2011年05月14日 福島県、浪江町の酪農家と福島第一原発(ガーディアン、ジョナサン・ワッツ記者 @jonathanwatts )
2011-06-24 落日
This blog is run by Kosuke Ota (@toramarushiro on Twitter), a Tokyo-based photo-journalist who loves animals and has been part of animal-rescue efforts in Fukushima after the nuclear meltdown.
[photo 1]
On 9th April, about one month after the quake and tsunami, Ota first visited this cowshed in Namie, a town in the 20 km exclusion zone from the troubled Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.
[photo 2]
These cows (bulls, in fact) had been left unfed for four weeks after the farmers were evacuated: they left without knowing they were not allowed to return. Ota found a third of the fifty cattle had already been dead. "For the rest of them too," he writes, "it seemed a matter of time."
[photo 3]
Then, alerted volunteer organisations and individuals worked together to feed and water the cattle, in order to keep them alive. "An NGO in Shiga, west Japan, sent hundreds tons of cow fodder to Minami-Soma, a nearby city. A young person from Chiba delivered it by driving a 2-ton truck. A woman living in Saitama, who is originally from Minami-Soma, also helped out. Everyone played his/her part to save the cattle. I believe there were others who fed these bulls."
"But, unfortunately, there wasn't enough food and water to keep them fed."
[photo 4: a close-up]
One by one, the bulls fell and never rose up. Still, there were the ones that were barely standing. "As long as one is alive, there will be another chance. It was the hope everyone had."
[photo 5: a cow standing outside the shed]
"When I revisited Namie in May, I saw this (see photo)," Ota writes. "Someone opened the fence of the shed. At last they can eat grass as they like, and they can go about and drink water freely. I was delighted."
[photo 6: a cow in the water]
But things turned out differently. Some bulls fell into the narrow farm ditch and were unable to get out. "An individual living in Kanagawa, south of Tokyo, heard about this and came over to Namie to help them out by a crane."
[photo 7]
"Another person closed the water gate in order to raise the water level. This should make it easier for the cows to drink water. At least we hoped so. But the cows were very very thirsty. They keep falling into the ditch."
[photo 8: fallen cows inside the shed being limed]
"After all, farm animals are not cats and dogs. They are too large, they are too many at one place, it can't go like you pick up a stray cat and take him into safety. In other words, volunteer workers could not save them."
[photo 9: a calf in the field - well actually a rice pad]
"This scrawny cattle, we couldn't save him. Not one of them."
"We let them die. We left them dying a slow and painful death. They were starved. The most painful way to die. I'm so sorry."
[photo 10: a huge crack in the pavement]
On 19th June, Ota revisited the shed. "It wasn't easy to visit this place after 22nd April, when the government advised the area should be evacuated. After one and a half month, I'm back here again. It was 6.30 pm."
At this time of the year, the sun sets at approx. 7.00 pm in Japan.
[photo 11]
前回 大量発生していた蛆さえもすでにいなくなっています
"Looking inside, I find nothing that is alive.
Even the maggots, which I saw in the thousands when I visited last time, have now gone.
Only hair and bones are illuminated with the evening sunlight.
The calves, those desperately mooing cows, now look like this."
[photo 12: the farm ditch]
"Right behind the shed, in the ditch, there were skeletonised bodies of the cattle."
"All I can see is that there's no one to eat the grass."
[photo 13]
Ota says, "For three months I have been looking at this cattle shed in Namie. We human beings are responsible for the tragedy of the cows here. That's why I documented what happened, that's why I took these pictures."
"I wanted you to know the fact that these cows existed."
"The sun set in the Fukushima mountains. I decided to leave."
Copyright @toramarushiro
※英文はスペルチェックとか文法チェックとか表現チェックとかで書き換える可能性がありますが、私はこの訳文については特に権利は主張しません (copy-left)。著作権は元ブログの「もうーす」さん (@toramarushiro さん)にあります。
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