— nofrills (@nofrills) June 3, 2013
Prince Harry death threat Muslim convert is conman from Bangor - BelfastTelegraph belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-nat… 短い記事なのに、話を追うのが大変。名うての詐欺師が改宗して王子を脅迫…
— nofrills (@nofrills) June 3, 2013
Prince Harry: Maniac who plotted to kill royal was radicalised in jail after he converted to Islam mirr.im/17RkuBr
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) June 3, 2013
その脅迫で逮捕・起訴された男は、「西ロンドンのアシュラフ・イスラム Ashraf Islam (30歳)」と報じられていた。
Prince Harry murder plot: Man admits in court he threatened to kill Prince day after Woolwich murder
2 Jun 2013 00:34
By Justin Penrose
Popup Toaster ※←コメント投稿者のハンドル
11:47 PM on 2/6/2013
The guy is a Nutter he comes from Belfast .. is a petty criminal converted to Islam in Jail .. Walked into a police station and said he wants to report himself as he wants to Kill Prince Harry .. signed a statement admitting all that .. went to court pleaded Guilty .. police searched his place all they could find was 3 searches on his laptop for "kidnapping" "vans" and "guns" the judge is waiting for a psychological report on guy .. what a waste of taxpayers money in most countries the police would have told him to go fly a kite or drop him at nearest Mental hospital
この「アシュラフ・イスラム」被告が、アイルランド島を拠点に数々の詐欺を働いてきたMark Townleyなる男(いくつもの偽名あり)であることが報じられたのが、3日のことだ。
この男の「詐欺」の内容は、ひどいもんである。「イラクで警備の仕事をしてがっつり稼ごう ※研修費用として£250」という求人広告を出し、ウェールズの浜辺に人を呼ぶだけ呼んでドロン、とか、ダブリンの街角で「お嬢さん、お美しいですね。プロのモデルになりませんか。登録費用として……」といった詐欺だ。ベルファストでボクシング・ジムなどを相手に器材や車両の納品詐欺などもしていたそうで、パラミリタリーなんかこわくないのだろうかと心配になる。^^;
Islam, originally from Northern Ireland, is thought to have been radicalised by hate preachers while locked up in Maghaberry prison, Lisburn.
北アイルランドのマガベリー刑務所の中にも、hate preachers (「イスラム過激派」の思想を広める宗教活動家) がいるってこと……?
He spent time on business in the Middle East in 2010 where he “ingratiated himself” with Muslim groups and handed himself in to police on fraud charges on his return.
During his spell in Maghaberry prison, he converted to Islam, changing his neat, business-like appearance to reflect his beliefs, adopting a shaven head, foot-long beard and long white robe. He changed his name and was known to use a mosque in Dublin.
The police were involved and he fled back to Dublin as a Muslim. A bench warrant was issued when he failed to appear at court in relation to the fraud. Now posing as Ashraf Islam he joined a Muslim group protesting at the GPO in Dublin. He was given a cheque for €7,000 (£6,000), but it bounced.
With nowhere left to go he handed himself into police in Belfast who held two warrants for him for fraud and breach of an ant-molestation order. He was subsequently jailed for six months.
Once released he was living in Bangor, but was later at the centre of a blasphemy row when he announced plans to release a movie, ‘Jesus Christ Pornstar’, with him playing the title role.
As the plans fell apart and debts mounted he fled once again this time to England were he has been arrested and charged.
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