Art prankster sprays Israeli wall
あ,ギャラリーがChannel Fourにありました。。。ガーディアンにもありました。
あと,Channel Fourのニューズレポート(3分くらいのもの)がウェブで試聴可能。(私が見たときにはバッファリングで寸断されましたが。)全部で9作品を描いたそうです。制作光景を撮影した部分もあります。
His critics may have long dismissed him as an irresponsible prankster, scarcely one step up from school dropouts carving slogans on park benches. But the British graffiti artist Banksy ... may finally convince the doubters that he, and his imposing stencilled images, are more than just a joke.
This week he risked the bullets of the Israeli security services to stencil nine paintings on to the Palestinian side of Israel's separation wall. They included pictures of children digging a hole, breaking through the wall, and another of a ladder apparently going up the wall and over to the other side. For an artist who built his reputation by spraying large images, among them policemen with smiley faces and masked rioters lobbing bunches of flowers, it is arguably his most political statement to date.
For Steve Lazarides, the manager of, which sells Banksy's original work and screenprints and publishes his books, the Palestinian venture was a political statement totally in keeping with previous work.
"He's one of the few artists around who actually has something to say in his art. Most of his work is highly political," Mr Lazarides said yesterday. It works on lots of levels and there's humour in it, but at least 90 per cent is a commentary on society. It is way beyond a joke and has far more resonance than most of the work considered 'proper' art."
Certainly there is a fierce political protest in the new work, even if it is leavened with typical irreverence. In rare words of explanation, the artist told The Independent: "If you like dancing you go on holiday to Ibiza, if you like walls you go to Palestine."
Speaking through his publicist, Jo Brooks, he went on: "The segregation wall is a disgrace. On the Israeli side it's all manicured lawns and SUVs, on the other side it's just dust and men looking for work. The possibility I find exciting is you could turn the world's most invasive and degrading structure into the world's longest gallery of free speech and bad art. And I like to think I can help with that bit."
He added: "Besides, I love Palestine - all of the giant walls, the dirt and the falafel stalls remind you of Glastonbury."
aRt de ECO [アール・デ・エコ]さんのBanksy記事
P-navi infoさん――英国「アート・テロリスト」隔離壁で一仕事
BBC Newsによると、イスラエル軍から威嚇発砲されて、何回かは銃を向けられたりしたらしいが、それでも9つもの作品を壁の上(パレスチナ側)に描きあげた( "Art prankster sprays Israeli wall" より)。
| 老人:壁をペイントして、美しくしているな。
| バンクシー:ありがとう。
| 老人:わしらはこの壁を憎んでいるから、美しくしてもらいたくないんじゃ。家にお帰り。
at 2005 年 08 月 08 日 23:14:23
トラバくださったP-navi infoさんにも詳しく書かれているのでぜひ。
P-navi infoさんの記事に地元のおじいさんが「あんた,壁を美しいものにしているね」と製作中のBanksyに語りかけた,というくだりがありますが,これはBanksyによってどう表現されることになるんだろう……と思っています。
ベルリンの壁は,壁の取り壊し作業が始まった直後に描かれたグラフィティの部分がギャラリーとして保存されているそうです。また,ベルリンの壁のグラフィティの一部がロンドンのImperial War Museumの庭に展示されているそうです。
at 2005 年 08 月 09 日 17:01:29
トラックバック from P-navi info
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