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Brian Rowan: Bomb warnings are deadly game of cat-and-mouse
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Brian RowanはBBC Northern Irelandで軍事的情勢を扱う部門のエディターとしての経歴を有するフリーランス・ジャーナリストで、現在はベルファスト・テレグラフに記事を書くことが多い。今回の記事では、メディア関係者として接してきた「現場」の具体的なことを参照している。つまり、「爆弾を仕掛けた」という予告電話について。(IRAは、Provisionalsの時代から、「われわれは爆弾を仕掛けたら予告電話を入れて、一般の人々が退避できる猶予を与えている」として「われわれは『一般市民を殺す卑劣なテロリスト』ではなくフリーダムファイターだ」みたいな主張をしていて、IRAの支持者もそう言い張ってきたのだが、その「予告電話」がかなり無茶苦茶だったりするという事実は、都合よく忘れられていることが多い。1972年2月のブラッディ・フライデーとか、1983年12月のハロッズとか、ねぇ。分派であるReal IRAに至っては、1998年8月のオマーでのデタラメな予告電話がどういう結果を引き起こしたか、という。)
In Newry, like on previous occasions, the dissidents walked a thin line, giving just enough time for the area around the courthouse to be cleared, but not enough time for a security operation that might neutralise the bomb.
This is a dangerous and sometimes deadly game, a ruthless play with lives.
I have taken hundreds of statements from the IRA and loyalist organisations ― warnings, threats and claims of responsibility, communications nearly always accompanied by codewords to authenticate the message.
These are the hidden and now redundant words of an old war ― Titanic, Cromwell, Crucible, Braveheart, Defender, Boomerang, Arafat, Pale Horse, Genesis and Paschendale.
The dissidents will have their own codewords, their own ways of communicating warnings and other messages.
It was in car bomb attacks that they first emerged in 1998, targeting Moira, Portadown and Banbridge before the horror of Omagh.
This fight the dissidents are continuing might look to be with the security forces, but the real targets are the Sinn Fein leadership.
This is an assault on the peace strategy of Adams and McGuinness, a battle for authority inside the republican community.
The dissidents know their war will not force the “Brits” out and will not remove the border. So, the fight is about something else, about saying in this violence that Adams and McGuinness sold out, but we fight on.
Google Newsを使った記事リンク集(文字が小さすぎて読めないかもしれないけど、適当にクリックしてみてください)。
Last Updated: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 18:53
Ruling 'a further blow' to families
Omagh campaigner Michael Gallagher, whose 21-year-old son Aiden was murdered in the bombing, said today's Special Criminal Court ruling came as a further blow to bereaved families.
Mr Gallagher said: "It has been the history of this process that the families have been disappointed time and time again, but when it happens it is still hard. But I think this is the first time in years I feel angry."
He said of the Omagh attack: "These people seem to be so elusive to authorities on both sides of the Border.
"This is a crime that the Taoiseach, the [British] prime minister and the president of the United States took an interest in.
"If this can't be solved what hope is there for other crimes?" Mr Gallagher said that, despite the authorities pledging no stone would be left unturned in the search for the killers, the families believed that the only satisfaction they had received was through their own civil case.
"We have had empty promises both publicly and privately from government ministers," he said. "I feel that, even more than ever, there is a justification for a full cross-border public inquiry so the families can get closure. That is the least the governments can do for us."
A spokeswoman for Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy declined to comment on the retrial collapse but added: "The resolve to tackle dissident republican activity remains as high as ever."
"no stone would be left unturned in the search for the killers" ってのは、オマー爆弾事件翌日に現地入りしたトニー・ブレア(とバーティ・アハーン)の言葉。事件から10年以上が経過して、結局誰も有罪にできず、それ以前に実行犯の特定すらできていないという現実を知っていると、この言葉は空虚すぎてどう反応していいのか困る。
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