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the power of nightmare――悪夢が人々を動かすとき

Israelis support killing of Hamas leaders


法による支配、というものがいかに脆いものであるか。Defendしなければならないのはour freedomではない。それは言われているほど脆くはない。Defendしなければならないほど脆いのは、rule of lawだったんだ。それは「民意」の前に、あっさり崩壊しかねない。



アムネスティ・インターナショナル 2006年7月3日







■緊急アピール! いますぐ、アピール文を送ってください■




I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent attack by Israeli forces against civilian property and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. The attack was reportedly a retaliatory measure intended to exert pressure on the Palestinian armed groups who are holding the Israeli soldier hostage. I condemn the hostage-taking and killing of Israeli civilians by Palestinian armed forces, and demand for the immediate release of the Israeli soldier, Gilas Shalit. However, I have to express that the deliberate attacks against civilian property and infrastructure violates international humanitarian law and constitutes war crimes.

I therefore urge you to put an immediate end to deliberate attacks on civilian property and infrastructure and to the use the excessive and disproportionate forces in the Gaza Strip. I also request you to take urgent and concrete measures to restore the supply of electricity and water - at Israel's own expense - to the Palestinian population in the affected areas of the Gaza Strip, and to remedy the long-term damage caused. I finally appeal you to ensure that independent and impartial investigation are carried out into the killing by Israeli forces of scores of Palestinian civilians, including children, in recent months.

Sincerely Yours,


首相:Ehud Olmert
Prime Minister and Minister for Social 
Welfare and Science and Technology
Office of the Prime Minister
3 Kaplan Street,
P O Box 187
Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem 91919, Israel
Fax: 972 2 566 4838 / 972 2 670 5475
email: rohm@pmo.gov.il / pm_eng@pmo.gov.il

副首相兼国防大臣:Amir Peretz
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence
Ministry of Defence
37 Kaplan Street
Hakirya Tel Aviv 61909, Israel
Fax: 972 3 691 6940 / 972 3 696 2757 / 972 3 691 7915
email: sar@mod.gov.il / pniot@mod.gov.il

副首相兼外務大臣:Tzipi Livni
Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
9 Yitzhak Rabin Boulevard
Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem 91035, Israel
Fax: 972 2 530 3367
email: sar@mfa.gov.il

法務大臣:Haim Ramon
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Justice
29 Salah al-Din Street, Jerusalem 91010, Israel
Fax: 972 2 628 7757 / 972 2 628 8618
email: sar@justice.gov.il

陸軍中将:Lieutenant-General Dan Halutz
IDF Chief of General Staff
c/o Ministry of Defence
7 A' Street
Hakirya, Tel Aviv, Israel
Fax: 972 3 691 6940 972 3 608 0343
Email: info@mail.idf.il



I am writing to express my grave concern about the recent hostage-taking of the Israeli soldier, Gilas Shalit, by Palestinian armed groups and killing of an 18-year-old Israeli settler, Eliyahu Asheri. At the same time I condemn the Israeli authority on attacks against civilian property and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

I urge you to spare no effort to ensure that the Israeli soldiers
currently held hostage by Palestinian armed groups is not harmed and is promptly released. I also call for the government to take concrete measures to ensure that those responsible for hostage-taking and for the killing of hostages are brought to justice and that such abuses do not recur, and to unequivocally condemn such abuses.

Sincerely yours.

議長:Mahmoud Abbas
Office of the President
Fax: 972/970 2 296 3179 / 972/970 2 296 9740

首相:Isma'il Abd al Salam Ahmad Haniyeh
Prime Minister
Fax: 972/970 8 282 2159 / 972/970 2 295 0979/ 972/970 8 288 1225
Email: ihaniyyeh@hotmail.com / diwan@pmo.gov.ps

内務・治安大臣:Sa'id Muhammad Sha'aban Sayam
Minister of the Interior and National Security.
Fax: 972/970 8 283 9311 / 972/970 2 240 9872 / 972/970 8 284 0165
972/970 8 288 1322 / 972/970 8 284 8776

外務大臣:Mahmoud Khaled al-Zahar al-Zahar
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Fax: 972/970 8 286 8971/ 972/970 2 2403772 / 972/970 8 284 5040
Email: mofaweb@gov.ps

Mr. Khaled Mesh'al
Head of Hamas political bureau
E-mail: hoood88@hotmail.com


I am writing to express my grave concern about the recent hostage-taking of the Israeli soldier, Gilas Shalit, by Palestinian armed groups and killing of an 18-year-old Israeli settler, Eliyahu Asheri. At the same time I condemn the Israeli authority on attacks against civilian property and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

I urge you to immediately release, without harming him, the Israeli soldier Gilas Shalit and to desist from committing such abuses. I also request you to put an immediate end to the targeting of Israeli civilians, including by immediately ceasing the launch of rockets into Israeli towns and villages.

Sincerely Yours,


ハマス軍事部門:Iz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades
E-mail: info@alqassam.ps / webmaster@alqassam.ps / english@alqassam.ws

ファタハ軍事部門:al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
E-mail: webmaster@kataebaqsa.org / kataeb_aqsa@hotmail.com

パレスチナ民衆抵抗委員会(Popular Resistance Committee - PRC)軍事部門:
Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades
E-mail: moqawmh@hotmail.com




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【2003年に翻訳した文章】The Nuclear Love Affair 核との火遊び
2003年8月14日、John Pilger|ジョン・ピルジャー


