DUP announces ministerial roles
Last Updated: Monday, 16 April 2007, 10:47 GMT 11:47 UK
First Minister: Ian Paisley(DUP党首)
Environment: Arlene Foster(3年前にUUPを離党しDUP入り)(<風見鶏的な話)
Finance: Peter Robinson(DUP副党首)
Enterprise: Nigel Dodds
Culture: Edwin Poots
また、the Office of First and Deputy First Ministerのjunior ministerとしては、DUPはイアン・ペイズリー・ジュニア(ビッグ・イアンの息子)を選出した。
- DUP: finance, economy, environment and culture(財務、経済、環境、文化)
- Sinn Fein: education, regional development and agriculture(教育、地域開発、農業)
- UUP: health and employment and learning(保健衛生、雇用&職業訓練)
- SDLP: social development(社会開発)
First Minister: Ian Paisley
Environment: Arlene Foster
Finance: Peter Robinson
Enterprise: Nigel Dodds
Culture: Edwin Poots
The DUP’s appointment of Edwin Poots as the minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure from next month has raised some eyebrows. The biggest issue facing the culture Department is the location of the new national stadium for Northern Ireland.
Mr Poots’ position on this is quite clear. Like virtually every other big capital investment that has been proposed, Poots wants the stadium to be located in the Maze, in his constituency. He was even Chair of a development group tasked with making this happen. There have been rumours of a dirty deal between Sinn Fein and the DUP to ensure this happens, as the Shinners want a memorial to the hunger strikers to also be a part of the Maze development.
... He has come from nowhere to gain a prominent role in the new administration, and you can't help wondering why neither Nigel "Diddyman" Dodds, Jeffery "Daniel" Donaldson or Gregory "Londonderry Rangers" Campbell are in at the moment. ...
[Sinn Fein]
Deputy First Minister: Martin McGuinness
あと、Conor Murphy, Michelle Gildernew, Caitriona Ruane and Gerry Kellyがeducation, regional development and agricultureの大臣職。
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