Israel talks snub for Sinn Fein
Last Updated: Monday, 4 September 2006, 16:41 GMT 17:41 UK
この人がman of peaceというのも違和感ないわけじゃないが、この状況で、この人をおいて「話ができる」人はいないと思うんだけどね。マジで。餅は餅屋ですから。
An Israeli embassy spokesman in Dublin said Israel "would not talk to those who meet Hamas".
"In recent years the Sinn Féin leadership has shared our experience of the Irish Peace Process with those seeking peaceful alternatives to conflict both in the Basque Country and Sri Lanka. Later this week I will travel to the Middle East at the invitation of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tomeet with parliamentarians and peace groups in Palestine and Israel.
"It is imperative that genuine negotiation and dialogue between the representatives of the Palestinian and Israeli people commences as quickly as possible. While no two conflicts are identical there are key conflict resolution principles which can be applied in any situation. These include inclusive dialogue, respect for electoral mandates and respect for human rights and international law. This is the message I will be bringing to the Middle East this week."
スラオさんのところのSep 05, 2006 @ 01:03 PMのコメントより
The tragedy of the Zionists in Israel is that like the Unionists of Northern Ireland they have tried to set up a society which was not inclusive. Maybe it would help the situation in the Middle East if the Zionists were to look at Northern Ireland rather than referencing back to the Holocaust.
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Sinn Fein president meets Hamas
Last Updated: Wednesday, 6 September 2006, 12:44 GMT 13:44 UK
On Tuesday, the Sinn Fein leader travelled in a presidential-style motorcade with government officials.
Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson said he was "really delighted" when the Israelis said they would not meet Mr Adams.
"He has gone out there, he is meeting Hamas, which is a listed terrorist organisation. I just condemn it," he said.
ははは・・・UUPが言うなよ。PUPとのつながりを持とうとしているのに? というかジェリー・アダムズが「テロ組織」と会うことのどこに新奇性があるというのだろう。
"I think it is a ploy on his part and I fear we are going to see an awful lot more of these PR exercises by the Sinn Fein leadership as you go into the Irish elections next year."
Mr Blair is expected in Jerusalem this weekend where he is likely to meet the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, as well as the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, and the defence minister, Amir Peretz. He may also meet Shimon Peres, the deputy Israeli prime minister, before he leaves.
In addition, Palestinian officials say that Mr Blair will travel to Ramallah in the occupied West Bank to meet Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority. He is not expected to meet members of the Hamas government.
Leadership required to rebuild Middle Eastern Peace Process
Published: 7 September, 2006
Sinn Féin Chairperson, Mary Lou McDonald MEP speaking from Strasbourg has said that the international Community need to show positive leadership in efforts to re-build the Peace Process in the Middle East and called on the EU to reconsider its approach to Hamas.
Ms McDonald's comments came after the European Parliament agreed a compromise motion on the Middle East highlighting the humanitarian catastrophe in Lebanon as resulted the conflict, the deadlock in the Peace Process and the need for a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the establishment of peace in the whole region.
Sinn Féin President Derry Adams MP is concluding a visit to Palestine and Israel at the invitation of Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas.