Hendrix's drummer Mitchell dies
Page last updated at 02:36 GMT, Thursday, 13 November 2008
The 61-year-old was discovered in the Benson Hotel in Portland, Oregon, in the early hours of Wednesday.
Mitchell performed with Hendrix and Redding at the Monterey Pop Festival in June 1967, the U.S. debut of the Jimi Hendrix Experience. He also was member of a later version of the band that performed the closing set of the Woodstock Festival in August 1969...
His last days were spent celebrating the music and legacy of Jimi Hendrix with old and new friends on the 2008 Experience Hendrix tour. For nearly 4 weeks, the tour traveled coast-to-coast bringing the music of Jimi Hendrix to nearly 50,000 fans across the country. ... He was the last surviving member of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, not counting Billy Cox. Mitchell was to leave Portland, on Wednesday, 12 November, and return to his home in England.
今年はBand of Gypsysのバディ・マイルスも60歳で鬼籍入りしてしまったが、ついにExperienceが3人とも雲の上。
Fire (Woodstock, 1969)
※High qualityで聴いてほしい。Last.fmにも試聴あり(Woodstockのじゃないと思うけど、ライヴ、フルトラック)。
Voodoo Chile (Stockholm, Sweden, 1969)
ミッチ・ミッチェルは、1966年にJimi Hendrix Experienceで叩き始めたときまだ19歳で、「来年はウッドストックでのあれや、ストックホルムでのそれから40年か」(<順不同)という今年になってもまだ61歳だった。
ファーストの "Are You Experienced?" と、セカンドの "Axis: Bold as Love" からは今年で41年(いずれも1967年リリース):
エレクトリック・レディランド ザ・ジミ・ヘンドリックス・エクスペリエンス UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL(P)(M) 2008-08-02 by G-Tools |
BBCライヴ ザ・ジミ・ヘンドリックス・エクスペリエンス ユニバーサル インターナショナル 2006-06-21 by G-Tools |
ちょうど40年前の1968年、Rock 'n' Roll Circusでの企画で、スーパーグループ、The Dirty Macがそのとき限りで結成された。「ウィンストン・レッグ(脚)=サイ(太腿) Winston Leg-Thigh」こと(笑)ジョン・(ウィンストン・)レノン(ギター&ヴォーカル)、エリック・クラプトン(ギター)、キース・リチャーズ(ベース)のうしろでドラムを叩いているのがミッチ・ミッチェルだ。でもミッチは映像 (Yer Blues) にはほとんど出てこない。ただでさえライヴの映像では撮影されづらいドラマーの前に、あまりに分厚い壁3枚が立ちはだかっている。(The Dirty Macの演奏の前の「マイケル」と「ウィンストン」のオフビートな漫才がおもしろいよ。)
Fiends and Angels Martha Velez Wounded Bird 2008-06-24 by G-Tools |
At Last the Beginning: Making of Electric Ladyland Jimi Hendrix Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
... Michael Jeffery, Hendrix's manager, an innovator in getting Hendrix promoted and established, relegated both Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding to the status of mere paid employees without an ownership share in future revenues. This limited their earnings to a very low rate and led to Mitchell and Redding being largely excluded from sharing in future revenues generated from their work with The Jimi Hendrix Experience....
ミッチ・ミッチェルの最後のツアーが、First Rays Of The New Rising Sunをあの形でリリースした「エクスペリエンス・ヘンドリックス」(ジミヘンの遺族)が主催したトリビュート・ツアーだった、ということで。この、ジミヘン本人の突然の死によってアルバムという形になることのなかった音源は、Jimi Hendrix Experienceが終わってBand of Gypsysを経て、またミッチ・ミッチェルがジミと仕事をしたときにレコーディングされたものだ。
ファースト・レイズ・オブ・ザ・ニュー・ライジング・サン ジミ・ヘンドリックス ユニバーサル インターナショナル 2006-06-21 by G-Tools |
※下記(Last.fm)で全曲フルトラックで試聴できます。作品解説はウィキペディア日本語版も充実してる(英語版には劣るが)。Room Full Of Mirrors (track 5) と Ezy Rider (track 7) と Earth Blues (track 14) はバディ・マイルスだけど、ほかはミッチ・ミッチェル。
John "Mitch" Mitchell (1947-2008)
requiescat in pace
via Slugger O'Toole:
Mitch Mitchell remembered
... On a track like Manic Depression, it's as if he's about to be pitched off his drum seat over the top of the kit, propelled by the sheer tsunami of his drumming. He is almost the dominant force. By 1968, as Hendrix really began to experiment, bassist Noel Redding found himself marginalised and eventually jettisoned. Mitchell, however, rose again to the occasion, holding his own in the jam session with Hendrix and Steve Winwood that gave rise to Voodoo Chile. ...
Mitch Mitchell: where you going with that drum in your hand?
Posted By: Neil McCormick at Nov 13, 2008 at 12:06:53
I saw Mitchell play live just once, rather hilariously, when Hendrix was posthumously inducted into the UK Rock Hall of Fame. ...
Mitchell had prepared a speech, from which he kept digressing, telling the star-studded audience (over and over again) about his love for Jimi (and his lack of love for the Hendrix estate), reminding everyone that when all was said and done, he was the guy who was there in the room at the time. The show was being filmed for later TV broadcast and, about ten minutes into Mitchell's ramblings, the producers panicked and just started up a backing track to drown him out. A protesting Mitchell was practically dragged off stage by a member of the production crew. ... They performed a fantastic 7 minute version of 'Hey Joe' but then, much to the TV producers obvious irritation and the audience's delight, continued jamming through Hendrix classics for another fifteen minutes, with Mitchell egging them on from behind the kit, rolling around his toms, beaming with pure happiness. The production crew eventually shut them down again. But that will be my enduring memory of Mitchell. He was a great drummer. And all he really wanted to do was play.
MITCH MITCHELL Drum Solo Sweden, January 9, 1969.
# Voodoo Chile
MITCH MITCHELL-Drum Solo, 5/24/69 San Diego Sports Arena.
MITCH MITCHELL interview "A Film About Jimi Hendrix" (1973)
Jimi Hendrix talks about music and his drummer Mitch
Jimi Hendrix playing a jam/Hear My Train A Comin', Royal Albert Hall Feb 1969
# ツーバス
Jimi Hendrix & Mitch Mitchell acoustic jam
LuLu Show 1969
jimi hendrix plays piano and violin rare footage 1967
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