2009年2月1日 (日)
村上春樹のエルサレム賞受賞 アーサー・ミラーの場合を見る
At the award presentation tonight, by invitation only, Conor Cruse O'Brien, editor in chief of The Observer of London, told a select audience of publishers, writers and government officials, that he had questions about how Mr. Greene fit the prescription for the prize.
コナー・クルーズ・オブライエン! クルーザー!
"I must confess," said Mr. O'Brien, "that it would not have occurred to me, unaided, that the freedom of the individual in society is what the writing of Graham Greene is about. If he is expressing it, he is expressing it in a dark, complex, paradoxical way of his own."
Mr. O'Brien criticized what he called Mr. Greene's heavily Catholic period, from the novels "Brighton Rock" through "The End of an Affair." He said the explicit religion of a convert, as Mr. Greene is, did not appeal to a born-and-baptized Catholic like himself, and he found the latter work more palatable. "Religion is there still," he said, "But ambiguously, behind a veil now."
The selection of Mr. Greene by a three-member panel of prominent Israelis caused a minor controversy when a few objections were raised that some of the author's early work contained strains of anti-Semitism.
Harold Frisch, a professor of literature, wrote to The Jerusalem Post that "there are few parallels in modern literature to the portraits of Sir Marcus, the Jew-devil, who, through murder and conspiracy, manipulates the fate of nations in 'A Gun for Sale,' ..."
1917年、つまりイースター蜂起の翌年にダブリンに生まれる。お父さんはthe Irish Independentのなど記者(この新聞も、創刊時はパーネル支持で、1916年イースター蜂起では資本家支持ということになっていたややこしい新聞)、お母さんはアイルランド語の教師で独立派でランドリーグの活動家。しかしコナー・クルーズ・オブライエンはナショナリストらしいバックグラウンドは持たずに成長し、大学はダブリンのトリニティ・カレッジ(プロテスタント、というかアングロ・アイリッシュの大学)。なお、お父さんは彼が子供のころに亡くなっている。お母さんも彼が20歳くらいのときに亡くなった。
In the Department of External Affairs, O'Brien served as a diplomat under the pro-physical force republican, Seán MacBride, the Nobel Peace Laureate of 1974. MacBride was the son of John MacBride and Maud Gonne. O'Brien was particularly vocal on the anti-partition issue during the 1940s.
外務省でオブライエンの上司だったショーン・マクブライドは「アムネスティ・インターナショナル」の設立者。北アイルランドのコンテクストでは、カトリックに対する社会的差別をなくすための9つの原則(マクブライド原則)で特に知られる人で、オブライエンは彼の下で仕事をしていた1940年代にはthe anti-partition issue、つまりアイルランドの南北分断の問題について活発に発言していた。
1960年代には外交官としてコンゴ危機に関わるも、いろいろあったようで62年に辞任し、その後はガーナやニューヨークで大学人として過ごす。そしてアイルランドに戻ってから1969年に下院議員として当選、1970年代にリーアム・コスグレーヴ内閣で閣僚となり、これがちょうど北アイルランド紛争が激化していた時期で、オブライエンはシン・フェインとProvisional IRAへの敵意を深め、それがやがて、シン・フェインとPIRAに対する発言封じ(検閲: Section 31)につながる。
1977年の総選挙で議席を失ったオブライエンは上院議員となり2年過ごしたあと、1979年に英オブザーヴァーの編集主幹 (editor in chief) となる(〜1981年)。この間に、彼はアパルトヘイト政権時代の南アで客員教授をつとめて批判を受ける。
そして、最もわけがわからないのが、1996年の出来事。オブライエンはカトリックで南の人であるにも関わらず、北のガチのユニオニスト少数派政党(自治否定、ウエストミンスター直轄統治賛成)、UKUPに加入し、Northern Ireland Forum(和平合意、つまり1998年のグッドフライデー合意に向けて設立されていた交渉のための機関)の一員として選出され、それからしばらくして、「シン・フェインを止めるために統一アイルランドを考えるべき」と主張してUKUPを辞めた。(何というジェットコースター……。)
He was a long time columnist for the Sunday Independent and his articles have been distinguished by hostility to the peace process in Northern Ireland, regular predictions of civil war in the Republic of Ireland and an openly pro-Unionist stance. In 1997, a libel action was brought against him by relatives of Bloody Sunday victims for alleging in one article that the marchers were "Sinn Féin activists operating for the IRA".
■God Land: Reflections on Religion and Nationalism
ハーバード大学から出ている講演録だが (William E. Massey Sr. Lectures in the History of American Civilization, 1987)、これが:
Cruise O'Brien begins God Land with the powerful nationalistic forces tied to religion in the Old Testament, which Jesus and St. Paul tried to divert to a more purely spiritual plane in the New Testament. In the Middle Ages, Christianity took on markedly nationalistic forms as homeland loyalities grew strong; by the fifteenth century the two forces were fused in Joan of Arc. With the Reformation and the development of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, a more literal approach to the Old Testament intensified nationalism in Britain and North America. Moving to the French Revolution, which led to the most dangerous form of "holy nationalism", Cruise O'Brien examines how the nation itself became the object of a cult replacing the Christian God. And finally he relates how, in this century, Cardinal Spellman merged religion with patriotism in an anti-Communist crusade that sent Protestants into retreat and a Catholic into the White House.
■The Siege: The Saga of Israel and Zionism
なお、オブライエンがイスラエル(シオニズム)について書くことになったのは、外交官時代に国連の席順がアルファベット順で、Iraq, Ireland, Israel と並んでいたためだそうだ。(確かにこれは、何かの申し込みとかでのドロップダウン・メニューでも気になります。IとJは近いから、Japanを選ぼうとすると目に入るし。)
で、私にわからないのは、「ナショナリズム」に嫌悪に近い感情を抱いている文筆家が、"God Land" で「宗教と結びついたナショナリズム」について指摘し、それとほとんど時間差なく書かれていた(間は1年くらいしか空いていない)"The Siege" ではシオニズムを肯定できるのはなぜか、という点だ。
例えば、デーヴィッド・プライス=ジョーンズ〔David Pryce-Jones 1936〜 イートン校、オックスフォード大学出身の保守的な英国の評論家、作家〕は、『閉じたサークル──アラブ人についての一解釈』(The Closed Circle : An Interpretation of the Arabs、 Weidenfield & Nicholson, UK, 1989)という本のなかで、自分はアラビア語を知らないし、学者でもないと自認していたと記憶しています。それにもかかわらず、彼はアラブ文化について恐ろしく大雑把な一般化をやってのけ、それは恥の文化であり、暴力の文化であり、堕落と官能に溺れた、まったく信頼のおけない世界である、などとしゃあしゃあと述べているのです。この本が出版されてすぐ、イギリスの大手新聞が、この本に対するコナー・クルーズ・オブライエン〔Conor Cruise O'Brien 1917〜 アイルランドの文芸批評家・劇作家〕の書評を載せました。そのなかでオブライエンは、初めてアラブ世界の真相を語る人物が現れた、と絶賛しています。この書評は、その後、最近の『パブリック・インタレスト』誌に取り上げられました。こうして次々と継承されていくのです。それがアラブ人というものさ、ということになってしまう。なにひとつ、変わりません。
ペンと剣 (ちくま学芸文庫) Edward W. Said David Barsamian 中野 真紀子 筑摩書房 2005-12 by G-Tools |
Conor Cruise O'Brien
Brian Fallon
guardian.co.uk, Friday 19 December 2008 14.45 GMT
O'Brien had little direct experience of politics or even of life in Northern Ireland, yet he was consistently vocal on the subject and became his party's spokesman on the north. To many, his attitude seemed not only anti-republican - which, considering his essentially home rule background, was to be expected - but anti-nationalist in any sense, and arguably his stance made things harder rather than easier for men such as John Hume, who was striving to maintain a moderately nationalist line, as an alternative to IRA violence. When told that his pronouncements - widely reported at home and abroad - were close to official London policy, O'Brien retorted: "Yes, I am pro-British. I am also pro-French and pro-American. I am even pro-Russian in that I am pro the Russian people. But I am more pro-Irish than I am any of these things. Ireland is my country, and I am just as Irish as any bloody IRA man."
Slugger O’Tooleのミック・フィルティのオビチュアリ:
Cruiser class
Mick Fealty
guardian.co.uk, Friday 19 December 2008 18.30 GMT
O'Brien's true value was as a permanent dissenter and disrupter of national consensuses of any sort. His determination to cut through the group-think that often bedevils Irish political and intellectual life made him some formidable enemies: not least his bete noir, Charles J Haughey.
The Cruiser's determination to defend the Republic from subversive paramilitarism later led him to advocate, indeed champion, the use of repressive laws against Sinn Féin, which perhaps marked the outer limit of his sound judgment. In fact, he serially overstated the malign intentions of the Provisional Republican movement, memorably dismissing their 1994 ceasefire as a ruse to regroup and prepare for a Tet-style offensive.
Conor Cruise O’Brien: A old curmudgeon who did give a damn...
Mick Fealty
Saturday, December 20, 2008
... in another Atlantic piece in the early 90s:... The members of the Irish Parliamentary Party, including my grandfather, were pro-British by comparison with the Brit-hating Republican tradition, from the Fenians to the modern IRA, and I, too, am pro-British, in the same sense. When I listen to such Republicans going on about the Brits, and quite often about me personally, I comfort myself by recalling the neat verdict on such as these pronounced by an unidentified wit: "He has a mind like an unripe gooseberry--small, bitter, fuzzy, and green."
When my father said that "the Orangemen brought the gun back into Irish politics," he was omitting the nationalist contribution. It was the nationalist insistence on including the Orangemen in a united Ireland against their known and fervently declared wishes that made the Orangemen "bring back the gun." But no nationalist, however constitutional, could ever manage to see it that way. I see it that way now because I have ceased to be an Irish nationalist.
The Republican Movement that he abhorred was an inevitable reaction to the status quo that he endorsed. The reverse situation would produce the opposite effect: the moment Ireland is united, all residual anti-British feeling will immediately disappear as being quite irrelevant.
How Conor brought wit and grace to the Observer
Anthony Howard
The Observer, Sunday 21 December 2008
Very much the flail of the IRA (and of Charles Haughey, subsequently a Fianna Fáil taoiseach), his opposition to any notion of a united Ireland began to attract a good deal of attention in mainland Britain. It was, appropriately, at the annual conference of the British-Irish Association, held in Oxford in September 1977, where the idea first took root in the mind of the Observer's former editor, David Astor, that Conor's academic and public distinction should be harnessed to the service of his old paper.
Within three months, Conor had taken up residence on the managerial floor in the slightly anonymous position of editor-in-chief. (The paper already had an editor in the shape of the young Donald Trelford, who had succeeded Astor at the age of 38 in 1975.) It says much for the forbearance and tact deployed on each side that this delicate power-sharing arrangement was made to work. When it finally came to an end in 1981, the cause was an external one - a change in the paper's ownership from the American oil company, Atlantic Richfield, to "Tiny" Rowland's African trading company Lonrho. Conor had been fiercely opposed to the paper passing into Lonrho's hands, even giving evidence against it to the Monopolies Commission.
And ...
My problem is that I used to be an atheist and happy enough in that condition. Then I ran out of lack of faith, and found myself unable not to believe in God. It has to be put in that negative way, unfortunately, because that is the way it is. Bleak and a bit scary.
14 November 1982
"What strikes me more than anything about this honor," Mr. Greene continued, "is the generosity of spirit it shows in the judges. The tortuous history of English relations with Israel during the period of the mandate is not one of which an Englishman can be proud. Nor is the history of the Roman Catholic Church's relations with Jewry one of which a Roman Catholic can be proud."
Arab leaders, particularly the Mufti of Jerusalem, strongly opposed Jewish immigration and employed anti-Semitic demagogery claiming that Jews threatened the Haram. The result was, in 1920, 1922 and 1929, the 1920 Palestine riots. In 1936, the British Peel Commission advised that the western part of Palestine be divided between Arabs and Jews. The Arabs then launched the Great Uprising against British rule in an effort to end the immigration. The Jews organized militia groups like the Irgun and Lehi to fight the British and the Haganah and Palmach to fight the Arabs. By the time order was restored in March 1939, more than 5,000 Arabs, 400 Jews, and 200 Britons had been killed.
【northern ireland/peopleの最新記事】