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ガーディアンは、共産主義政権下のチェコの音楽シーンや、ハヴェルとフランク・ザッパの交流などについての2009年の記事を再掲している。Plastic Peopleのこととか。
Zappa met Havel at Prague Castle. They discussed Captain Beefheart's music, and Havel asked Zappa if, on a forthcoming state visit to the US, he would help him meet those who had championed his cause in opposition, including Joan Baez. In an interview on Swedish radio, Zappa summarised Havel's policy as being: "We are all people from art and culture. We must make the policy better than the politicians." The outcome was Zappa's signature on a letter agreeing to become a consultant to the Czech government on matters of culture, tourism and trade.
冷戦を知らない世代の人は、今年の「アラブの春 the Arab Spring」という言い回しが、「プラハの春 the Prague Spring」のもじりであることに気づかないだろう。私の世代(大学生の時に冷戦が終わった世代)でも、特に興味があるとか、専門が欧州現代史であるとか、あるいは一般教養で出てきたとかいうことでもない限りは、「プラハの春」は知らなくてもほぼ当たり前だ(「文系で大卒」なら、これ知らないのはまずいというくらい一般常識だと思うけど)。ハヴェルはその「プラハの春」でソ連に叩き潰された「萌芽」の側。
Havel, now a successful playwright, could openly criticise old guard Stalinists, satirising them in drama, which won instant worldwide acclaim.
But the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia crushed the dreams of Havel and his generation. Suddenly, his work was banned in his homeland.
He produced a series of one-act plays, which had to be performed in private homes. His underground theatre was steeped in politics, and yet Havel denied he was anything other than an artist.
それから20年後、ベルリンの壁崩壊、ソ連崩壊……という流れのなかでの「ビロード革命 the Velvet Revolution」を引っ張って、「革命」(=共産主義政権の終焉)後の共和国大統領となったのがハヴェル。93年にチェコとスロヴァキアが分離したとき(スロヴァキアの住民投票で独立)の大統領もハヴェル。
So far as domestic politics was concerned, the ideological and personal competition between the two Václavs, Havel and Klaus, the prime minister, was not without its comic side. Klaus, who like the vast majority of his compatriots had not been prominent in the opposition until just before the end, was more than a little jealous of Havel's international standing, and both personally and ideologically resentful of the thrust of his "moral politics". They competed keenly to establish their own descriptions of the new reality. When Havel re-established Masaryk's radio fireside chats with the nation in his weekly Conversations at Lány (the presidential country residence), Klaus quickly arranging a slot for his views of how things were in weekly interviews in the newspaper Lidové Noviny.
One occasion on which their differences surfaced clearly was during the 1994 visit of Chile's former president, and still army chief General Augusto Pinochet to Prague to negotiate an arms deal. Havel recalled in unambiguous terms the bloody record of the general's men after the 1973 coup against Salvador Allende's government, while Klaus and his ministers stuck angrily to the line that this was a private commercial visit by a valuable customer for what (to Havel's continuing regret) was still one of the country's most important export industries. Another was an exchange in broadcasts each of them gave on the fifth anniversary of the "velvet revolution" in November 1994.
His attempts to reconcile rival politicians were considered by many as unconstitutional intrusions, and his pleas for political leaders to build a "civic society" based on respect, tolerance and individual responsibility went largely unanswered.
Media criticism, once unthinkable, became unrelenting. Serious newspapers questioned his political visions while tabloids focused mainly on his private life and his flashy second wife.
Mr Havel himself acknowledged that his handling of domestic issues never matched his flair for foreign affairs. But when the Czech Republic joined Nato in March 1999, and the European Union in May 2004, his dreams came true.
"I can't stop rejoicing that I live in this time and can participate in it," Mr Havel exulted.
Early in 2008, Mr Havel returned to his first love, the stage. He published a new play, Leaving, about the struggles of a leader on his way out of office, and the work gained critical acclaim.
Theatre, he said, was once again his major interest. ...
"I never wanted to be a political writer," he once said. "I think that good writers and good art and particularly, good theatre, is always political, not because writers and directors want to be political, but because it is something which is in the substance of theatre."
Tweetで教えていただいた、Radio Pragueのobit:
There's always something suspect about an intellectual on the winning side. -- Vaclav Havel
プラハの様子。人々がキャンドルをともし、ハヴェルを追悼している。映像の中で聞ける音楽が、「ああいう感じ」(たぶんPlastic Peopleだと思う)。
Klaus' euroscepticism and possibly also his scepticism about impacts of human activities on climate change are the cornerstones of his policy as President.
Klaus is a vocal critic of the theories that any global warming is anthropogenic. He has also criticized the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a group of politicized scientists with one-sided opinions and one-sided assignments. He has said that some other top-level politicians do not expose their doubts about global warming being anthropogenic because "a whip of political correctness strangles their voices."
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