nofrills / nofrills
RT @liamstack: The horrible things a new documentary says about Tom Cruise and Scientology http://t.co/I5sWqWVNlC at 01/31 16:11
(Tom Cruiese's) conclusion: “Either you’re onboard, or you’re not onboard.”
Now, a new HBO documentary − “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief,” which premiered this week at Sundance − takes a look at some of the consequences of not being onboard.
ギブニーといえばアメリカによる拷問を調査したTaxi to the Dark Sideなどがあるが、そのギブニーが今回はカルト宗教(サイエントロジー)を追ったのだ。
“You’ll see a lot of good people in this movie that were drawn into Scientology and then to have them transformed into people that they didn’t recognize,” Wright said. “… That process of belief and inculcation of behavior tells us a lot about human nature.”
Scientology: ‘You don’t fall out with them lightly’ http://t.co/SncVD6pojk He's such a badass. cc @JapanAnon @nihonmama @alexgibneyfilm
— nofrills (@nofrills) January 31, 2015
(なお、私はこれ以上脅されたくはないです )
nofrills / nofrills
RT @THE_47th: Crazy details here: how CIA & Mossad killed Imad Mughneyye in Damascus in 2008 http://t.co/ngLeTu4VcK V WaPo at 01/31 16:03
nofrills / nofrills
RT @glcarlstrom: Wow. The assassination of Imad Mughniyeh seven years ago was a joint CIA-Mossad op, with the bomb made in the US. http://t… at 01/31 16:14
nofrills / nofrills
RT @martinchulov: Killing Mugniyeh was hailed within Mossad as one of it's best ops. They never let on that CIA involved http://t.co/PfrIvL… at 01/31 16:15
nofrills / nofrills
RT @akhedery: After CIA & Mossad spared his life, it'll now be interesting to see how Soleimani & his proxies will respond to today's revel… at 01/31 16:20
nofrills / nofrills
RT @akhedery: Will Soleimani, Hezbollah & Iraqi militias target American & Israeli civ, mil & intel or will they maintain an alliance again… at 01/31 16:20
ソレイマニの件はアレとして、この記事に出てくる「自衛」についての指摘は、本当に怖いですよ。アメリカが今シリアを爆撃しているのも、「自衛」でつじつまあわせをしている(現にISISによってアメリカ人が殺されているので&シリア領内にいるアルカイダの一派についても「アメリカへの攻撃を準備している」という理屈付けで「自衛」を使っている。リビア介入のときのような「保護する責任 R2P」ではないです)。
The operation in Damascus highlighted a philosophical evolution within the American intelligence services that followed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Before then, the U.S. government often took a dim view of Israeli assassination operations, highlighted by the American condemnation of Israel’s botched attempt in 1997 to poison the leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, in Amman, Jordan. The episode ended with Mossad agents captured and the Clinton administration forcing Israel to provide the antidote that saved Meshal’s life.
The Mughniyah killing, carried out more than a decade later, suggested such American hesi-ta-tion had faded as the CIA stretched its lethal reach well beyond defined war zones and the ungoverned spaces of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, where the agency or the military have deployed drones against al-Qaeda and its allies.
A former U.S. official said the Bush administration relied on a theory of national self-defense to kill Mughniyah, claiming he was a lawful target because he was actively plotting against the United States or its forces in Iraq, making him a continued and imminent threat who could not be captured. Such a legal rationale would have allowed the CIA to avoid violating the 1981 blanket ban on assassinations in Executive Order 12333. The order does not define assassination.
"The order does not define assassination." 「拷問」も定義をめぐるワードゲームにされました。「テロリズム」は(アメリカだけの問題じゃないのですが)統一的には定義されず漠然としたもののまま世界各国で「テロ法」という法律になって「取り締まり」に適用されて、「グローバル・ウォー・オン・テラー」が行なわれている。(一方でここ日本には「戦争なんて70年前に過去のものになったのに」という無根拠なお花畑言説があり、誰かがそれについて語ることですら阻もうとする人たちがいる。)
“It’s fairly clear that the government has at least some authority to use lethal force in self-defense even outside the context of ongoing armed conflict,” said Stephen I. Vladeck, a professor of law at American University’s Washington College of Law. “The million-dollar question is whether the facts actually support a determination that such force was necessary and appropriate in each case.”
BREAKING: Shock across Middle East as report reveals death of Hezbollah commander in 2008 not down to faulty car battery
— Pan-Arabia Enquirer (@arabiaenquirer) January 31, 2015
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