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I want to be there for a friend when it matters. I’ve turned my social net into a safety net. http://t.co/CB2hBwrdH6 #SamaritansRadar
— Carlie Denninger (@sunrise706) October 26, 2014
このハッシュタグはこのツイートが最初で、その後「サマリタンズ」のプレスリリースや報道機関の報道を経て告知(orアウェアネスのための)キャンペーンが行われ、日本時間29日夜にはUKのTrending Topicsに入っていた。
Samaritans Launches Twitter App To Help Identify Vulnerable People | Samaritans http://t.co/x0F2WgL6bW #SamaritansRadar
— Karen White (@karenwhite) October 28, 2014
Today we launch #SamaritansRadar app to help people support others going through a tough time online. Find out more: http://t.co/HlmCPwWv4Y
— Samaritans (@samaritans) October 29, 2014
Samaritans, the leading suicide prevention charity, today is launching Samaritans Radar - a free web application that monitors your friends’ Tweets, alerting you if it spots anyone who may be struggling to cope. The app gives users a second chance to see potentially worrying Tweets, which might have otherwise been missed.
Created by digital agency Jam using Twitter’s API, Samaritans Radar uses a specially designed algorithm that looks for specific keywords and phrases within a Tweet. It then sends an email alert to the user with a link to the Tweet it has detected, and offers guidance on the best way of reaching out and providing support.
We welcome Samaritans’ new Twitter App to identify vulnerable people online #SamaritansRadar https://t.co/MlxOGSEQ8P
— Suicide Research Lab (@suicideresearch) October 29, 2014
Great work @J5nnRussell and @Ferns_Joe & staff at digital media company Jam who developed #SamaritansRadar
— Suicide Research Lab (@suicideresearch) October 29, 2014
New app from @samaritans = online safety net, alerts you to worrying tweets from people you follow. http://t.co/cH1Kfu0Arn #samaritansradar
— JoeFerns_Samaritans (@Ferns_Joe) October 29, 2014
Check the #SamaritansRadar Twitter App for alerts about people in your networks who may be at risk of #suicide http://t.co/DBut0wz8Dk
— UnitingCare ReGen (@ReGenUC) October 29, 2014
Just launche: @Samaritans Radar app – sign up now help friends online who may be struggling to cope http://t.co/mceFhsQMd0 #SamaritansRadar
— Patsypalmerx (@patsypalmerx) October 29, 2014
#SamaritansRadar looks good. Notifies you if someone you follow posts something suggesting they might be suicidal. http://t.co/GJ7JV19u2J
— Jon Colverson (@JJC1138) October 29, 2014
New @Samaritans Radar app alerts you when a Twitter friend sends a worrying tweet http://t.co/mceFhsQMd0 #SamaritansRadar Great cause.xx
— Patsypalmerx (@patsypalmerx) October 29, 2014
"Leave me alone" としか言えない気分のときに。
@WePublicHealth Could something like this help with identification of imminent risk? http://t.co/5ULspsqTNr #SamaritansRadar #suicide
— UnitingCare ReGen (@ReGenUC) October 29, 2014
IDF: Suicide is the primary cause of death among Israeli soldiers
http://t.co/a8TV8Abtqe @MaxBlumenthal @AliAbunimah @rulajebreal
— Hadi Syed (@Hadi_Syed) September 30, 2014
Besides “unintentional injuries,” suicide is the only major cause of death that has increased. http://t.co/exDRUE54qK pic.twitter.com/Fmv2NmeY08
— Real Time Economics (@WSJecon) October 8, 2014
#Suicide is the 2nd-leading cause of death for ages 15-34. America shrugs.
http://t.co/Nm6tYW6gtF #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
— Psychosis Prevention (@NPPCouncil) October 10, 2014
Suicide is now the leading cause of death for people 15 to 49, surpassing all cancers and heart disease. Encourage and love someone today.
— Cody Rice (@codyrice44) October 23, 2014
Study shows suicide replaced childbirth as leading cause of death of 15-19 year old females worldwide http://t.co/C2bBqezMNw #dayofthegirl
— Women's eNews (@Womens_eNews) October 10, 2014
日本にいると、理研の笹井さんのような「渦中の人になってしまい、明らかに役職から外して世間の注目を浴びさせないようにしなければならないというくらいに危険になっていても役職続行させて、あげく職場で自殺されてしまう」ということが普通に起きて、それがsuicide preventionの問題という扱いがされないから感覚がおかしくなるのだけれども、いくら「プライバシーに踏み込んででも自殺は阻止せねばならない」ものであるとしても、「アルゴリズム」なんてそんなに信用できるものじゃないのではないかと。
BBC covers launch of #samaritansradar http://t.co/9w7Kh4SQ2C @samaritans
— JoeFerns_Samaritans (@Ferns_Joe) October 29, 2014
This is so bloody cool RT @samaritans: Today we launch #SamaritansRadar app to help people support (cont) http://t.co/7YoN7REVBF
— Ant Meads (@AntMeads) October 29, 2014
Check out the amazing new app which @SpreadingJam have created #SamaritansRadar http://t.co/Pg4TZe4CMh @WiredUK
— Gemma Glover (@gglover2) October 29, 2014
Sky news:
#samaritansradar app launched to monitor social media for signs of depression http://t.co/A1hhELPqL4
— Isabel Webster (@SunriseIsabel) October 29, 2014
It's here!!!! #SamaritansRadar app alerts you to tweets from people you follow struggling to cope. Activate today: http://t.co/Jd6loX3TOS
— Samaritans (@samaritans) October 29, 2014
Pls help @samaritans launch #samaritansradar visit http://t.co/iTmNTJ2bXt activate and share. We can only make this happen with your help.
— JoeFerns_Samaritans (@Ferns_Joe) October 29, 2014
I'm so unbelievably proud to be launching http://t.co/dX68Y6HWmJ with @SpreadingJam and @samaritans today. #samaritansradar
— simcevoy (@simcevoy) October 29, 2014
Do you want to be there for a friend when it matters? Turn your social net into a safety net at http://t.co/oovLyOzpLM #samaritansradar
— simcevoy (@simcevoy) October 29, 2014
この "friends" への無条件の信頼は、どこから来るのかね。たかが「ソーシャル・ネット」で。(例えば私はジェリー・アダムズをフォローしているが、アダムズの「友達」じゃない。英国首相官邸とは相互フォローの関係にあるが面識なんかないぞ。)
Join @Samaritans today @Twitter 1pm to discuss supporting people struggling to cope online. Info: http://t.co/oqd4diqcKX #SamaritansRadar
— Samaritans (@samaritans) October 29, 2014
Small things can make a big difference. Samaritans launch #SamaritansRadar to identify vulnerable people online https://t.co/MlxOGSEQ8P
— Suicide Research Lab (@suicideresearch) October 29, 2014
Proud of @cosmos_project team for helping develop #SamaritansRadar @ProfJScourfield @pbFeed @walter_colombo1 http://t.co/cbGrkKqJrQ @NSMNSS
— Matt Williams (@MattLWilliams) October 29, 2014
Today our partners @Samaritans launch #SamaritansRadar app to help people support others going through a tough time: http://t.co/KwBBG2f9M1
— Safety (@safety) October 29, 2014
Real pleasure to be at #samaritansradar press conf yesterday. Innovative thinking such as this is badly needed. http://t.co/pP09Mj7lYj
— Lancet Psychiatry (@TheLancetPsych) October 29, 2014
FANTASTIC - @Samaritans' #SamaritansRadar app monitors Twitter feeds of people you follow for suicide warnings: http://t.co/IuOGLvTiLu
— Black Dog Tribe (@FollowBDT) October 29, 2014
#SamaritansRadar is here! Check out @Samaritans video: http://t.co/MX7VBuDyOY and sign up today: http://t.co/jJQVcKMaMZ
— Samaritans (@samaritans) October 29, 2014
Very proud to be part of @EngineLondon today. Introducing #SamaritansRadar: Turn your social net into a safety net http://t.co/7IXykfePsx
— Tim Crow (@synergytim) October 29, 2014
さっきから何度も出てくるこの "turn your social net into a safety net" (あなたのソーシャルネットを、セーフティネットにしよう)というのは、おそらく企画側の用意したスローガンだが、「ソーシャルネット」が「投げ出されたときに受け止めてくれるもの」だという前提に立っているテクストだ(しかもa safety netであり、your safety net, your friends' safety netではない。このワーディング!)。
Important for people to have space to express distress but there's a risk of normalisation of suicidal statements #SamaritansRadar
— Jonathan Scourfield (@ProfJScourfield) October 29, 2014
@samaritans Very often people just dont know what to say to someone when they are suicidal. How would notifying help them.#SamaritansRadar.
— Valerie Walsh (@valeriewalsh19) October 29, 2014
@valeriewalsh19 not knowing what to say / fear making things worse can stop ppl trying 2 help. But small gestures matter #samaritansradar
— JoeFerns_Samaritans (@Ferns_Joe) October 29, 2014
@Ferns_Joe My personal experience was when friends tried to help me they made it worse by minimizing my difficulties.#SamaritansRadar.
— Valerie Walsh (@valeriewalsh19) October 29, 2014
@valeriewalsh19 #samaritansradar points to advice on this but yes; approach is important. For many the fact someone care’s is important
— JoeFerns_Samaritans (@Ferns_Joe) October 29, 2014
→これは衝撃的。サマリタンズって、今こんな人がやってるの? ヴァレリーさんの疑問点はとても重要なことですよ。それをこんな、漠然としたcan do主義で乗り越えられると? The fact that someone caresにすがった人が裏切られたときに何が起きるかという話をヴァレリーさんはしているのに。
The #SamaritansRadar obviously comes from good intentions, but considering the majority of people haven't received any MH training, >
— Scarer M (@sazza_jay) October 29, 2014
<encouraging them to approach potentially suicidal strangers is a really, really bad idea.
— Scarer M (@sazza_jay) October 29, 2014
The reaction to Robin William's death shows that many people have no understanding of depression, let alone how to help those who do.
— Scarer M (@sazza_jay) October 29, 2014
And if you're feeling suicidal, having potentially hundreds or thousands of strangers jumping into your mentions is gonna overwhelm>
— Scarer M (@sazza_jay) October 29, 2014
<you more than it might comfort you. #SamaritansRadar
— Scarer M (@sazza_jay) October 29, 2014
Spouse pointed out some scope for abuse of #SamaritansRadar, too. Have you ever spoken about feeling low on here and had religious >
— Scary Mental Patient (@stillicides) October 29, 2014
people pop up to try to 'help' (read: convert you)? I have. Imagine them getting email alerts of your lowest tweets. #SamaritansRadar
— Scary Mental Patient (@stillicides) October 29, 2014
A tool that "lets you know when your friends need support" also lets you know when your stalking victim is vulnerable. #SamaritansRadar
— Sarah Brown (@auntysarah) October 29, 2014
I'm a huge advocate of destigmatising mental health, and the @samaritans do good work, but #SamaritansRadar is really paternalistic.
— Sarah Brown (@auntysarah) October 29, 2014
Somebody invented an app to mass-stalk emotionally vulnerable people so that they can be bombarded with "help." NOPE. #SamaritansRadar
— They want braaaiiins (@quicksilvre) October 29, 2014
Seen peeps on here get unsolicited crap from 'have you tried .....' to blatant abuse hoping to drive them over the edge #SamaritansRadar
— GoodmotherBeeRescuer (@GoodmotherM) October 29, 2014
I know I have existing issues with the charity, but #SamaritansRadar sounds a bit menacing & Big Brotherish! I like being under the radar.
— incurablehippie (@incurablehippie) October 29, 2014
It would make me too wary of using 'trigger words' so I wouldn't feel able to speak openly. Counter-productive and scary. #SamaritansRadar
— incurablehippie (@incurablehippie) October 29, 2014
Again, I shouldn't have to! RT @EmmaLNielsen: @incurablehippie If you don't want part can set tweets to private #SamaritansRadar
— incurablehippie (@incurablehippie) October 29, 2014
So, being told by the Samaritans to go private to avoid the #SamaritansRadar scanner doesn't exactly make it less creepy and stalkerish!
— incurablehippie (@incurablehippie) October 29, 2014
Clever, cautious and caring, check out the new @samaritans app #SamaritansRadar http://t.co/FkkKXrk4OX
— Ilona Burton (@ilonacatherine) October 29, 2014
.@samaritans we also need to develop and evaluate more prevention schemes which use social media in a positive way #SamaritansRadar
— Jonathan Scourfield (@ProfJScourfield) October 29, 2014
Sometimes people use twitter just to vent but sometimes they're shouting for help - it's a difficult territory to navigate #samaritansradar
— Student Minds (@StudentMindsOrg) October 29, 2014
Another thing about #SamaritansRadar -- there many creeps who trawl, eg, Tumblr, looking for troubled people. This automates their creep.
— ectoplasming fear (@tinyfist) October 29, 2014
In the UK, it’s illegal to encourage suicide. In a world where communication is boundless, how do you police this? #SamaritansRadar
— Samaritans (@samaritans) October 29, 2014
There is something faintly sinister about way whoever is running the @samaritans account is only RTing tweets in favour of #SamaritansRadar
— incredible skeleton (@ardvarc) October 29, 2014
At my most ill, something like #samaritansradar could have scared me off social media, which was my only tolerable form of human contact
— Alyson (@textuallimits) October 29, 2014
If I ever did send out a suicidal tweet, I'd want it dealt by people who knew the context, not some passing do-gooder #SamaritansRadar
— James Graham (@jamesgraham) October 29, 2014
My response to #SamaritansRadar
(feel free to copy this) pic.twitter.com/YAIajZaF4r
— skimblespook (@engineer_cat) October 29, 2014
BBC News - Samaritans app monitors Twitter feeds for suicide warnings http://t.co/658rpES501 ・・・『ハーモニー』か・・・
— nofrills (@nofrills) October 29, 2014
— nofrills (@nofrills) October 29, 2014
— nofrills (@nofrills) October 29, 2014
(あかん、気持ち悪い。信頼できると思っていた年上の女性に、ただ歩いているだけで数分間ずっとついてこられるとかいうこういうのの「被害」 を相談したら「あなたがかわいいからついてくるのですよ」と微笑みかけられたことを思い出してサマリタンズの例のあれの「慈愛」と重なった)
— nofrills (@nofrills) October 29, 2014
— nofrills (@nofrills) October 29, 2014
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