「イスラム教徒」でもなく「政府のならず者 government thugs」でもなく、「治安当局」というのは、後から考えれば、非常に重要なポイントなのだが、こちとら凡人なので夜中の2時近くにそこまで鋭敏な感覚は維持していない。「衝突」というのも、「またgov't thugsがいやがらせをしているのだろう」程度に流してしまう――何しろ選挙がけっこう近いのだから、そういうプレッシャーのかけかたをすることもあるだろう。「あんまりでかいツラすんじゃねぇぞ、おら」的な。
それから数時間後、死者数がどんどん増えて17人だ、18人だ、24人だ……となった段階でのBBC Newsのキャプチャ:
BBC News - Home via kwout
http://twilog.org/nofrills/date-111010/asc →この下にログを貼り付けます。
RT @lilianwagdy: several eyewitness confirm that several people are dead and scores are injured in #maspero battles
posted at 02:07:05
RT @Monasosh: 3 of my friends report seeing ppl die in #maspiro that's what u get when ppl protest against sectarian rift, army & police unite in killing!
posted at 02:07:12
RT @sharifkouddous: Unconscious man bleeding severely from stomach carried into ambulance http://yfrog.com/kju3oulj
posted at 02:07:17
カイロがまた荒れてます。ハッシュ maspiro で。
posted at 02:08:01
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: BRK: Deaths in clashes between Copts and Egyptian security forces in Maspero, Cairo: Al Arabiya correspondent http://goo.gl/DB555
posted at 02:09:56
RT @alphaleah: #EGYPT : PHOTO of dead protesters > RT @ElFoulio: My God, people killed at #maspero “@Elmoshir: ناس ميتة http://moby.to/cqi824”
posted at 02:17:38
RT @Sarahngb: I got smacked with a baton on my back and then chased down the road. just jumped in a moving cab,
posted at 02:19:47
RT @Nadawassef: ppl have been shot dead at #Maspiro ,Cars are on fire.Blood everywhere acc to eyewitnesses.
posted at 02:20:06
RT @kristenchick: There are reports of gunshot wounds as well as people being run over by military vehicles at Coptic protest in Cairo. Trying to get there
posted at 02:23:27
Cairo, Egypt RT @nagoul1: #Maspero Live link vaia alarabiya http://hosting.zymic.com/user_index.jsp
posted at 02:41:35
RT @nihonmama: Next tweet says it all #egypt #jan25
posted at 02:42:17
RT @Caravan_AUC: Egyptian TV airs comment of injured soldier: "The Christians are sons of dogs." #Maspiro
posted at 02:42:24
RT @AyaSheta: I can't believe that!!!!! State TV asking egyptians to go to maspero and help #EgyArmy against #copts protestors #SCAF
posted at 02:43:29
posted at 02:44:08
RT @cairowire: RT @CarterTroy CSF is firing tear gas. Battle lines are being formed. I'm on top of 6 Oct bridge. #egypt #Maspiro
posted at 02:45:33
RT @mosaaberizing: In front of Maspero, no sign of protesters but onlookers standing by. CSF and army cordoning the street. Limping soldier walks across.
posted at 02:52:41
Re: @MachahirNews: >> RT @blakehounshell: @ Anand_Gopal_ That guy you just retweeted is not an Al Jazeera journalist, as he claims.
posted at 02:58:16
定時、あるじゃじる。http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ たぶんラウヤさん(「アレキのメガネっ子」)が現場から報告してくれる。
posted at 02:59:54
People get shot at #Copt protests, #Cairo, #Egypt: #Maspero #Maspiro has been chirpified! http://chirpstory.com/li/2721
posted at 03:09:25
RT @blakehounshell: In Egypt RT @waelabbas: Dear world our state tv is stirring violence by calling upon people to protect the army from the protesters
posted at 03:09:26
Al Jaz screengrab: http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ #maspero #maspiro #cairo #copt http://twitpic.com/6xsmd1
posted at 03:11:59
Al Jaz screengrab 2: http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ #maspero #maspiro #cairo #copt http://twitpic.com/6xsn68
posted at 03:13:26
posted at 03:14:12
@yuejima それどころじゃないですね。ヘタ打つとこれ内戦化します(低強度であっても)。ずっと懸念されていた事態。
posted at 03:20:24
posted at 03:23:28
エジプト、特にカイロはそのくらいに高度に、Twitterでの英語での情報発信を行っている。エジプトの合間に、バーレーン、シリアからも淡々と、いつもの調子でひどい話がツイートされてきている。興味おありの方は http://is.gd/OQsBsZ
posted at 03:26:12
posted at 03:26:41
posted at 03:29:36
ああ、非常にまずい。 http://twitter.com/cairowire/statuses/123102359214768128
posted at 03:32:31
RT @carlbildt: Very worried by events in Cairo tonight. Authorities must guarantee and protect the rights of each and everyone.
posted at 03:36:54
RT @kalimakhus: RT @nagoul1: At least 7 confirmed dead now including two military police officers. #Maspero #Cairo #Egypt #Breaking #News
posted at 03:39:55
RT @TrellaLB: All channels broadcasting live are now taken off-air, only tv broadcasting now is the Egyptian state tv !! #Mubarak is back! #SCAF
posted at 03:40:52
「エジプト、生中継をしている全ての局が放送中止させられた。放映を続けているのはエジプト国営局のみ。」RT @TrellaLB: All channels broadcasting live are now take… (cont) http://deck.ly/~ACeiu
posted at 03:41:44
現地ジャーナリスト、「モルグに少なくとも12体の遺体があるのを見た。冷蔵庫に3体入っているようだった」 RT @Sarahcarr: I have seen at least 12 bodies in morgue. There r apparently 3 in fridge
posted at 03:42:52
posted at 03:44:20
今のエジプト、まとめ http://chirpstory.com/li/2721
posted at 03:49:43
RT @BaghdadBrian: More than ever it becomes clear there is a growing need for coordinated #citizenmedia in #egypt to inform the international community
posted at 03:50:44
状況見てると、写真撮影するだけでも大変、よく出してくれています。キツイけど… RT @kny187: @nofrills かなりキツイ写真も流れてきてますね…。
posted at 03:54:25
定時、起きてる人はじゃじるべし。 http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ #maspero #cairo
posted at 04:01:13
英語ではUSBフラッシュメモリも「メモリースティック」ということがあります。というか、どうでもいいです。RT @ozawajun: @nofrills 「撮影済みのメモリースティック」ってSONYしかありえない・
posted at 04:03:36
posted at 04:04:19
RT @helenlewis: Riots in Cairo, #egypt & Christians under attack from thugs: @kristenchick counts 17 bodies in the Coptic morgue. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5i00a...
posted at 04:08:51
米CSMの記者がコプトのモルグで遺体17体を確認。しかし今さっきのアルジャジーラ英語の定時ニュースでは「兵士3人が死亡」と述べるのみで、デモ隊側の死者数については言及していなかった。 http://is.gd/igz9V9
posted at 04:10:15
RT @acarvin: ID help, please. “@Sarahcarr: http://yfrog.com/ob9ywaj bullets collected from.maspero. Is this live ammo?”
posted at 04:13:40
RT @monakareem: TT @Monasosh two were killed of my friends' friends today: Mina from Equality and freedom movement and another called Michael #maspero
posted at 04:16:11
RT @Egyptocracy: All my friends are telling me not to go down. I am really confused as to what is the right thing to do. I cannot think straight.
posted at 04:22:37
RT @yasminerashidi: Insulted for being copt. I'm not, but with hair uncovered I'm a target. There is blatant persecution here. Never seen it in this way before
posted at 04:29:55
RT @mabdeldayem7: Link to footage of demonstrators being run over. #Maspero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps0cZESV-ec&sns=fb
posted at 04:33:52
posted at 04:37:14
RT @RuwaydaMustafah: Tweeting on-ground about the protest in #Maspero: @Sarahcarr, @mosaaberizing, @yasminerashidi, @SohaBayoumi, @lilianwagdy & @YaraKassem.
posted at 04:38:37
[PAGE 2] People get shot at #Copt protests, #Cairo, #Egypt: #Maspero #Maspiro has been chirpified! http://chirpstory.com/li/2722
posted at 04:40:22
Who is ... well, I suppose I'd better keep it un-tweeted. Very [insert an ordinary adjective].
posted at 04:46:30
今晩のものと称して古い映像が出回っているので注意せよ。RT @SherineT: Be careful some old videos and photos making the twitter round preten… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Dv5ze
posted at 04:48:31
posted at 04:48:43
RT @SherineT: I was waiting for the magic words "foreign elements" #Egypt #DejaVu
posted at 04:49:22
RT @jonjensen: Egypt state TV now reporting 22 soldiers killed, 100 injured. #Maspiro #Cairo
posted at 04:49:35
RT @__safi__: @jonjensen Not soldiers buddy, a combined death toll on both sides
posted at 04:49:58
RT @evanchill: @sarahcarr What wounds did you see in the morgue, were the protesters shot?
posted at 04:50:19
RT @Sarahcarr: @evanchill gunshot wounds and a man with a crushed skull
posted at 04:50:26
RT @SherineT: 19 killed, at least 140 injured according to security source #egypt #maspiro
posted at 04:52:00
RT @tomgara: AP leading with "protesters may have snatched weapons from the soldiers and turned them on the military" http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_EGYPT?SITE=AP&...
posted at 04:52:19
RT @Sarahcarr: What the fuck is up with AP??? See my last RT
posted at 04:52:25
posted at 04:53:05
RT @occupiedcairo: Guy on state tv saying this is an American plot to divide the country and make it like Iraq.
posted at 04:54:21
エジプト、国営テレビに出ている人が「これは米国の陰謀、国を分断しイラクのようにしたがっているのだ」と述べている。 RT @occupiedcairo: Guy on state tv saying this is a… (cont) http://deck.ly/~UG3yL
posted at 04:55:12
RT @kny187: バーレーンでも見た展開…
posted at 04:55:59
「うっかり」見ないように。RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Picture of one of the demonstrators killed today (warning, very graphic) http://bit.ly/qxutYV #Egypt #SCAF
posted at 04:56:27
RT @acarvin: Sheer chaos, graphic: army vehicles charging past #Maspero; looks like at least one person gets run over. http://youtu.be/6pmz_ks3MFA #egypt
posted at 04:56:38
RT @Lara: This builds on fears that regime change is bad for Christians in the Middle East - in #Egypt and #Iraq, potentially in #Syria.
posted at 04:56:57
RT @Zeinobia: Blood donors are needed in Coptic hospital
posted at 04:57:22
RT @Zeinobia: Coptic hospital 175 Ramses street
posted at 04:57:29
RT @libyansrevolt: #Egypt tensions been simmering for a while, those in power need to learn that the power of the people is always stronger #SCAF
posted at 04:57:59
RT @abeerallamFT: 19 killed, 156 wounded in clashes btw military police and copts in #Egypt, health ministry
posted at 04:59:31
RT @moftasa: No blood donations facility here RT @Zeinobia: Blood donors are needed in Coptic hospital
posted at 04:59:48
RT @acarvin: Graphic: bodies fill the hallway. Coptic hospital? http://youtu.be/VFKUmwWz4DE #cairo #egypt #maspero
posted at 05:00:26
posted at 05:01:37
posted at 05:02:05
posted at 05:02:45
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: No coincidence in #Syria's regime trying to incite sectarian violence and #SCAF doing the same in #Egypt. Same manual: http://bit.ly/iwMQwf
posted at 05:03:23
RT @abuaardvark: Been offline all day. What the hell is happening in Egypt? Trying to catch up now...
posted at 05:04:27
@abuaardvark FYI: http://is.gd/lDgy9c http://is.gd/3HjzNF Tweets on the ground. Al Arabiya was the first news org that reported #maspero.
posted at 05:06:46
RT @Ekramibrahim: #Egyptian #Military has attacked the offices of both AlHurra TV and TV 25 channels who were broadcasting live #maspero massacre tonight.
posted at 05:08:14
RT @Dima_Khatib: If you want to get an idea of what has happened today in Cairo, here is @3arabawy's summary http://www.arabawy.org/2011/10/09/army-and-police-massacre-... #Egypt #NoSCAF
posted at 05:13:19
@mikamiyoh あざっす。現地ジャーナリストのすぐに読める長さのまとめ&現時点で出回っている映像(凄惨です) http://www.arabawy.org/2011/10/09/army-and-police-massacre-...
posted at 05:15:14
@tsuda あざっす。現地ジャーナリストのすぐに読める長さのまとめ&現時点で出回っている映像(凄惨です) http://www.arabawy.org/2011/10/09/army-and-police-massacre-...
posted at 05:15:24
AJEホッダーさん、「エジプトのテレビは宗派対立の言語を使うべきではない。それができないのなら放送をやめるべき」RT @HodaAH: #Egypt TV should stop using sectarian lang… (cont) http://deck.ly/~iHaNT
posted at 05:18:01
RT @Sarahngb: Thank you for all who called and worried about me. I was luckier than many today.
posted at 05:18:36
posted at 05:18:56
RT @Dima_Khatib: SCAF took off its "guardian-of-the-revolution" mask today and showed its real face = a very ugly and scary face. #NoSCAF #Egypt
posted at 05:19:30
現場にいた砂猿氏より無事の報告→ RT @Sandmonkey: We are all home & safe now, with me @cairowire @forsoothsayer @ramyyaacoub @sarahngb . More coming.
posted at 05:20:01
@Sandmonkey @cairowire @forsoothsayer @ramyyaacoub @sarahngb Glad to hear you are all safe. Please stay safe.
posted at 05:20:52
RT @RuwaydaMustafah: Every single Egyptian I know is saying 'This isn't a sectarian clash' its a clash between army brutality + citizens.
posted at 05:21:30
posted at 05:22:20
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: There were NO sectarian clashes. The Egyptian media trying to incite it. The clashes were between demonstrators and the army. #Egypt #SCAF
posted at 05:22:49
エジプト、月曜日に政府司法委員会と関係者(アル・アズハル、教会、軍)による緊急会合をひらく。アルアラビヤ報道。RT SultanAlQassemi: Al Arabiya: Correspondent: Emergenc… (cont) http://deck.ly/~UZHsP
posted at 05:24:49
RT @norashalaby: On BBC Arabic now: Protester stressing that there were no weapons with the protesters and army started firing first #maspero
posted at 05:25:35
Sunday Bloody Sunday.
posted at 05:26:06
RT @sallyzohney: Now in #tahrir reports of molotov exchange, mass arrests, army re occupying the sq
posted at 05:26:46
RT @fatmaghaly: BBC Arabic great coverage now... Heart breaking
posted at 05:27:37
RT @mikamiyoh: 装甲車がデモ隊を蹴散らしながら突っ込む動画。さらに頭を割られた男性。。。これがエジプトなのか RT @nofrills: 現地ジャーナリストのすぐに読める長さのまとめ&現時点で出回っている映像(凄惨です) http://www.arabawy.org/2011/10/09/army-and-police-massacre-...
posted at 05:27:43
いや、そういうことではなく。カイロで何が起きているか。リアルタイムで。RT @yokoaoki: 名曲すぎる @nofrills: Sunday Bloody Sunday.
posted at 05:28:19
RT @NoorNoor1: My house in #Zamalek is available for anyone who has problems going home.
posted at 05:28:48
RT @mosaaberizing: Calm at Maspero and Tahrir entrance now. Where have the protesters gone?
posted at 05:29:52
#egyjp BBCアラビア語のコメンテーターいわく、「私たちは革命の真っ只中にあり、ギャング連中の頭目は投獄されているが、残りの連中は自由の身だ」 RT @liamstack: BBC Arabic commentat… (cont) http://deck.ly/~cuYT5
posted at 05:31:14
You might want to follow this list: http://is.gd/OOM735
RT @87x85: @nofrills @Zeinobia is reporting from Egy.
posted at 05:34:02
@yokoaoki Never mind. :)
posted at 05:34:35
RT @nashwanasreldin: shocked at reports from #egypt tonight. demonstrators fired on, run over, media attacked by #scaf, #copts dead in hospital & reporter killed
posted at 05:35:01
RT @gharbeia: Spoke with @lobna. She is alright and with company.
posted at 05:35:09
RT @alphaleah: .@nytjim @nytimes @nytimesworld URGENT > @AP story re #Egypt is WRONG. Protesters were UNARMED & did NOT open fire on military #Maspero RT!
posted at 05:36:50
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Al Jazeera: Egypt's Information Minister Osama Heikal to State TV: Foreign hands behind events in Egypt http://bit.ly/oLOEjz Arabic
posted at 05:37:38
posted at 05:38:38
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Reports that a journalist covering the demonstrations was also killed in front of the Maspero building. #Egypt #SCAF
posted at 05:38:47
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Clashes still going on in #Tahrir square. #Egypt
posted at 05:40:08
posted at 05:45:04
FAQ: 「Q: 今日カイロで何があったの?」、「A: http://chirpstory.com/li/2721 http://chirpstory.com/li/2722 を参照(英語)」
posted at 05:45:45
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Clinton thinks that Egyptians can't handle their affairs. They can. It's the #SCAF that can't handle #Egypt's affairs and must step down.
posted at 05:55:46
RT @RuwaydaMustafah: Coptic Journalist that was killed tonight RT “@monakareem: @RuwaydaMustafah Wael younan. Correspondent for Tarik TV”
posted at 05:58:34
今日、カイロで殺された(死亡した)と言われていたジャーナリストは、コプトのWael Younanさん。Tarik TVの記者だった、とのこと。 http://twitter.com/#!/RuwaydaMustafah/status/12313663279372...
posted at 06:00:15
RT @norashalaby: RT @3arabawy: Socialist activst @Foulyism is missing. #Tahrir
posted at 06:01:11
RT @norashalaby: RIP in Mina Daniel. We were together on the 28th of January and the 18 days after that. Fuck you SCAF again and again and again
posted at 06:01:52
posted at 06:03:57
posted at 06:04:56
「コプト病院がthugsに襲われている。」RT @Sandmonkey: Correction: thugs are attacking the coptic hospital. REPORTERS go there NOW. #maspero #Egypt
posted at 06:06:26
RT @tomgara: @iyad_elbaghdadi This doesn't feel like Mubarak's regime, this feels far more incompetent and third-world banana republic.
posted at 06:06:51
RT @richardengelnbc: Egyptian TV emphasized it was Copts killing soldiers and showed wounded soldiers in hospital, #egypt
posted at 06:08:24
RT @atompkins: UPDATE/ video 19 dead in Cairo clashes over Coptic protest - http://ow.ly/6RXZM
posted at 06:09:15
#egyjp 「軍と国営テレビが棒を持ったイスラム教徒の群集の一部を煽動し、タハリールの抗議行動参加者を襲わせた。あれはサラフィストのヌール党の連中だという指摘もある。」 RT @3arabawy: Army, Stat… (cont) http://deck.ly/~pBocP
posted at 06:10:54
RT @elijahzarwan: Large crowd of youths armed with clubs running toward tahrir chanting 'la illaha illallah'. Something v. dangerous has been unleashed today
posted at 06:12:00
posted at 06:12:26
カイロ、ラムセスの病院の薬品部の人が「医薬品が足りていないのでご協力を。電話番号は…」とツイートしている。今まで「アラブの春」を通じて、なかったことだと思う。 http://is.gd/OmtJrX 病院がすごい状態になったことはあったが、襲撃対象の病院の職員が番号晒すなんて…
posted at 06:16:21
用語法がおかしいなあ。「宗派間」=「コプトと警察」? RT @FRANCE24: EGYPT: Sectarian clashes between Copts and police turn deadly http://f24.my/rbFwb1
posted at 06:17:13
RT @SherineT: Watching #egypt state TV you would think these were clashes between muslims and christians. This was between protesters and the army.
posted at 06:27:31
AJEシェリーンさん、「エジプト国営テレビを見ていると、衝突はムスリムをクリスチャンの間に発生したものだと思うだろう。しかしこれは、抗議行動参加者と軍隊の間のものである。」 http://is.gd/Z4w0r4
posted at 06:29:26
RT @Ekramibrahim: OK! don't expect parliamentary elections to take place next November. The #SCAF is planning to stay in power. #Egypt #maspero
posted at 06:29:32
ジャーナリストのエクラム・イブラヒムさん、「次の11月に議会選挙があるなんて、考えない方がよい。軍部は権力の座に居座るつもりだ。」 http://is.gd/Ebof50
posted at 06:31:13
posted at 06:33:40
コプト病院襲撃はBBCアラビア語も伝えている。RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: BBC Arabic reporter from Cairo also mentioning eyewitness report… (cont) http://deck.ly/~LtWBe
posted at 06:34:22
RT @YusraAlA: Explosions in #Sanaa.. north side #yemen #yf
posted at 06:39:02
RT @sadekmaktary: now sound explosion near #Althworah hospital & Alrawoda zone in #Taiz #yemen #yf
posted at 06:39:08
RT @YemeniTweet: #Yemen #Taiz heavy clashes and Gun fire now going on in Taiz
posted at 06:39:14
posted at 06:39:38
【イエメン ここまで】
RT @shadihamid: At least 4 Christians were run over and killed by military & security vehicles today: http://nyti.ms/neNf2f #Egypt
posted at 06:42:45
RT @mosaaberizing: Truly disgusted at every so called Muslim who fell right into SCAF's propaganda and cheered on the killing and torturing of protesters.
posted at 06:43:29
RT @Firas_Atraqchi: This is how the Sith come to power #maspiro #egypt
posted at 06:43:47
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Wondering what #Maspero is? He was an Egyptologist who died nearly a century ago; TV building in Cairo named after him. #Egypt
posted at 06:44:53
今日の件、宗教関連での衝突というのは大部分、軍政のプロパガンダです。国営テレビが目撃者の電話を打ち切るなどしつつ繰り返し流しているとのこと。ご注意を。RT @higeoto: …RT @ss0822ss: エジプトはコプ… (cont) http://deck.ly/~lqrRm
posted at 06:48:18
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