The Ulster Political Research Group, which provides political analysis to the Ulster Defence Association, distanced itself from Stone, describing his actions as petty and irresponsible.
A statement said: "Michael has acted on his own and pushed aside the worries, fears and hopes of our people to steal the limelight for himself."
Police defuse 'devices' after loyalist storms NI parliament
5pm update
Deborah Summers, Hélène Mulholland and agencies
Friday November 24, 2006,,1956300,00.html
Loyalist assassin who swore death to the IRA
James Sturcke
Friday November 24, 2006,,1956385,00.html
Born into a sectarian hotbed in east Belfast, Stone joined the Tartans, an infamous loyalist group, when he was 13.
At 16, he had already joined the Ulster Defence Association and served time in Belfast's Crumlin Road jail for possession of firearms. ...
Stone is known for his political thinking - his cell at the Maze prison was well stocked with Marxist literature - and for a time there was speculation he would attempt to enter Northern Ireland's political arena.
Instead, he turned his attention to art - he had been able to develop his interest in painting while in prison - and, though he still lives in hiding, has become an established artist. ...
Stormont evacuated amid loyalist protest
By Tom Peterkin, Ireland Correspondent
Last Updated: 8:51pm GMT 24/11/2006
The alarming security breach, which was a serious attempt to kill or injure those inside and a painful reminder of the Troubles, was thwarted by the bravery of Stormont's unarmed civilian security staff.
Screaming "no surrender, no sell out Paisley" and "incendiary blast", Stone became trapped in the revolving front door where he was grabbed by a male security guard.
A female colleague managed to get hold of Stone's gun as he threw a smoking rucksack containing the viable explosives into the hall.
The 108 Stormont members including Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams were sitting nearby in the debating chamber.
Pandemonium ensued as the fire alarm was sounded at around 11 am just 20 minutes into the meeting.
Politicians, journalists and staff were evacuated from the building. Outside they saw Stone being wrestled to the ground in front of Stormont by security staff.
あと、例の外壁にスプレー缶で書いた文字については、"Sinn/Fein IRA war criminals" と書きかけて、warで止まってしまったものらしい。
Red graffiti, which appeared to say "Sinn/Fein IRA war criminals" had been daubed on a pillar, another indication that Stone's behaviour was in protest at a proposed political deal between Mr Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party and Mr Adams's Sinn Fein.
Stone was able to take advantage of a security operation that has seen the police presence at Stormont dramatically scaled down as part of the normalisation of Ulster.
There are no longer officers permanently stationed in the grounds, although there are still police patrols.
「正常化のため」って、北アイルランドで政治の中枢の警官の常駐をゼロにするという発想が理解できない。それはやりすぎでしょう。ウエストミンスターだってダウニング・ストリートだって警官は常駐しているんだし。つか、ベルファストの人々が「正常化」を実感できるようにというパフォーマンスだろうけど、ストーモントは・・・ジェリー・アダムズやマーティン・マクギネスなんかはいつ刺されてもおかしくないわけだから。(自前でSPつけてても。)ただまったく警備がなかったとは考えられないので、このテレグラフの記述はwith a pinch of saltかな。(Labourのやることはすべてくさす方向の新聞だから。)
Stone bomb chaos
Assembly evacuated as the Milltown killer storms into Stormont with gun
By Noel McAdam at Stormont, Claire Regan, Emily Moulton and Claire McNeilly
24 November 2006
生々しい状況の描写と、議場内にいたPUPのDavid Irvineのコメント(下記)。(David Irvineは元UVF所属のテロリスト。)
"I've spoken to the woman security officer who wrestled him to the ground and she is very shaken by the incident. She was in no doubt that the man was Michael Stone.
"She obviously needs to be commended for a difficult job well done."
ストーンは2005年7月に、レプリカのArmaliteやSA 80を持った写真を、ベル・テレさんに送りつけてきていたそうだ。上記記事にその写真がある。
時期的にも、ひょっとしてSean Kellyの拘束と釈放(2005年7月)でキれたのかもしれない。
ショーン・ケリーはIRAの爆弾犯。1993年10月、ベルファストのプロテスタント地区、Shankill Roadのフィッシュ&チップス屋の2階にあったUDAの事務所を標的として店内に爆弾を置いてタイマーを作動させたあとで「爆弾だ、逃げろ」と叫びながら脱出する計画だったが、予期せぬ場面で爆弾が爆発。爆弾犯のひとり(ケリーの相棒)と、店内にいた一般市民9人が殺された。死んだのが「兵士」ではなく子供や妊婦や店の親父だったことで、「義憤」を覚えるということはあるだろう。葬儀に手榴弾を投げ込んだマイケル・ストーンがそう感じるというのは、ずいぶん勝手な話だが。
Michael Stone: a loyalist hero and abstract artist
David Sharrock, Ireland Correspondent of The Times,,2-2469950,00.html
He was greeted as a hero by loyalists and the jacket which he wore during the Milltown attack was auctioned for £10,000 at a Scottish loyalist club. ...
He has collaborated in the writing of two books about his life - one of the reasons why the Government said earlier this month that it will introduce legislation to prevent criminals from profiting from their crimes.
two books about his lifeとは、Stone Coldという本(ライターが書いている)と、None Shall Divide Usという本(自著)。後者は当ブログの過去記事でもご紹介していますが、政府が今月、犯罪者が犯罪から利益を上げること(記念になるような所持品を売ること、犯罪を綴った本などを出すこと、など)を防ぐ法整備を行なうと述べた、というのは知りませんでした。
それから、当ブログの過去記事で触れた、BBCの「和解」特別番組(feat. デズモンド・ツツ大司教)のFacing the Truthについて、タイムズの記事にはこんな記述が。
Last year he took part in Facing the Truth, a BBC series in which victims were brought together with the perpetrators of their suffering. Sylvia Hackett talked with Stone, who was convicted of murdering her husband Dermot, a Catholic delivery man.
Although he previously admitted to the murder, Stone told his victim's widow that he had no direct responsibility, having been withdrawn after planning the attack. At the end of their meeting she forced herself to walk over to Stone and shake his hand.
When he placed a second hand on hers, she recoiled and fled from the room.
ハケット殺害については、ストーンは自著"None Shall Divide Us"の中で詳細に書いていたんですが、he had no direct responsibility, having been withdrawn after planning the attackなんて言っていたんですか。これはもうちょっと調べてみないといけないけど(これまでこういう説明はなかった)、そうだとしたら唖然とするほかはないなあ。
ストーン乱入とは関係なく、Northern Ireland peace processについてですが、上のほうでリンクしたガーディアンの記事:,,1954678,00.html
これの読者コメントで「NickPalmerMP」(ニック・パーマー議員:この名前の議員は実在します。労働党)のNovember 23, 2006 09:17 AMのコメント:
if (still a big if) this all works out it may come to be seen as a possible model for other perennial conflicts. Another key point is that isolating extremists rather than talking to them fails to address the problem: the reason why previous deals failed is that it got moderates on both sides together, but left them exposed to more extreme groups. People who think Paisley and Adams are agreeing too easily don't have anywhere plausible to go.
As a Labour MP I wouldn't try to dismiss John Major's willingness to start the negotiations: it took courage at a time when he was under great pressure for other reasons. Equally I hope that people not usually inclined to credit Tony Blair and Labour for anything will agree that actually bringing this ship into harbour will be, if it works out, a very substantial achievement.
And in a sense the ship is already in - the key point about Northern ireland at the moment is that people have by and large stopped killing each other for political reasons. If a coalition follows, that's wonderful.
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Man in court over Stormont breach
Last Updated: Saturday, 25 November 2006, 09:45 GMT
Loyalist Michael Stone will be charged with five counts of attempted murder, possession of articles for terrorist purposes and possession of explosives.
He will also be charged with possession of an imitation firearm when he appears at Belfast Magistrates' Court.
Assembly to reconvene on Monday