から下ろすように働きかけるという現象が生じたことを、mob ruleと呼んでいる。そしてさらに発言は加速する。
All @btsportfootball have done tonight is empower right wing mob rule.
Nothing else.
8 friends and i have cancelled already. Hypocrisy.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
You can get sectarian, racist, threats from Rangers fans but can’t tell truths.
Censorship & fascism alive and well in 2015 Britain.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Keep your mouth shut, be bland, boring and don’t challenge the masons!
The golden rule of British Broadcasting! ‘)
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Don’t like what i say on my personal twitter feed, don’t follow!
Otherwise you’re
a ,a stalker
b, Stupid
c, both
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Let The People Sing!!!!!!
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 19, 2015
Former England footballer turned TV pundit Stan Collymore campaigns for a #Rangers boycott over sectarian chants http://t.co/5qZCEIPCEh
— Martin Williams (@Martin1Williams) February 20, 2015
He went on an online tirade after more than 2,500 signed a petition calling for his sacking after he linked the club to racist groups such as the National Front and Combat 18.
The row began after he commented on a racist incident in Paris where a black man was pushed off a train by a group of what appeared to be Chelsea supporters travelling to the Parc des Princes stadium for Champions League match against Paris St Germain which ended in a 1-1 draw.
He tweeted: " As I said a couple of weeks ago, Rangers and Chelsea, aka 'The Blues Brothers', made for each other. Quelle surprise.#NF #BNP #C18."
つまり、パリでの一件を受けて、コリモアが「あれは極右」ということで、「数週間前に言った通り、レンジャーズとチェルシー、つまり『青い兄弟(ブルース・ブラザーズ)』はお似合いのカップルだ #ナショナルフロント #BNP #コンバット18」とツイートしたことが発端。
Earlier this week the SPFL said it would take no action over the singing of offensive songs and the display of a banner at the League Cup semi-final between Rangers and Celtic.
The match at Hampden saw 12 arrests for sectarian offences.
Chelsea's fans, the most racist in the Premier League. Statistics via the Home office . http://t.co/83CLzhpg14
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 20, 2015
“@osgood9: as a Chelsea supporter for over 50 years you were maybe correct 30 years ago” >NO. TODAY http://t.co/pG9f2b9SB7.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 20, 2015
The man Chelsea fans( officially the most racist in the Prem) abused on the train.
Disgusting. https://t.co/As4CwgjYtF
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 20, 2015
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 20, 2015
The United Kingdom is now white, black, brown, Irish, Polish, Jew, Hindu and Muslim.
Your Empire is dead. Time to let the people sing.
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 20, 2015
Thanks to all of those who signed!
Sponsor pressure will start when Billy Boys or Famine Song are aired on tv!
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) February 20, 2015
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